What is a phone call worth?


Okay already! What I was trying to say is that until I moved here, I was on high alert all the time. My previous neighborhood was a sewer of drugs, prostitution, gangs, arson, and toxic waste. Any time I went out, I had a policy of carrying a stun gun in one hand and a fully charged phone in my pocket. I had to call 911 on someone's behalf more than once (fortunately, never for me.)

It took me a lot of hard work and sacrifice to make my escape, and I fully intend to appreciate the difference here. After all, if I don't relax at least a little, what would have been the point of moving?

I'm still pretty vigilant (old habits, you know) but I leave the weapon at home. Despite the drama a couple months ago I still walk back there, because there's a very thick wall of blackberry hedges and swampland between me and the homeless camps. Even if a mugger could get through sticky standing water without making a sound, he'd still have to contend with the organic razor wire. Considering the alternative of what I left behind, I'm very pleased.

Edit: Tames, that means a lot to me. Thank you.
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What a great post. I think that self/other defense is about making the best decision that you can in the moment to keep your self and others as safe as possible without unnecessarily escalating the situation, and attempting to take down the threat is not always the best way to do this as i believe to be true in this situation. Be proud.
Dont beat yourself up over it mate.
You would be suprised at the stories out there of the good samaritan getting attacked by the woman they went in to help!

You did exactly what was required of you, you contacted the police. I mean unless you were carrying a firearm and were perfectly confident to take command of the situation whatever it may be, and what then, you would have to contact the police anyway. Plus it could of led to a far worse situation etc not advisable at all.

You did the right thing. You did protect her, And you should be proud of that fact.

Firearms instructors would say to do the same thing, even with a handgun and a LIGHT.

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