Snippets of Combat Archery Training [Fun]

Christopher Adamchek

Purple Belt
Oct 1, 2018
Reaction score
Some clips from combat archery practice with my students after karate class. Targeting, finding cover, dodging projectiles, and thwarting an armed attacker. This was a really fun day.
Bow and arrows from Woarchery.

Did i stumble upon some quasi paramilitary training? :p

Edit: Didn't realize this was what i know as archery tag until i just quickly googled it. I literally have only seen snippets of people just using bows didnt know it had other bits to it.
haha @Rat i should have added that as one of the tags - "archery tag"
Im really interested in this for the fun/realistic use of archery in urbanish settings
haha @Rat i should have added that as one of the tags - "archery tag"
Im really interested in this for the fun/realistic use of archery in urbanish settings

The main issue i have is i dont use a bow often enough to easily put the arrow on the string in a fastish motion. (hell i even forgot what its called to do that) Drawing it at speed seems a issue but logically if we are talking full poundage for hunting, you might only have to quarter or half draw it to get desired effect at closer ranges.

The styles i have done dont merit themselves to fast dynamic shooting that well it appears. By no means i dont do it often nor am i trained past the literal basics of stance and how to draw it. So i don't appear like a expert on the subject when i just have a slight shallow experience in it. :p

Also @drop bear Say hello to my little friend!

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