
  1. E

    Hip stretching injury

    Alright, so one day about 1 1/2 to 2 months ago, I was doing this stretch. I'm pretty flexible, so I needed to stretch pretty far to feel anything in my hamstrings. I feel tension in the hip joint (?) before a stretch in the leg. So, I'm doing this relatively slowly, and then my hip pops...
  2. C

    Help Needed, Unidentified Injury to foot

    Hello First I would like to thank you for any guidance in advance! I was sparring on August 2nd 2015. My partner and I were warming up (not sweaty yet). I threw a right low kick at about 70%, my partner backed up quickly so I did not follow through and did some sort of half assed swing and...
  3. Howling Mina

    Starting again in Martial Arts need advice

    Hi there, hope anyone can help. Need advice on choosing the correct path for martial arts. A little history, I trained in Taekwondo 2000-2006 but during that time I injured my acl and had two operations. It caused my confidence to disappear. Then as time went on I found out I was dyslexic as...
  4. Lilyana Nikolova

    Please help me for my final year Research - Problems Associated with Martial Arts

    Hello, I am new to the forum and I didn't know where exactly to post, so I decided to start in this section. I am final year(undergraduate) Product Design student in University of Huddersfield and I need help with my major project research. I chose Martial arts as its an interest of mine. I...
  5. O

    I need some advice regarding fear.

    I’ve practiced Martial Arts since grade school, I enjoy the whole thing the drills, the forms, the sparring, the tournaments, etc. About 6 months ago I injured one of my peers during practice, I was doing a Morote Seoi Nage something went wrong and I broke his arm. I didn’t intent to do so I...
  6. NCRonin

    Unknown Knuckle Damage

    So yesterday evening I came home from training and began doing some basic drills on the wooden dummy (mine has a padded steel trunk). I had my headphones in and lost track of time and my pace, I ended up going harder and faster than I intended to but in the end I wasn't any soarer than after a...
  7. I

    Had a shoulder injury, thoughts?

    Hello everybody, recently I started doing some Martial arts, i go in for my first day and end up hurting my shoulder pretty bad. The only way i can describe it is that my shoulder mildly came out of the socket, then went back in. It was insanely quick and brief and left my arm shaking...