Wing Chun Video Library

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Wing Chun Video Sites:
I gathered these from other posts in this forum. If anyone knows of additional WingChun clip sites, please add them here. :)

Some good "How To" clips.
A few nice informational videos, more 'background' than 'howto'.
About a dozen video clips, appear to have been gathered from many places. Qualitys eh, in many. Worth a look.

Also of note is Sifu Grados. His stuffs impressive, as its usually got a nice beat and shows some good stuff. It is however more of a comercial than anything educational.

He also offers a "Technique of the Month" section, and this is much more informative than his videos. They are clear, and done at a 'teaching' spead. A bit short, but most definately worth a look.
These are animated GIFs, not videos.
This ones in German (I think)..the videos are low quality, and I've seen them floating around the net.

Additional links: - many broken links - short clips - WC Rap Video Forms videos, def. cool. many broken links Lots of clips, also a CD of clips is available for sale.
well Ed, why dont you show us something that isnt "pathetic".
Also, does anyone have videos of the complete forms?
Kaith Rustaz said:
Wing Chun Video Sites:
I gathered these from other posts in this forum. If anyone knows of additional WingChun clip sites, please add them here. :)
Thank you for going to this trouble! I will bookmark the best sites for future reference.

I have the Master Wong Shun Leung DVD and I can't believe how different classical Wing Chun is from the modified "stuff" I learned years ago. Ain't nothing like the real thing...
Katsu Jin Ken said:
Also, does anyone have videos of the complete forms?
Do a google search for Choy Sheung Teng, he has posted the SLT, BJ, CK, MYJ, he hasn't got the 2 weapons forms unfourtuanatly
Jonathan Randall said:
Thank you for going to this trouble! I will bookmark the best sites for future reference.

I have the Master Wong Shun Leung DVD and I can't believe how different classical Wing Chun is from the modified "stuff" I learned years ago. Ain't nothing like the real thing...
Thats a quality DVD.

Some Videos from SiFu Lee's school. Hit prev & next to navigate to others.

Also, SiFu Lee wrote some explanations for some of the videos of training drills here, here and here

Jonathan Randell, What was the difference you noticed, do you mean that classical WingChun is more realistic than the modern one, or you consider master Wong an exception.
yipman_sifu said:
Jonathan Randell, What was the difference you noticed, do you mean that classical WingChun is more realistic than the modern one, or you consider master Wong an exception.

The Wing Chun demonstrated by Master Wong was far superior to the hybrid modified modern system I learned. The body positioning, power generation, attention to stance and form, etc. was more defined in Master Wong's demonstration. That does not mean that I think classical Wing Chun is always better than modern, simply better, far better, in fact, than the modern style I was exposed to. I do not know enough about both styles to come to a determination; although, were I to study Wing Chun now I would probably choose the classical form.

On edit: the system I studied, sad to say, was junk.

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