Favorite Bouncer Escort to Door Techs


Black Belt
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Oct 20, 2001
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chicago area
So any bouncers or ex-bouncers have any favorite techs for physically escorting someone out? Although as a bouncer, you usually try to talk people out, but when the crap hits the fan, we all have a favorite escort out tech.

Mine was to simultaneously hit the front left shoulder and the back right shoulder to spin them around as I step behind them and lock a right arm sleeper hold as the left hand (fist) goes down their spine which pushes their hips forward. With their hips forward, it allows me to get them walking while I am behind them (also keeps them from throwing you off).
I always use the same one where ever possible for any restraint and escort, the classic goose neck!
With someone who is reasonably compliant, left hand on left wrist, right hand on back of neck, thumb in the notch under the ear at back of jaw ( or vice versa).
Goose neck would be my goto move, though it has a couple of nasty counters. Not many know them.
Insufficient bandwidth to watch youtube where I am now but I will watch this later to see. I am curious if they are the same counter moves I know.

I did see a variation on the gooseneck where you hold the persons thumb only. Control and pain submission are as good or better than traditional goose neck but It really increases the risk to the person though.
I have never been a bouncer, but I've had to escort a few drunks in my time as an MP in the Marines. Best technique involves the use of a nightstick. Hold the nightstick in the middle. Insert between drunk's legs from the rear. Turn so that nightstick is across both thighs in the front. With other hand, grasp drunk's collar and tilt forward. Keep the nightstick held high and he'll go where you lead him - and he goes first, making it hard for him to punch behind himself.
Insufficient bandwidth to watch youtube where I am now but I will watch this later to see. I am curious if they are the same counter moves I know.

I did see a variation on the gooseneck where you hold the persons thumb only. Control and pain submission are as good or better than traditional goose neck but It really increases the risk to the person though.

Insert a kubaton or similar between index fingers, then squeeze fingers together with one hand. Does not always work on the very drunk or drugged who cannot feel much pain anyway.
I've never been a bouncer, but an instructor of mine (who worked as a security guard) showed us a couple of techniques very similar to what is taught in the links below. I think they could be useful for security who work as doormen.


"Speak softly and carry a big stick." - Theodore Roosevelt
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Goose neck would be my goto move, though it has a couple of nasty counters. Not many know them.

Used to use that until I had to release a guy before I broke his wrist. He just wasn't feeling the pain and may have been on more than alcohol. Since everyone needs to breathe, I opted for a choke/sleeper as a goto.
Insert a kubaton or similar between index fingers, then squeeze fingers together with one hand. Does not always work on the very drunk or drugged who cannot feel much pain anyway.

Bouncers only keep weapons for when it becomes life and death. Since physical escorts opens you up for legal action, using anything that may be considered a weapon may be enough to the LEO to decide to arrest you. Just as broken limbs, black eyes, broken nose, and etc.

I kicked out this one guy through verbal means only. Didn't even lay a finger on him. Came back 15 minutes later with the police saying I beat him up. I looked at him and he had a red cheek, looks like he was rubbing it to make the effect. I explained to the PD that if I really did beat him up, he'd have more than a red cheek. PD decided the guy was full of it. Could have easily gone the other way.
In UK bouncers are now called door supervisors, they have to do a course, be licensed and carry an ID badge so they have to be careful what they do. To be honest it has made the job more professional as you can't have any sort of criminal convictions and on the course they are taught conflict management which means they try to talk first before using any restraints. They work a lot more with the police now than before which is a good thing saves the type of incident Zoran describes.
Bouncers only keep weapons for when it becomes life and death. Since physical escorts opens you up for legal action, using anything that may be considered a weapon may be enough to the LEO to decide to arrest you. Just as broken limbs, black eyes, broken nose, and etc.

I kicked out this one guy through verbal means only. Didn't even lay a finger on him. Came back 15 minutes later with the police saying I beat him up. I looked at him and he had a red cheek, looks like he was rubbing it to make the effect. I explained to the PD that if I really did beat him up, he'd have more than a red cheek. PD decided the guy was full of it. Could have easily gone the other way.

A thick pen works as well as a kubaton between the fingers. I am not a bouncer, however, as I made clear in my first post. The techniques I used were uses as a military policeman. We carried weapons, we beat the living snot out of people with them as required.
A thick pen works as well as a kubaton between the fingers. I am not a bouncer, however, as I made clear in my first post. The techniques I used were uses as a military policeman. We carried weapons, we beat the living snot out of people with them as required.

Here we have fights between soldiers of different regiments and corps, as soon as the RMP come to break it up all the squaddies join forces and turn on them! Now the RMP hang back lol while the civvie police sort as the squaddies are quite obliging for them. The RMP are the most hated corps in the army, they are considered fair game. The problem is that while they are called police they aren't actually and only hold the powers of their rank whatever it is. They aren't allowed to beat people up not that they could actually being mostly useless, monkey bashing is a good sport as far as the squaddies are concerned, hell it's a good sport for everyone! :)
Here we have fights between soldiers of different regiments and corps, as soon as the RMP come to break it up all the squaddies join forces and turn on them! Now the RMP hang back lol while the civvie police sort as the squaddies are quite obliging for them. The RMP are the most hated corps in the army, they are considered fair game. The problem is that while they are called police they aren't actually and only hold the powers of their rank whatever it is. They aren't allowed to beat people up not that they could actually being mostly useless, monkey bashing is a good sport as far as the squaddies are concerned, hell it's a good sport for everyone! :)

Fortunately, US Marine Corps MPs carry the authority of the Commanding General of the base they're on. If I told someone to get out of their vehicle, it did not matter what they wore on their sleeves or collars. Get out or cover your eyes because I'm taking out your window with my flashlight. I put the habeus grabbus on all ranks, means nothing to me. And yeah, we're hated. I call that good sport. Anybody wanted me, all they had to do was step up and ask. Lots of people told me how they could have kicked my *** while they were wearing my handcuffs. Funny, they talk a good fight, but they somehow managed to get beat up and locked up by me anyway. Tell me how tough you are while you're sitting on your *** in the dirt with my handcuffs on your wrists and your blood running down your face. I find it truly amusing.
Fortunately, US Marine Corps MPs carry the authority of the Commanding General of the base they're on. If I told someone to get out of their vehicle, it did not matter what they wore on their sleeves or collars. Get out or cover your eyes because I'm taking out your window with my flashlight. I put the habeus grabbus on all ranks, means nothing to me. And yeah, we're hated. I call that good sport. Anybody wanted me, all they had to do was step up and ask. Lots of people told me how they could have kicked my *** while they were wearing my handcuffs. Funny, they talk a good fight, but they somehow managed to get beat up and locked up by me anyway. Tell me how tough you are while you're sitting on your *** in the dirt with my handcuffs on your wrists and your blood running down your face. I find it truly amusing.

Depends whether you are doing it with just cause and authority or just because you are bullying and can do it because of your rank and postition. The RMPs are hated because of their reputation for bullying not because they are policing. I have seen them and reported them before now because of their bullying, belting people just because you can is not what they are supposed to do.
Physical intervention is now part 3 of a door supevisors badge.
If you work doors and dont have a good working knowledge of what an approved technique looks like you can land in trouble if police ever check cctv.
In my experience squadies are some of the worst for running off to the smurfs claiming you battered them unfairly! cos like they should of won with their mates against the two of you, and like punching back aint fair!
And when I was at Catterick (vimmy) and in the battalion we used to kick off and wait for monkeys and turn on them just for a laugh.
My favorite technique is to knock them flat on their backs. It's always easiest to get them out the door when you've knocked the fight out of them. You feel me?

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