Can women beat a man?

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I met Julie Kedzie at a seminar, she was one of many guest instructors for a FMA Host school.
We never rolled, she did roll against another trained guy of about similar mass and size ( he was slightly taller and heavier ) , and she was rolling for fun, and he was rolling to not loose.
Yes it can happen.
Yes, she did point out that no one else was my size and body mass at the event and that my partners were at a disadvantage.
She said, Suck it up and train like she did against larger and stronger and more skilled opponents to get better.
I always liked her. Good People.
Women beat men and men beat women every day. It's just people beating people LOL..
In general terms, I wouldn't bet on it. Think back to when both Williams sisters played a game against Karsten Braasch - who was ranked 203 in men's tennis. He easily dominated both. I remember reading a poll where the majority seem to agree that any all state boy's high school basketball team would slaughter any WNBA team.

Granted, these aren't instances of fighting or combat sports (but we CAN go there, if we want to talk about transgenders), but they're things where physical fitness has a huge effect on the outcome.
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In general terms, I wouldn't bet on it. Think back to when both Williams sisters played a game against Karsten Braasch - who was ranked 203 in men's tennis. He easily dominated both. I remember reading a poll where the majority seem to agree that any all state boy's high school basketball team would slaughter any WNBA team.

Granted, these aren't instances of fighting or combat sports (but we CAN go there, if we want to talk about transgenders), but they're things where physical fitness has a huge effect on the outcome.
And yet either of the Williams sisters could easily beat me in tennis, which would be more apt considering OP's asking if a woman could beat a man in a fight, as a blanket question. (Technically he's asking about multiple women, but I'm guessing that was a typo).

There's also plenty of polls where people share if they think team A could beat team B. There's a poll out there that 17% of people think they could beat a chimpanzee in a fight, while unarmed.
Some women can beat some men.
Some men can beat some other men.

Rickson taught my wife to roll. Worked an RNC with her every single day. You expose your back you’re taking a nap.

For real.
Some women can beat some men.
Some men can beat some other men.

Rickson taught my wife to roll. Worked an RNC with her every single day. You expose your back you’re taking a nap.

For real.


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I'm really glad that our newest user, "manlee", asked such an inciteful... I mean insightful question. I feel like we never really got to know "manlee" in the one hour or so he participated on this site. But at the same time, in only two posts, maybe we know the essence of who this poster really is.

So, with that in mind, the only response I can think of that makes sense in this thread is simply this:

What is the gote? Gote, my friend. The answer is gote.
I have some serious doubts as to whether or not everyone who answered that poll have all been exposed to the same information pertaining to the strength of chimpanzees. If not, then that 17% simply doesn't know any better. If so, then that's another conversation.
If you look into the history of idiocy, it's about 1 in 5.

Same reason they use that line in dental commercials.
I have some serious doubts as to whether or not everyone who answered that poll have all been exposed to the same information pertaining to the strength of chimpanzees. If not, then that 17% simply doesn't know any better. If so, then that's another conversation.
Oh definitely. There are people who don't know that chimpanzees are all that different than capuchins. Which is why a poll on the publics perception is not the best to go by.
Oh definitely. There are people who don't know that chimpanzees are all that different than capuchins. Which is why a poll on the publics perception is not the best to go by.
Or is it?

1 in 5, dude. At least 1-2 people are going to try going fangs out with a chimp and fail hard. By their own admission.
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