365 Project


Crazy like a...
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Jan 16, 2006
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I'm going to try my hand at a 365 Project...shooting a different photo a day for 365 days straight. A lot of folks try this and quit partway through....and I can't say I blame them. It is hard to come up with new ideas, get out, shoot, and process every single day.

As a few of you know from my Facebook rantings, I have an offer in on a condo, but I am not sure if the financing will come through. With a pile of luck, this is a project that will hopefully follow me through my first year in my new home. Without a pile of luck, then its a project that will follow me through whatever lies ahead.

Sooo.....here goes.

Day 1 of 365. I'm not a biker, but I couldn't help but notice that one of my neighbors just bought a sweet new ride. :D

Lesson learned: thou shalt always use thy tripod after dark! :eek:

Nice sport bike :D. A bit of blurring as you intimated but not a bad shot at all for the night-time :tup:.
Cool project Carol. Stick with it! This can be your thread. One a day! :D
Cool Carol, I will look forward to checking out this thread. If I ever did a 365 project, it would probably be more along these lines. :)
WOW - good luck! My wife did a 30 day challenge and stuck to it, but it was ROUGH some days....I can't imagine 365
Nice sport bike :D. A bit of blurring as you intimated but not a bad shot at all for the night-time :tup:.

Thank you! I'm gong to try again WITH tripod later in the week. The challenge is finding the bike without all those silly cars parked around it. The nerve of those people! Don't they know I'm trying to shoot? :lol2:
WOW - good luck! My wife did a 30 day challenge and stuck to it, but it was ROUGH some days....I can't imagine 365

Thank you very much! I'm sure there will be several shots that are bland and uninspiring. I can see the benefit though, when I went out to shoot the bike, I ended up taking about 40 shots around the parking lot. None of them are worth publishing....but its giving me a better feel for shooting in low-light conditions.
Day 2 of 365


Way cool project!!
I doubt someone like you will have any issue with keeping up on it!
You need a blog perhaps to get more "exposure"?
Oh and Mark and I need photo's of swords/swordswomen....:)
Way cool project!!
I doubt someone like you will have any issue with keeping up on it!
You need a blog perhaps to get more "exposure"?
Oh and Mark and I need photo's of swords/swordswomen....:)

Got people willing to pose for me? (Or Bob, or Shelley? ;))

I'm posting this on flickr as well as facebook. My personal blog is gathering dust...got a few too many hells to think about that right now. The project is to give me a bit of sanity

www.flickr.com/photos/sikaranista for anyone who wants to follow along there.
Day 4: MV5H D.C.

Roadside Commentary

Optics Red -- Day 4 of 365

What an interesting composition shot, Carol :tup:. To use arty-speak, it has a lot of 'motion' to it, drawing the eye here and there very well.
Peeking at Old Glory -- Day 5 of 365

Nice! I wonder if you have a way to colourise just the flag? That would make it really stand out and, for me, make a good composition a great one.

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