Too old to compete?

Wow!!!! 27 and you call that old. At 27 I could still do all my techniques. Still flip and twist with the best of them. I did not get my first knee surgury until 36. Now 2 more knee surguries later and 7 more years past. I still do jumping kicks (every now and then) but no more flipping and twisting.

So at 27 you have lots left to give. Just get out there and start doing it. Before it's really to late.
Never too old to compete, we must compete with ourself everyday to find total enlightment. Keep going and never look back.
Yea I'm 24 now and I think its about time to hang up the towel and retire from the competition scene as well, you know the limbs just don't move like they used to. Back problems, knee problems, dislocated joints etc...

Just kidding! well mostly, but yea your never to old to compete :ultracool
I have a few guys I train with 45 plus that compete in veteran sections so sure!
All over the internet/youtube. I see videos of competitions.

95% of what I have seen is XMA, and the younger age groups. The only thing I ever see older people doing is brick breaking (which is awesome) but I'm wanting to do some competing. Take what I've learned to the next level. But at 27.. I feel like I am a bit old for this new wave of XMA type competition.. what are my options?


27? That's anything but old. I've seen people in their 50s still competing.
Wow, talk about Throwback Thursday! I looked at this thread and saw where I had responded in 2009! I'm now 47, a 2nd degree black belt, and still competing.
I'm now 47, a 2nd degree black belt, and still competing.
I've seen people in their 50s still competing.

IMO, it may be smart to quite your competition when you are still ahead. Will it be better to maintain a good record for the rest of your life?

My daughter had won

- 1st place in California pole dancing.
- 1st place in US pole dancing.
- 1st place in international pole dancing.

Should she continue her competition? She has already reached to the top of the world in her field. She will have nothing to gain after that.
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Off subject but Kung Fu Wang if that is really your daughter she is not only very beautiful but very talented .
Congratulations to the young lady on her accomplishments
All over the internet/youtube. I see videos of competitions.

95% of what I have seen is XMA, and the younger age groups. The only thing I ever see older people doing is brick breaking (which is awesome) but I'm wanting to do some competing. Take what I've learned to the next level. But at 27.. I feel like I am a bit old for this new wave of XMA type competition.. what are my options?


Age doesn't matter, disciplin matters.

As long as you do not get unconcious after 20 seconds, you should be able to compete. Just stay fit, stay focused and you will have a positive solution.
XMA is flashy so young people like it because it looks cool. Old people tend to be practical. Young people want to show that they can kick you in your head. Old people tell you that they are going to kick you in your head, but then kick you in your groin.
XMA is flashy so young people like it because it looks cool. Old people tend to be practical. Young people want to show that they can kick you in your head. Old people tell you that they are going to kick you in your head, but then kick you in your groin.

Didn't specify WHICH head.... (Badum bum)

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Not TapaTalk. Really.
27 isn't old but it is at a time when people start to think of themselves at mature.

Occasionally our view points change we start to look for a wife, a career, to settle down in the next few years etc. in this way competing can seem like it is only for younger people.

It has really nothing to do with declining physical state, that won't start for many years but more to do with self image and dare I say ego.

If you want to compete jump in and do it. You're first experience will tell you if you want to continue.

You don't want to get to 37 and still be Wondering if you should have competed 10 years ago.
You don't want to get to 37 and still be Wondering if you should have competed 10 years ago.

Well, if they didn't try competing they now only have two years to wait to wonder!
All over the internet/youtube. I see videos of competitions.

95% of what I have seen is XMA, and the younger age groups. The only thing I ever see older people doing is brick breaking (which is awesome) but I'm wanting to do some competing. Take what I've learned to the next level. But at 27.. I feel like I am a bit old for this new wave of XMA type competition.. what are my options?


STOP MAKING ME FEEL OLD! We are the same age.
I have sweatshirts that are 27 years old.

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