Too much crosstraining?

About a year ago if you asked me what my primary martial art was I would have unhesitatingly answered Kenpo Jutsu. Now I'm not so sure. Sure, all of my rank is in it, but when it comes down to it, it's just a piece of paper.

So I started exploring what was around me. Took me a while to find anything nearby but I eventually did. I found a BBT school, an Arnis instructor, and a RBSD teacher. All of which I love.

My weekly schedule is starting to look like this.
Sundays: recovery
Mondays: BBT
Tuesdays: Arnis
Wednesdays: Help wife with her class
Thursdays: afternoon BBT
Fridays: Arnis
Saturdays: Kenpo Jutsu and RBSD

I am constantly finding myself doing techniques from one school in the others. How the heck do you get past that? Do I have too much on my plate?



I found myself very much in this situation when I first started training with my husband. He is very traditional and multi-belted as well. So as well as learning three different arts and having three different colored belts I was also learning three different languages.

My training got less complicated when my husband/master had his art recognized which meant I was then learning all of this under one art and one curriculum. It made it much easier for me to track everything and keep things straight. The advice I know he usually gives students is that you should belt in one art and then train in others and find your way. I am paraphrasing of course because I have a long way to go to ever get to that level.


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