Information on Mr Alvin K. Miyatake 5th Black belt?

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, Looking for any information from those who have train with Sensi Al (Miyatake-5th degree Judo)

He is currently training some kids at the local High School on a part-time basis...

We have done research with the USJA..and found some interesting INFOS

Kodakan International - has NO records of him ( claims to have been a member and train there too!


Private message is OK...
Thank-you (charlie1) ..still searching for more information and warnings
One of the best places to find info would be the Judo info site, if he is listed somewhere they would probably be able to point you in the right direction.
He was easy to google. He's expelled from Judo and his rank has been revoked.

USA Judo has a reciprocal agreement with the USJF and the USJA regarding persons who have been
removed from their organization because of some type of criminal behavior. As a result of a complaint filed
by NYSJI, Alvin Miyatake now residing in Hawaii, after due process, has been expelled from all of Judo and
his rank of 5th Dan rescinded. Mel Augustine from California, after due process was expelled from the USJF
for sexual misconduct.


Very upsetting.

Parents, please go with your kids to their activities. Scouts, Martial Arts, Sports, etc.

Peace favor your sword,
Hello, We would like to "Thank_you" for all your efforts regarding this person.

My Daughter and all rest of the High School team members have been alerted including the Present Sensi!

We suggest to the present Sensi to do further research regarding the above person.

Thank-you again. Prevention is better than any cure!

I just reread this post and the JudoForum post.

So This guy sounds like someone who should meet a violent yet slow end.

I leave the rest of my post for other situations.

Wait a second.

If he is doing a good and safe job training them and you have no reason to believe he is doing anything wrong or untold to them then you might want to look into WHY he was stripped of rank.

If it was politicol or personal than IMO his rank still stands as far as he earned it, therefore it can not be taken away.

Now if it was because he did a criminal act to a child ,then he needs to be outed.

I have a real problem with the idea of stripping rank. You can kick someone out of the Dojo and your system/ Org. but if they earned the rank in the first place it is theirs forever.

It's not like you can wave your pen and his skill and knowledge go away.

Our old Sensei had 2 Dojo's, after a combination of issues every single member of the Dojo myself and my partner were the Sempai's off came with us when we parted ways with him.

Of coarse he sent out this blanket anouncment that we had "Stole" his Dojo and that we were stripped of all rank.

B.S. as he himself said each time you reached a new rank "Let no Man, Woman or Child take this from you."
That includes him.

It's pretty clear when everone leaves Pompey to march with Caesar, that there was a problem with Pompey's leadership.
I'd personally be most concerned about whether or not a procedure is broken.

For example, in most states, if one is employed by a school district, then one has to pass a background check. However, if a person wasn't submitted for a background check because one was a volunteer and not an employee, then that is a broken process. Likewise, if a person passed a background check because they submitted false info, that may also be a broken process. If the person lied on a legal document (such as a job app), that may also be a broken process.
I just reread this post and the JudoForum post.

So This guy sounds like someone who should meet a violent yet slow end.

I leave the rest of my post for other situations.

Wait a second.

If he is doing a good and safe job training them and you have no reason to believe he is doing anything wrong or untold to them then you might want to look into WHY he was stripped of rank.

If it was politicol or personal than IMO his rank still stands as far as he earned it, therefore it can not be taken away.

Now if it was because he did a criminal act to a child ,then he needs to be outed.

I have a real problem with the idea of stripping rank. You can kick someone out of the Dojo and your system/ Org. but if they earned the rank in the first place it is theirs forever.

It's not like you can wave your pen and his skill and knowledge go away.

Our old Sensei had 2 Dojo's, after a combination of issues every single member of the Dojo myself and my partner were the Sempai's off came with us when we parted ways with him.

Of coarse he sent out this blanket anouncment that we had "Stole" his Dojo and that we were stripped of all rank.

B.S. as he himself said each time you reached a new rank "Let no Man, Woman or Child take this from you."
That includes him.

It's pretty clear when everone leaves Pompey to march with Caesar, that there was a problem with Pompey's leadership.

Hello, Two sides to every story! ...just was side noted from the USJF & USJA

This 5th degree according to the minutes of one of there meetings was ousted for sexual criminal acts against minors...

Therefore was expelled and strip of his rank in the USJF & USJA!

True once you earn a degrees (College(, skills(Pilots),trade (carpenter) ...or a martial artist...ONE cannot take what you learn!

One cannot take those years of training and expertise he learn and earn away!

They just strip of his rank and membership in USJF & USJA only...NO longer recongized as a member of the associations!

He will always consider himself a 5th Degree Judo expert as he does today...

Aloha, Thank-you for sharing your opinion..
He may always see himself as a 5th Dan Black Belt, that’s true. And while he will never lose the technical knowledge that he had gained while earning the 5th Dan Black Belt, he will have lost the value of it. This man earned a Black Belt and then abused the power that came with it. There are certain principles that are taught with any martial art. One principal being, that you will take what you learn and use it for self defense only, and only when absolutely necessary. (Most Dojos have some form of this saying posted on a wall)This man, and others like him, take their position of power, and use it not to help educate children in the principles of Judo and other martial arts, but rather to help themselves satisfy their abnormal cravings. In doing so, they can harm children irreparably, instead of building them up. In doing that, he himself failed to learn one of the most basic principles of Judo and martial arts. So I feel that they are justified in revoking his rank.
Hello, Two sides to every story! ...just was side noted from the USJF & USJA

This 5th degree according to the minutes of one of there meetings was ousted for sexual criminal acts against minors...

Therefore was expelled and strip of his rank in the USJF & USJA!

This is incorrect. The minutes do not give any reason for the ejection of Mr Miyatake other than to say it is because he's been ejected from another org for "some type of criminal behavior" and that USA Judo is ejecting him in accordance with a reciprocal agreement with this other org.

The person ejected for sexual misconduct was Mr Mel Augustine.

I know neither of the men involved, nor do I have any connection with any of the groups. I am merely trying to keep what few facts are available from being confused.
I cannot speak to the facts in any manner whatsoever, but I did find this in searching online:

Please read the statement by 'charles1':

I would suggest contacting this person and seeing if they have further details they would be willing to share.

Thank you. Information I had not previously seen. I'd only seen the USA Judo minutes, which didn't say anything about why he being ejected.

Just so there's no doubt of my position, let me state unequivocally that I believe the only suitable treatment for child molesters is death.
Moderator Note:

Thread moved to Investigations as being more appropriate to the subject.

Sr. Moderator
This is incorrect. The minutes do not give any reason for the ejection of Mr Miyatake other than to say it is because he's been ejected from another org for "some type of criminal behavior" and that USA Judo is ejecting him in accordance with a reciprocal agreement with this other org.

The person ejected for sexual misconduct was Mr Mel Augustine.

I know neither of the men involved, nor do I have any connection with any of the groups. I am merely trying to keep what few facts are available from being confused.

Hello, Thank-you for the corrections...Aloha
I know that it does not state specifically why Al Miyatake was expelled but if you were to call the USJF and ask them, I am sure they will tell you. Also I can positively say that Al is a pedophile because he molested me.

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