

Latest comments

  • Taekkyun and Gyeotchagi
    Keep practicing and you will master it.
  • The Xingyi Addict Rides Again
    Something I want to add about Xingyiquan in general, that many seem to miss, or not know based on their martial arts training. Xingyiquan is not...
  • The Xingyi Addict Rides Again
    Get it brother! And my instructor actually recommended this guy's videos to me! We're Goju ryu but he also practices and teaches CMA and said...
  • Not worth the time or effort.
    I won't try again. 2 times was a wasted effort.
  • TTFN
    One last thing after a bit of a realization last week Internal matters (not qi) but body unity, use of force and/or fajin and, rooting...

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Katana is one of the traditionally made Japanese swords that were used by the samurai of ancient and feudal Japan. The katana is described by its distinctive appearance a curved, single-edged blade with a circular or squared guard and long haft to accommodate two hands. It is generally defined...
So, my second day was a lot of fun. We learned a push kick and how to combo it with a round house kick to the head. We also learned how to do a flying knee. But I gotta say, I never knew I could jump that far. When we tried the flying knee, the trainer wanted us to do it in a standing...
Today I did my 1st Muay Thai Lesson. First of all all of us warmed up by doing some stretching and so on just normal stuff. The difficult part is,...... *Footwork*. It is more difficult than the actual punches and kicks. I struggled with footwork so hard in the warmup. We had to throw Jabs /...
Hi all, I've been away awhile :) i have been busy spending time with my awesome daughters, teaching seminars, and running my school which has now been in business 25 years! I hope everyone is doing great and I wish everyone Happy Holidays!
Hi, The approach to martial arts training can vary depending on factors such as age, athletic ability and body build, mental attitude, social environment, etc., which can motivate or discourage you. If you persevere and continue your practice, as you grow older, the physical aspect of training...
It was said that in order to better understand what one learns it helps to teach others. By doing so the student can gain a deeper understanding of what they are attempting to absorb from their teacher. At the same time a deeper insight is reached thus giving the individual an open path to...
The ufc confirmed the Hunt against the Oleinik. The match will be held in Moscow, and this will be the main battle of the evening. You just have to decide where you can see this fight. What are the options: Stream on YouTube, a good option, but these broadcasts can be banned. You can look at...
James Milner del Liverpool ha trasformato un rigore sul colpo di metà tempo e Sadio Mane ha aggiunto un secondo gol in ritardo per assicurarsi una vittoria 2-0 molto combattuta al Crystal Palace in Premier League lunedì. È stata una prestazione compiuta dalla squadra di Jurgen Klopp che, con...
Adnan Januzaj è un altro maglie Liverpool bambino ex giocatore del Manchester United a cui i tifosi hanno espresso sentimenti contrastanti dopo averlo visto segnare il vincitore del Belgio contro l'Inghilterra ai Mondiali. I fan avevano grandi speranze per Januzaj, soprattutto quando nel mese di...
Just would like to know is any one would want some cool Shudokan karate shrits and I am not trying to kill any one on the price of shirts? For all size up 6x
Kalaripayattu is an ancient and probably the oldest martial art still in practice. Originated in the Indian province of Kerala, it is a hugely diversified art that needs immense courage, dedication, and skill to practice. The beauty of Kalaripayattu lies in the fact that apart from a set of...
Il presidente della UEFA Aleksandar Ceferin ha dichiarato a kicker che crede che il teppismo non sarà un problema alla Coppa del Mondo, perché i padroni di casa della Russia sono consapevoli di ciò che è in gioco. Violenza è scoppiata durante l'incontro dell'Inghilterra con la Russia a Marsiglia...
Online Self Defense Classes: Tai Chi to Combat Training Free with no ads just use coupon code all caps TANGSOO.
West Bengal Budokan Karate Association. (Kolkata) Sir.C.S.Chew
My friend and me discussed who would be better if Bruce Lee and Mirco Cro Cop would have a real fight or MMA fight... I think Bruce Lee would be much better, and win that fight. He's opinion is that Mirko would be better, because he is 100+ weight and have experience in MMA fights and K1...
Sherbourne Martial Arts Academy: SMAA Blog Please let us know what you think about these writings with a thumbs up, or by sharing them. Thank you. Yours in Budo! Simon Sherbourne
India is a varied land that embraces diverse cultures, colorful traditions, and ethnicity. Universally known as the motherland of yoga, it is also the homeland to various martial arts that have developed since ancient times. Nowadays, Indian martial arts are welded in rituals, celebrations, and...