Are there any American knife fighting styles?

I have heard both good and (laughingly) bad about it.
I am an instructor in Medusa. The only negative things I have heard have been from Piper, but they are busy self destructing. Ie, not really constructive criticism, more an " us vs them" thing.
You might very well be right, I've never actually trained FMA.

Of course, then we get into other areas. When an art is changed, regardless if it's base is similar, there's usually some screaming about "That's not such and such!"

I'm used to being screamed at. I train American Karate. :)
Many variations in the FMA. Our “brand” is very straight forward and abrupt initially. GM was also highly ranked in judo & tang soo do. He called the stick/long blade eskrima and the short weapon combat judo. This eventually blends together as the student becomes more proficient. My thread on one handed combinations comes into play here.
There is a relatively new American knife fighting system called Medusa.
Watching the videos, I like the single handed combos although a bit long winded. I didn’t see any striking/edges weapon defense leading up to the hand strikes, that’s probably by design. I like the accessing of the knife while still defending. Not easy to do under pressure. All in all, cool.
didn´t Davy Crockett´s Bowie knife fighting count as a system? The so called Bowie Knife

YEE----HAAA cowboy
big Bad John whacks the dude over the head with the Bowie knife...a technique ?

The bowie knife is a dangerous knife...

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