Who has tried P90X?

Kong Soo Do;1402215 said:
P90X will deliver what it promises provide you maintain a good diet. If the diet is in order, you will increase your overall strength, flexibility and endurance. It is centered around some very good ole fashioned body weight compound movements like the push up and pull up.

It is an advanced routine.

I've also mentioned a routine called the Pyramid. I've posted this before but I'll repost it here for your consideration;

When you get up around 1-15-1 or so your kidney will probably try to squirt out your left ear. Don't be alarmed as this is natural ;)

All of the above are excellent because they are compound movements that bring a lot of muscle mass into use. This has several advantages; builds strength while conditioning the muscle, burns more calories thus helping to reduce your BF %, being functional from the standpoint of using the body as one whole unit rather than 'parts'. Other great exercises would be:
  • Squats (such as hindu squats or plea squats).
  • Lunges (which often is a truer measure of lower body strength and balance).
  • Push ups (hindu, dive-bomber, wide, narrow, sphinx etc).
  • Dips.
  • Thrusters (doing a squat and a press in one continuous motion).
  • Dynamic tension.
All the above can be done in a very small space and with only body weight. For those wishing to go 'above and beyond' I suggest the pyramid.

What is a pyramid? Glad you asked ;)

Simply pick several exercises. My latest pyramid routine used the following, in this order;
  • Regular squat
  • Plea squat
  • Lunge
  • Calf raise
  • Push up w/push up stands
  • Chin up
  • Dip
  • Hanging crunch
Now what you do is perform 1 of each exercise with good form. When you have completed each for 1 rep, you repeat and do 2 of each, and then 3 of each and on up to your target number. Once you've reached your target, you then begin down the pyramid by decreasing the number of reps in each set. A pyramid of 1 - 5 - 1 would look like this;

1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 for a total of 25 of each exercise. Going 1-10-1 would = 100. 1-20-1 would equal 400 of each. My personal best so far is 1-17-1.

This is a great program as it has built in a natural warm up and a cool down. You work throughout various rep ranges and it has a pre-exhaust as well.

Give it a try.

Really good routine!


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