Daughters first Muay Thai fight


Senior Master
So as the title suggests my daughter has her first Muay Thai match tonight. She's 28 and well she's been doing martial arts since she was 14. At first I taught her karate for self defence then she started doing kickboxing but just training the last few years she's been focusing more on judo and Jiu Jitsu competitions and had pretty good success.

But she's said she wants to try a stand up fight. I will be in her corner as she asked me to be there. At first I said no because simply I'm not her coach i dont really know her coach or his style and I'd just be in the way. But she said she wanted me in there as she knows I'd always do what's right and not bs around (her words) and she knows I have ring experience. So I agreed in the end but I am 100% going to be the second coach. Her coach will do most of the corner work in between rounds but obviously if I see something I'll say it and I'll be looking out for her safety and will stop it if needs be but I know I need to look at it objectively and not stop it earlier than I would for any other fighter.

Personally Id rather she didn't do it but she's an adult she makes her own choices so basically I have to suck it up and accept it. She said if it goes well she wants to try a cage fight next as I've said she has good grappling as well

Well lets just see how this goes first.

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