There have been described in the Old Testament over 300 prophecies of the first coming of the Messiah and over 500 of the second coming, all of them made hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus and fulfilled to the letter in Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
George Heron, a French mathematician, calculated that the odds of one man fulfilling only 40 of those prophecies are 1 in 10 to the power of 157. That is a 1 followed by 157 zeros. Compare it to this; your odds on winning the state lottery are 14 followed by 6 zeros.
Another mathematician, Dr. Peter S. Ruckman, claims the odds of being fulfilled only 60 of them by the only person who claimed to be the Son of God, and who died on a "tree" on Calvary, and who rose the 3rd day are astronomical!... not just one in one trillion, but one out of ten to the 895th power. That is a one over a one followed by 895 zeros.
Still more, because every page of the Old Testament talks and prophecies and characterizes the coming of the Messiah, the Christ in Greek... so, there are actually thousands of prophecies on the coming of the Messiah, all of them fulfilled to the letter in Jesus Christ and His Church
But you asked, "which ones?"...
So here are a few for you, but realize that these are only from the Old Testament, and even then, are only those fulfilled by Jesus, I haven't even listed the New Testament prophecies...there are thousands of fulfilled prophecies within the bible....
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Messianic Prophecies
Separated By Bible Book
Page 1
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Genesis Prophecies
OT Scripture
NT Fulfillment
The Messiah would be born of the "seed" of a woman.
Genesis 3:15a
Luke 1:34-35
The Messiah would successfully defeat Satan.
Genesis 3:15b
1 John 3:8
The Messiah would suffer when redeeming man to God.
Genesis 3:15c
1 Peter 3:18
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Seth.
Genesis 4:25
Luke 3:23-38
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Shem.
Genesis 9:26
Luke 3:23-36
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.
Genesis 12:3
Matthew 1:1
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Isaac.
Genesis 17:19
Luke 3:23-34
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.
Genesis 18:17-18a
Matthew 1:1
The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.
Genesis 18:17-18b
Acts 3:24-26
The Messiah would come form the lineage of Isaac.
Genesis 21:12
Luke 3:23-34
The Messiah would be God's "Sacrificial Lamb".
Genesis 22:8
John 1:29
Romans 8:3-4
1 Corinthians 5:7
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Abraham.
Genesis 22:18a
Galatians 3:16
The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.
Genesis 22:18b
Galatians 3:14
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Isaac.
Genesis 26:4
Luke 3:23-34
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Jacob.
Genesis 28:14a
Luke 3:23-34
The Messiah would be the redeemer for all nations.
Genesis 28:14b
Galatians 3:26-29
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Judah.
Genesis 49:10a
Luke 3:23-33
The Messiah would gather all people before Him.
Genesis 49:10b
Luke 12:1
Mark 1:45
The Messiah would be the "vine" of all living.
Genesis 49:11
John 15:1-5
Exodus Prophecies:
OT Scripture
NT Fulfillment
The Messiah's bones would not be broken during crucifixion. Exodus 12:46 John 19:32-33
Numbers Prophecies:
OT Scripture
NT Fulfillment The Messiah's bones would not be broken during crucifixion. Numbers 9:12 John 19:32-33 The Messiah would be God's "Star." Numbers 24:17 Revelation 22:16
Deuteronomy Prophecies:
OT Scripture
NT Fulfillment
The Messiah would be a Prophet as man.
Deut. 18:15
Matthew 21:11
The Messiah would be a Prophet as man.
Deut. 18:18a
Matthew 21:11
The Messiah would speak God's "Will and Word."
Deut. 18:18b
John 12:49
The Messiah would become a curse for the redemption of man.
Deut. 21:23
Galatians 3:13
The Messiah would be worshiped by Angels and men at His birth.
Deut. 32:43
Luke 2:13-14
Ruth Prophecies:
OT Scripture
NT Fulfillment
The Messiah would come from the lineage of Boaz & Ruth.
Ruth 4:12-17
Luke 3:23-32
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<FONT face="Times New Roman">1st. Samuel Prophecies: