Temporarily Bowing Out....

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
Due to some real life matters, a workload that's requiring more of my focus, and a need to regroup a bit, I'm stepping back from much of the day to day operations. I'll still be here, lurking mostly, making sure the engines are stoked and the bar is stocked. But I need a few days, week or so to tackle the other things and get caught up.

If you have administration issues, please, use the Contact Us link at the bottom right of every forum page rather than PMing or emailing me directly. MartialTalk has one of the best admin and moderation teams around and they'll be happy to assist you.

Thank you,
Good luck Mr. Hubbard and i hope things work out as you intend. Thanks for a great forum. Best place on the net for all things Martial Arts.
Let's see. First you are inquiring about cancer treatments. And now this. Is there something you're not telling us? PM me if there is anything I can help you with.
Take all the time you need Bob. We'll hold the fort down.
Bob I hope everything is fine with you and yours, if there is anything that any of us can do please ask. I know I am not able to do alot but I can certainly leaned a ear if you ever need one.
Do what you have to do. You'll be missed, but we'll be here if you need us. Good luck with what you have to do.
Just to set some minds at ease, neither I nor my wife are the one with cancer. It's someone close to me however, and that's at the forefront of my thoughts as of late. Rest of stuff, is just business and other obligations pulling me temporarily away. Things'll be back to normal shortly. But I thank you all for the well wishes and kind thoughts. I may be taking a few of those offers to vent up down the road.

Oh Bob! I'm really sorry. My aunt had cancer, and recently they found cancer in one of my cousins. My grandma has some too. All are well though, and I really hope the same for that special someone really close to you!

All good wishes.

You have always my support.

Your friend,

~ Blade ~
Just to set some minds at ease, neither I nor my wife are the one with cancer. It's someone close to me however, and that's at the forefront of my thoughts as of late. Rest of stuff, is just business and other obligations pulling me temporarily away. Things'll be back to normal shortly. But I thank you all for the well wishes and kind thoughts. I may be taking a few of those offers to vent up down the road.
All the best to them and to you. That's a very difficult situation, even with the best possible outcome, and I applaud you for taking it on. :asian:
Time away from things is very important to health. Don't sweat it here, as you said there is a strong team here you built up to help you out! They will do a good job while you are gone!

We will miss you (or at least I will), but other things do need taken care of too!

May God be with the one with Cancer (and all for that matter!) and may all work out well in the end!
Dungeonworks took the words out of my mouth.

We`ll be okay for a while without you Bob, but it`ll be quiet here while you`re gone. I hope you can get things worked out and our prayers are with your friend.
I'm popping in a bit, mostly when I have a few minutes to respond to pms.

Family issues a "wait and see" thing, so the popping in helps distract me. At this point, no news is good news. Right now, I'm afraid I'm looking at 1-2 funerals this year, with the potential for 5 if things domino. Broken hearts and all that as it were. Hard to wrap my head around this whole situation. I'm hoping that 'worst case' doesn't happen, and it's unlikely but something I'm trying to prepare for.

I greatly appreciate the support, it helps keep me somewhat sane. (You know I'm a tad nuts running 3 communities.) :)
Wow Bob, that just....sucks. :(

Call if you ever want to vent or something. Hang in there. :)
Man... sucks heavily. Went through a similar situation a while back.

Totally understandable. Take care of yourself and those who need it. Best wishes; Strength and Honor.
Do what needs to be done Bob..
The non family stuffs catching up so I'm starting to have breathing room again. Still no updates on the family matter, but I've got my fingers crosses as it were.

As to the study, I'm trying not to engage much there right now. Just not at my best, but I'll fire off a couple debatables shortly.

Thank you again for the good thoughts and well wishes and the advice I've gotten. It's helped keep my spirits up and get through this far.
Just an update of sorts. Nothing new on the family side, which is sort of good news. Other stuff's mostly caught up, hence my more visible postings of late.

More of a 'nothing new to say, but didn't want to leave anyone hanging' update.

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