How to choose The Best Muay Thai Glove for You? – Spinning Elbow

We get a lot of questions from a lot of people about Muay Thai Boxing Gloves. The most common question being, "Which is the best Muay Thai Gloves?".

Well, the short answer is the Fairtex Tight Fit Universal Muay Thai Gloves (BGV1).

Here's my reasoning, most people that ask me that question are beginners and in my opinion, the Fairtex BGV1s are the best Muay Thai boxing gloves for a beginner. Continue reading and you'll know why but here's the main takeaway from this post.

When you are looking for the "Best" Muay Thai Gloves, first decide

What are you going to use the gloves for?

You are either looking to train on a heavy bag or you are going to spar.

Heavy Bag Training
If you are looking for a Muay Thai glove for heavy bag or pad training, you want a Muay Thai glove with a little less bulk.

Here's why,

  1. Bulk adds weight and that will tire you faster. You want to be training on the bags for a while to get your techniques right,
  2. You want to feel your knuckles hit the bags. That'll help you improve your technique and realise when you are punching wrong.
If you are a beginner, you probably should get a glove with wrist support. The bags are heavy and super hard. If you punch hard and your technique is not right, you'll love up your wrist and there goes your Muay Thai dream.

So, If you are a beginner and are looking to get gloves for you heavy bag training, get the Fairtex Cross Trainer Boxing and Bag Gloves.

These are not too heavy so they should help you train for longer and master your technique. They also have really good wrist support to protect your wrists.

If you've been training for a while and are confident you will not hurt your wrist, get a glove without wrist support to drop the extra weight. But hey, do not skip on the wrist wrap.

If you are looking to spar, you need to get a glove that has a good amount of padding. You should feel kreng jai for your sparring partner.

Kreng Jai is a Thai word used to explain an emotion where you want to do something but don't because someone else might feel bad.

For example, I was really tired after training yesterday but I still went with Amy to the pub because Kreng Jai.

So why are we talking about Kreng Jai? Because when you are sparring you need to Kreng Jai for your sparring partner. If you spar with a bag glove, your sparring partner will not like it.

Your sparring gloves should have ample padding. I personally use the Fairtex BGV1s but I don't spar as much so didn't want to invest in a special Sparring gloves.

For someone who's looking to spar regularly, get the Twins Special New Style Sparring Muay Thai Boxing Gloves.

The BGVL-6s are badass. They look badass, they feel badass and some say, when you wear them, you become a badass.

Now, if you are a beginner and are sure you will stick to training Muay Thai, or any other boxing discipline for that matter plus money is not a problem get 2 gloves.

If you use your sparring gloves on the bag, it'll not last as long.


  1. The Fairtex Cross Trainer Boxing and Bag Gloves for bag training and
  2. The Twins Special New Style Sparring Muay Thai Boxing Gloves for sparring.
They both should give you enough support for you to stick and continue to train till you are addicted to Muay Thai.

Use the Fairtex ones where you feel you feel your training would benefit from a lighter glove. For other training regimes where a little padding would help, use the Twins.

But if you are like me, you probably don't know if you will go to the gym more than twice a week. Or maybe you are not sure if you'll still be motivated enough to go to the gym 3 months from now, I'd suggest to get just one pair of gloves.

If you plan on getting one pair of Muay Thai glove then the best glove for you is one that

  • is good for Heavy Bag Training and Sparring and,
  • gives you enough protection while you master your techniques.

In this case, like I said in the beginning, get the Fairtex Tight Fit Universal Muay Thai Gloves. Choose 12 or 14 oz versions. I have the 12 ones, they have enough padding so I don't hurt my sparring partner whenever I do spar, and I can still feel the bag when I train on them. They have one of the best wrist supports and they do last for a long time.

This is why I suggest the Fairtex BGV1s to all beginners. It's a versatile, universal glove which means they don't need to invest in 2 gloves until they feel they are ready. The BGV1s give enough support and protection so even if your technique is wrong, your hand and wrists are safe and if you choose the 12 oz ones, they only cost like $68 on our store.

All these features makes it the Best Muay Thai glove for a beginner, in my very honest opinion. Fairtex is one of the top brands and you can't go wrong with it.

Another good glove for you would be the Twins Special Muay Thai Boxing Gloves(BGVL-3).

I have not talked about these at all in this entire post because I haven't trained with them, apart from 2-3 mins of bag work.

I borrowed it from a friend just to try them out. They felt a little bulky to me and just too different.

But I don't know one person who regrets buying a Twins Special gloves so I'm pretty sure you will like them too.

Me, I think I am a Fairtex man.

I hope this post was a little helpful. I hope it makes it easier for you to decide what gloves to get. Trust me, your gloves are not as important as you. A person with a Fairtex who doesn't train is not stronger than a guy with a 3rd tier boxing gloves who trains every day.

You need to train. You cannot go wrong with Fairtex or Twins Special. Get one and start training.

Remember, Train Hard & Don't Quit.


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