Pressure Points - Stomach Meridian

ST 40: FENGLONG (Abundance and Prosperity)
Location: 8 cun superior and anterior to the external malleolus, about 1 finger breadth posterior or lateral to ST 8, between the lateral side of the extensor digitorum longus pedis and the peroneus brevis muscles.
Apart from local pain and Qi drainage, this point also has an affect upon the spleen. It will cause a great imbalance between ST and SP and so weaken the body. This is a classic epilepsy treating point. I have not heard of nay instances where a strike here causes epilepsy, however, given then nature of this point, it could.
ST 41: JIEXI (Release Stream)
At the junction of the dorsum of the foot and the leg, between the tendons of the extensor digitorum longus and hallucis longus, approximately at the level of the tip of the external malleolus.
This is one of those points that seem harmless enough, but which will have a great affect upon the whole body when struck. It is a ‘fire and jing’ point. This strike will affect the stomach greatly causing nausea (like "I’m dying") enough to stop the fight. It will also drain Qi from the lower extremities of the body thus causing the legs to be greatly weakened.
ST 42: CHONGYANG (Pouring Yang)
Distal to ST 41, at the highest point of the dorsum of the foot, in the depression between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones and the cuneiform bone.
This point is an electrical as well as a physiological point. The strike will cause nerve damage with an immediate electrical shock wave rushing up the whole leg. This is also a ‘yuan’ or source point. It will cause great Qi loss and local pain enough to stop anyone from attacking more.
ST 43: XIANGRU (Sinking Valley)
In the depression distal to the junction of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, directly above the lateral side of the 2nd toe.
This is a wood and shu point a normally promotes the free flow of Qi all over the body. Wen struck using adverse Qi, it will cause the reverse resulting in a loss of power so much so that the recipient must sit down. It could even cause things like rheumatism later in life. Great local pain and Qi drainage.
ST 44: NETTING (Inner Court)
Proximal to the web margin between the 2nd and 3rd toes, in the depression distal and lateral to the 2nd metatarsodigital joint.
This is a water and yong point. (Spring or stream point). Striking this point will affect the way the Qi is sent all over the body, so a strike here will cause power loss and great local pain. This strike has a strange affect in that it causes the recipient to feel as if he has been struck in the jaw. This could cause the brain to think that the jaw has been struck and cause KO. If left unchecked, this strike will cause all kinds of Qi balance problems that will only get worse.
ST 45: LIDUI (strict Exchange)
On the lateral side of the 2nd toe, about 0.1cun posterior to the corner of the nail.
This strike has some dire affects. It is a metal and cheng point and will have a great affect upon the muscles and tendons, so it can be used as a set up point for a joint lock where the tendons and muscles are being attacked. It will cause mind confusion and has been known to cause the nose to bleed profusely.
This is the end of the stomach meridian. Obviously there are points that you will strike that are close to other points on adjacent meridians etc. Most of the ST points do not have to be that accurate to make them work, and if you are not accurate, you will probably get some other point.

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