Koryu Muramatsu & Myofu An

Rubber Tanto

Orange Belt
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne Victoria Australia
I have heard many impressive things about Muramatsu but can't seem to find much info on him. Can anyone help me with some information on him or his school; Myofu An or at least provide me with some links apart from the New York School. I am more interested in a Bio, why he left the bujinkan etc...

There is a Myo-fu An school near me. Here is their site: http://www.myo-fu-an.com/

I haven't stopped in yet, but I would like to see it.

I don't think there is going to be a lot of stuff on why anyone left an organization or any political stuff, but there may be some historical/biographical information there for you.
Thanks for that but there doesn't seem to be a bio on Muramatsu-Sensei on there. Yes, why he is no longer in the Bujinkan doesn't interest me all that much. But I have heard rumours that he put our art to the test against many martial arts masters of different styles and just wondered if that was true. Also, when people ask what styles of ninjutsu exist, why is it that Myo Fu An is not mentioned along with the X-cans? Is there a specific reason?

I have heard many impressive things about Muramatsu but can't seem to find much info on him. Can anyone help me with some information on him or his school; Myofu An or at least provide me with some links apart from the New York School. I am more interested in a Bio, why he left the bujinkan etc...

Jack Hoban did a seminar at the school I trained at and brought Muramatsu with him. The man was simply incredible. Years later a number of us went to Japan and within a couple hours the phone rang in the Ryokan we stayed in and the ladies gave the phone to me. It was Muramatsu and he asked if I knew who he was. I replied yes and got my instructor. When he got off the phone he looked like he saw a ghost. I inquired what was wrong and he swore to me that he told no one that we were coming to Japan and commented on the intelligence network he must have to call us a few hours later to invite us to train with him. I told all the new people not to miss that opportunity because it will be the most impressive experience you will have in the martial arts. Unfortunately, Soke was teaching at the same time so my instructor asked me not to go because as his senior student there it would have been disrespectful to Soke. One of the others told me afterward that during the training Muramatsu bent the bone in his arm and then bent it back. He said that was the best way he could explain it which the others confirmed. Years later I randomly ran into one of the guys and he confirmed it again. I wasn’t there so I don’t know what they experienced.

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