


Does anyone know anywhere you can learn this art/weapon in the uK or thereabouts because I cant find anywhere that teaches it
Bando is an art Dan Inosanto has studied and no doubt teaches some of his instructors.. you might contact the UK instructors on this list if you're serious about it:

Kali would be the art I use for the Kukri.. Kali is an awesome general knife, stick and short sword art, it's universal and even teaches the use of improvised weapons, thru the initial kata and then sparring with various weapons. Kali also translates very well into open hand. It's very common among JKD practicioners these days, due to the weapons and the intercepting and destroying aspects.
Im taking up Rapid Arnis next week or so so Ill have that. Are Arnis, Kali and Escrima the same because I heard they were 3 names for the exact same thing
CountPike said:
Im taking up Rapid Arnis next week or so so Ill have that. Are Arnis, Kali and Escrima the same because I heard they were 3 names for the exact same thing

Some instructors will say, it is all the same, some would bring up the differences, others are going to be very hurt (angry) by the statement.
I have heard GM's say it is all "chicken" just with different flavor...

Lots of old close guarded secrets, that are now avaliable to the public.

That kind of statement in the wrong county might get you into a death match. I would look at them as, "using the same weapons" if you want to get that simplistic.

There are many slights that go unnoticed in this day and age but I would suspect someone might take you to task, but since you are asking in a naive manner and explaining that you are new, they will probably give you
a little more room for your error.

The best thing to do is go to google and bring up the names and start there.

Others will probably help in explaining the difference's...

Regards, Gary
AC_Pilot said:
Bando is an art Dan Inosanto has studied and no doubt teaches some of his instructors.. you might contact the UK instructors on this list if you're serious about it:

Kali would be the art I use for the Kukri.. Kali is an awesome general knife, stick and short sword art, it's universal and even teaches the use of improvised weapons, thru the initial kata and then sparring with various weapons. Kali also translates very well into open hand. It's very common among JKD practicioners these days, due to the weapons and the intercepting and destroying aspects.

Guru Dan learns from Dr. M. Gyi. Dan and the Dog Brothers are the most prominent proponents of the ABA style of Bando here in the US, with the exception of the ABA and Doc himself, and I am pretty sure that the ABA is the only style of Bando that teaches the kukri. I don't believe that Phil Dunlap (though I'm sure he can answer better) teaches kukri, because it is not really a native weapon to Burma, like the Dha or the Naga axe. Doc brought the kukri into the ABA from his experiences with the Ghurkas. I don't currently know of any stylists in the UK, but as mentioned above, I'm sure some of it will filter down the Inosanto instructor family to his reps in the UK.

As for Kali and the kukri, that one I'm not sure of. I have trained extensivly in both Bando and Kali, and I would say that the kuk might not be the best weapon for a Kali man. I say this because of the heft and shorter length of the kuk. The require more stoutness of wrist and less supplness of wrist. The kuk is kind of awkward to swing like the weapons or sticks used in most FMAs. It would be like trying to use a very large, very thick, very heavy stick for Kali (like a Boar stick), sure it can be done, and the techniques can be modified to be more appropriate, but in the essence and begining it will be hard.
Can't help you too much with Bando and the kukri......

although my kali instructor back in the states is a direct student under Dr.Gyi.
I just never took advantage of that side.
I am also in Rapid Arnis!
I am attending an instructors workshop at the end of july with Pat O'Malley and a seminar with GM Danny Guba in august.
THAT will be fun..................:erg:
Having very little experience with Kali (learned from a seminar from one of Sifu Inosantos students), but many years experience with the Kukri (used to compete with success in the ABA National tournaments) I would have to emphatically recommend you NOT try to use the kukri like a lighter knife.

Apples and Oranges.

The kukri is a slashing, chopping, hacking, and bludgeoning tool.

The best idea would be to check that list for Sifu Inosanto's Instructors. The EBA has been defunct for some time now.
arnisador said:
Dr. Gyi of Bando also teaches this weapon.
Yes, he has been teaching seminars for several years now (yet another controversy... sigh) but there is a lot of talk that he will be retiring soon from teaching seminars. Just Rumors, mind you, but still they are prevelant.

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