Reflex ball

Jared Traveler

2nd Black Belt
Jul 17, 2022
Reaction score
I got bored and purchased a reflex ball. Pretty cheap piece of gear to try. I have no professional opinion on it, but it is a fun quick way to destress between sending emails.

Yeah I've got one of these haha, lots of fun, and dang harder than I thought it would be to hit consecutively!
Does it help you with any of your skill sets?
I've been considering getting one for a while now. Not sure what attributes it develops but would like to know also. Obviously hand eye coordination and speed maybe accuracy and rhythm if there's anything I'm missing let me know. I wanted to get a double end bag for my house but not enough room. Would this be a good alternative to a double end?
There is definitely a learning curve, I'm actually a lot better at it on day 2 than I was day 1.
What made you buy it. Like what results do you think it will help me with reflexes and timing my punches? Really want a double end cause I know I could work on that stuff, but it's not an option right now.
What made you buy it. Like what results do you think it will help me with reflexes and timing my punches? Really want a double end cause I know I could work on that stuff, but it's not an option right now.
I bought mine cos it was dirt cheap and looked like fun haha. Not investing too much time into it but it's a good variation for reflex development for something coming towards your face. Also targeting accuracy for your punch too!
Well, I'm pleasantly surprised. I really had low expectations, but I'm really liking this thing. So far I have gotten much, much better in a short amount of time.

I believe it is helping me hit constantly with my front two knuckles, with better timing and accuracy. It is also helping me a lot with my flinch response, because you basically have constant traffic flying around and at you.

Also I focus on locking my teeth and neck the way my Muay Thai instructor taught me to do against incoming punches.

I am also doing pivots to manuever out of the way of an incoming ball, which is something I practice all the times in Muay Thai.
When I get my next paycheck I'm gonna get one. They are cheap,look cool, and it can only help. Shadowboxing is good so this should help some.
So I finally got my hands on one today. Got my package and opened it up and set it up and tried it out. At first it was really hard, I didn't like it, but I think that's a good thing because if it was easy I wouldn't work to improve. I'm starting to like it and I think it will help me develop some skills to a higher level that don't get worked as much in my other training. Who knows maybe one day I will be able to catch a fish with my bare hand or pluck a coin out of a thugs hand and save a woman.

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