JKD Question

Ahhh no way! Boxing and Wing Chun was brilliant to bring together to create JKD but fencing is too weapons oriented. Fencing develops a specialized skillset...sword vs sword. Not only that Wing Chun already has swords
Wing Chun already has swords.

If the choice was mine it would be replaced to focus on a more unarmed style of combat.
Wing Chun already has swords.

If the choice was mine it would be replaced to focus on a more unarmed style of combat.

JDK is unarmed combat, you may want to look into what it does and how it came about a bit more

There are no weapons trained in JKD. Like I said, there is no sword, fencing or Wing Chun, in JKD. And Wing Chun's bladed weapons are generally called butterfly knives, but translation is a bit different

八斩刀 Eight Cut Sword
二字双刀 Two-word (Parallel) double knife
I wonder how he defines all these methods as having an influence on JKD. This is a big list, these are systems that require serious study in order to understand on a meaningful level. One cannot just observe them a bit, ponder them on an intellectual basis, and then “work in the elements” with any honest claim to an influence.

That was kind of the thing people did in the 70s though.

Everyone was starting the hybrid phase.
Which style of JKD are you referring to though?
There are JKD styles with swords, sticks,staffs, nunchuks,and knives.
Do I have to provide links of well known JKD instructors instructing with weapons to prove it to you?

I splashed around in JKD for a couple of years in my late teens before going back to Wing Chun. The style/version of it I learned had swords.
Which style of JKD are you referring to though?
There are JKD styles with swords, sticks,staffs, nunchuks,and knives.
Do I have to provide links of well known JKD instructors instructing with weapons to prove it to you?

I splashed around in JKD for a couple of years in my late teens before going back to Wing Chun. The style/version of it I learned had swords.

There are really only two styles of JKD; JKD concepts and JKD original. I've trained briefly in both, and there were no swords in either.
Personally I think the addition of fencing is a giant mistake. Especially for modern times...who can walk around with a sword?

What? You don't carry a sword?

Where I live it's totally legal, just like guns. You can carry either, openly or concealed, no permit or anything. But nobody bothers with swords since they'd rather carry guns. Here's a typical guy carrying his AR-15 to an appearance by President Obama when he visited our city back in '09. Police agreed that he was just exercising his rights!
There are really only two styles of JKD; JKD concepts and JKD original. I've trained briefly in both, and there were no swords in either.

Insanto would have been mad keen for a bit of weapons stuff though?
Ahhh no way! Boxing and Wing Chun was brilliant to bring together to create JKD but fencing is too weapons oriented. Fencing develops a specialized skillset...sword vs sword. Not only that Wing Chun already has swords
Out of curiosity, have you actually fenced? What he took from fencing had nothing to do with the weapons, and everything to do with the body mechanics of the footwork, that translate very well from fencing to kickboxing.
Insanto would have been mad keen for a bit of weapons stuff though?

He teaches Filipino Martial Arts too, so he knows weapons. As far as JKD he first teaches original. After you have that he goes into concepts, and there may be weapons as part of that curriculum, I'm not 100% sure, but it would be weapons from Filipino Martial Arts, knife and/or stick, but no sword.

I trained the Dan Inosanto version very briefly and the teacher was great with knives and sticks, but he also trained Filipino Martial Arts and Wing Chun so I am not sure where the weapons bit came from, he did not teach knives as part of his JKD, but he did teach sticks.

The original side, also trained briefly, there was not talk of sticks or other weapons training.
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JDK is unarmed combat, you may want to look into what it does and how it came about a bit more

There are no weapons trained in JKD. Like I said, there is no sword, fencing or Wing Chun, in JKD. And Wing Chun's bladed weapons are generally called butterfly knives, but translation is a bit different

八斩刀 Eight Cut Sword
二字双刀 Two-word (Parallel) double knife

Ok. Im ending the conversation with you because our words don't have the same value and you aren't attempting to walk towards me.
What? You don't carry a sword?

Where I live it's totally legal, just like guns. You can carry either, openly or concealed, no permit or anything. But nobody bothers with swords since they'd rather carry guns. Here's a typical guy carrying his AR-15 to an appearance by President Obama when he visited our city back in '09. Police agreed that he was just exercising his rights!

No weapons on me. Fortunate enough to not have created any relationships that would justify me walking around in public with weapons.
Lol I'd be the guy to the right of him looking at him in disbelief.
Out of curiosity, have you actually fenced? What he took from fencing had nothing to do with the weapons, and everything to do with the body mechanics of the footwork, that translate very well from fencing to kickboxing.

You know I have never personally expirienced or seen a video of anyone using the fencers step in a kickboxing match or sparring. We are talking about the particular stepping motion where the toes rise off the ground?
No weapons on me. Fortunate enough to not have created any relationships that would justify me walking around in public with weapons.
Lol I'd be the guy to the right of him looking at him in disbelief.

From your perspective I am guessing that would be normal behavior to you. I was born in Canada(not to take away anything from anyone who wasn't) and I acknowledge that the only reason we have the rights we now have is because of the firepower America had. There's so much that can be said,argued,and tied into this conversation.

In my eyes weapons shouldn't leave the house.
If I saw a person walking down the street with a gun unsheathed, loaded, and ready to go I would phone the police because that's the law. I also would have a minor heart attack.
Ok. Im ending the conversation with you because our words don't have the same value and you aren't attempting to walk towards me.

Alrighty then....question, why would I "walk towards you" if what you are saying is wrong.....you asked questions, I answered, based on some experience, sorry if that not does match your beliefs about JKD........
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You know I have never personally expirienced or seen a video of anyone using the fencers step in a kickboxing match or sparring. We are talking about the particular stepping motion where the toes rise off the ground?

I wonder if savate does it?

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