It just might happen!

I have been trying to save and now resurrect a kid's martial arts program a colleague of mine taught for some time. She has retired due to medical reasons and the community center where she has been for years replaced her program with another, knowing an instructor was in place to take over.

The parents of the children in the program contacted the city council about the decision and I spoke with the director about the unused classrooms (when time and space availability were cited). Thanks to the efforts and insistance of the parents, the powers that be felt compelled to meet with everyone and explain things. This meeting was delayed, however, due to the fact our Portland Trailblazers were in the playoffs.

Nevertheless, a follow-up hallway discussion with the director won us a chance to find an open slot for the class with half the room as before (easily done). We now have a spot!

Friday, I go in to finalize paperwork to teach at the classroom next door to the old one on one different night and a later time. But we will have a place for the kids to train!

I'm really excited and am very glad we can continue to offer the program to the kids.

Wish us luck!


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