Another new MT Black Belt

Cool. :D

So these are not blatant useless posts now are they. We are giving ideas to everyone as to what to make for dinner. In a way... we are helping to feed the world :D
KenpoTess said:
heheee.. you got that right.. 'sides.. nobody is talking anywhere else today.. are they all actually doing work?
I doubt it :D. It has been kinda slow today :D
Crab legs anyone?
Come on people.. quit reading and start talking~!! :D

Ohh crab legs.. ya know we always have crab legs after Mr. C's seminars.. but wish they had Alaskan King legs.. now those are my favorites.. not those chinese restaurant pseudo crab legs~ What's up with that~!!
C'mon Tess, post some more, post some more!
It's so quiet around here. What gives?

I had a King Crab leg once - in Hawai'i some seven years ago. Want more!
KenpoTess said:
I'm flitting between areas Georgia.. pssst.. you're needed in the Mod Lounge.. !~!
Huh? Where? Uh-oh. What'd I do now? *feels like I've been called to the Principal's office*
KenpoTess said:
*stern look* heheee.. nah.. just some uprising in one of your areas.. check the tickets :)
An uprising.. Here in the land of MartialTalk! PSHHAW! I say, never could happen here ;)
Make the last one Cheap and Shameless... those are always the best :D

6000 POSTS!

Thank God! I am exhausted ;)
*rolls eyes* My Queen, would you watch my crab legs for me? Actually, you can have them if... well, nevermind. Just take'em.

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