Daito ryu has a Tai Chi lineage?


Purple Belt
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
Raleigh, North Carolina

I am finishing up a book on Daito ryu and in my research found considerable evidence of a linkage to Tai Chi. I am curious to hear any other opinions/stories/comments etc.

Thank you.

Jason Brinn

So yeah - seems unlikely I know but the story goes that Daito ryu got its name from the castle Daito..... After much research it seems more plausible that it comes from the Zen founder known as "Daito" and his teacher who lived in China and was studying Buddhism. Well, "Daito's" teacher's teacher was well trained in Tai Chi (either Wudang or Chen my guess) and things were passed down IMO. Much of the highest levels of Daito and the whole concept of aiki seem remarkably similar to chan su jing exercises found historically only in Chen Tai Chi Chuan.

It's an idea I'd like to explore,

Jason Brinn
Just to go with the notion that Daitoryu has roots in taiji. Just as silly... y'know me eating my own head.

Its cool - I didn't think you had anything historical, evidential or positive to add. Seriously, why post on something you think is stupid - just change the channel bro.

I have done the research, the training, etc. and the evidence is definitely there I'm afraid.
This guy sounds and looks familiar, I've seen it on others threads. :)


So yeah - seems unlikely I know but the story goes that Daito ryu got its name from the castle Daito..... After much research it seems more plausible that it comes from the Zen founder known as "Daito" and his teacher who lived in China and was studying Buddhism. Well, "Daito's" teacher's teacher was well trained in Tai Chi (either Wudang or Chen my guess) and things were passed down IMO. Much of the highest levels of Daito and the whole concept of aiki seem remarkably similar to chan su jing exercises found historically only in Chen Tai Chi Chuan.

It's an idea I'd like to explore,

Jason Brinn

I feel many arts are interwoven, as with Okinawan GoJu, which contains many princeples of White Crane and Tai Chi.
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So yeah - seems unlikely I know but the story goes that Daito ryu got its name from the castle Daito..... After much research it seems more plausible that it comes from the Zen founder known as "Daito" and his teacher who lived in China and was studying Buddhism. Well, "Daito's" teacher's teacher was well trained in Tai Chi (either Wudang or Chen my guess) and things were passed down IMO. Much of the highest levels of Daito and the whole concept of aiki seem remarkably similar to chan su jing exercises found historically only in Chen Tai Chi Chuan.

It's an idea I'd like to explore,

Jason Brinn

Don't want to rain on your parade but without the characters Japanese and Chinese this means nothing and I have a problem with any chinese word pronounced Daito but then yet another issue you are running smack into is dialect

Thank You in Mandarin = xièxie
Thank you in Cantonese = dòjeh

Note similar words with different tones have very different meaning; the mandarin word Ma, depending on tone can have 4 different meanings.

Mā =媽 = Mother - tone 1
Má = 麻 = hemp - tone 2
Mǎ = 馬 = horse - tone 3
Mà = 罵 = scold - tone 4

There is no separate word for He or She in spoken Mandarin it is simply Ta but the characters are different. Also who was Diato's Sigung? Without that you have close to nothing

So without the characters it gets really hard to prove anything

And any similarity to Chen silk reeling means nothing it is likely that there was a Qigong exercise that was taken by the Chen family and used as their Chan Si Jin so at this point I do not think you have much of anything

Sorry but that is how I see it
Explains a lot - Now I know how to reference your perspectives.


All righty then.

I have done the research, the training, etc. and the evidence is definitely there I'm afraid.


With whom did you train in daito ryu, and for how long?

With whom did you train in tai chi-what lineage-and for how long?

As for your "research," I've seen research that shows that the aliens from Area 51 are just up the road from my house, along with a laboratory that's the source for every technological advancement since Velcro. :lfao: The only real and demonstrable connection between daito ryu and tai chi is that they were both created by bipedal entities with combative applications in mind, and the use of "internal energy."

Don't want to rain on your parade but without the characters Japanese and Chinese this means nothing and I have a problem with any chinese word pronounced Daito but thne yet another issue yuo are running smack into is dialect
Note the mandarin word Ma, depending on tone can have 4 different meanings.

Mā =媽 = Mother - tone 1
Má = 麻 = hemp - tone 2
Mǎ = 馬 = horse - tone 3
Mà = 罵 = scold - tone 4

There is no sepearte word for He or She in mandarin it is simply Ta but the characters are different. Also who was Diato's Sigung

And any similarity to Chen silk reeling means nothing it is likely that there was a Qigong exercise that was taken by the chen family and used as thier Chan Si Jin so at this point I do not think you have anything

Interesting thought on incorporating certain aspects of other arts even then. It seems a bit of cross training then also.
Modern time is different-there's a tai chi group in Tokyo whose teacher also studied daito ryu, but that's different from what's being proposed here.

DAITO RYU HAS NO "Tai chi lineage." The very idea is preposterous.
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