2 Arkansas Officers Die in Shootout


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
I know there is a thread called "Officer Down" but these two... their stories should be told. :asian:

2 Ark. police killed during traffic stop on I-40

By CHUCK BARTELS, Associated Press Writer Chuck Bartels, Associated Press Writer – Thu May 20, 7:10 pm ET
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100520...YwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcmllcwRzbGsDMmFya3BvbGljZWtp# Ark. – Two police officers doing anti-drug work along a busy Arkansas interstate were shot and killed by two men with AK-47s on Thursday, and the suspects later died in a separate shootout with police in a crowded Walmart parking lot, authorities said.
West Memphis Police Inspector Bert Shelton said officers were "running drug interdiction" on Interstate 40 in east Arkansas when they pulled over a white van with Ohio license plates. The two men got out of the van and opened fire on the officers with AK-47s, he said. Brandon Paudert, the son of West Memphis' police chief, died at the scene and Bill Evans died at a hospital.
Traffic stopped as authorities searched vehicles on Interstate 40 looking for the suspects, who were later spotted in the parking lot of a nearby Walmart. Dozens of officers swarmed the van and both suspects were shot and killed, authorities said. The Crittenden County sheriff and his chief deputy were wounded in the shootout.

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