you lost, now what?

Brian King

Master of Arts
Supporting Member
MT Mentor
Mar 17, 2003
Reaction score
Bellevue, Washington USA
A couple of hypothetical questions for those Democrats and Republicans who have a deep or not so deep emotional investment in the outcome of the hours away 2008 election.

Have you given any thought at all to what and how you will feel and what you will do when the smoke clears, the talking heads mute and the final court decisions are upheld and you wake up to find that your team lost?

If you have given some thought to your side losing have you done anything to prepare (mentally, physically and/or spiritually) for that possible eventuality?

Citizens and subjects of countries other than the United States of America the questions I suppose can also apply to you if you have invested emotionally in our contest.

Third, fourth, fifth party supporters I am not trying to be mean but since your candidates have no chance of winning you likely have a lot less emotionally invested in the outcome but perhaps the question can be phrased “the candidate that you most dreaded seeing win, does indeed win” ?

Brian King
To Barr and Nader I ask simply, "Now that you officially lost, what are you going to do now? Continue the fight, or fade away like so many others."

To McCain or Obama, I ask, "Now that you lost, do you continue the fight, or go back to rubber stamping bloated legislature and business as usual".

To the Winner, I ask if they are going to hide behind security goons, and continue ******** on the Constitution, or if they will put aside party lines and work towards truely fixing the problems facing this nation, healing the wounds, and repairing the damages to the core values and principles this nation once stood proudly for.
My prediction:

McCain wins... we hear 4-8 years of BS about how he stole the election and is ruining the country.

Obama wins... we hear 4-8 years of BS about how its all Racial and he is ruining the country.

Either way, we wont get away from hearing about it.
How can any sane person have a
a deep or not so deep emotional investment in the outcome of the hours away 2008 election.
??? It is the election that never ends! Will the race for 2012 start before or after the next president's inagural?
I have mentally resigned myself to either possibility months ago by imagining the "silver lining" to either outcome. I won't mention what those silver linings are because I would probably offend the Dems, and that's not my true intent. But truthfully, since I'm not thrilled with either candidate to begin with, it's no great loss either way as far as I'm concerned.
I support neither of the major candidates and refuse to vote for either ... so ... I have already accepted that my candidate will lose. :)

What I will do is continue to research voting records, financial backing, read bills going before congress, correspond with my state and federal government representation and try to fact-find.

I will continue to share with my friends resources to help them research their own political truths, historical records, etcetera.

Then there are preparations to be made according to whomever will be inaugurated. I'll be making those. ;)
A couple of hypothetical questions for those Democrats and Republicans who have a deep or not so deep emotional investment in the outcome of the hours away 2008 election.

Have you given any thought at all to what and how you will feel and what you will do when the smoke clears, the talking heads mute and the final court decisions are upheld and you wake up to find that your team lost?

If you have given some thought to your side losing have you done anything to prepare (mentally, physically and/or spiritually) for that possible eventuality?

Citizens and subjects of countries other than the United States of America the questions I suppose can also apply to you if you have invested emotionally in our contest.

Third, fourth, fifth party supporters I am not trying to be mean but since your candidates have no chance of winning you likely have a lot less emotionally invested in the outcome but perhaps the question can be phrased “the candidate that you most dreaded seeing win, does indeed win” ?

Brian King

PUHHHHHHHLEEEEEZE, don't do the usual round of accusing the other side of voting irregularities, that is so old. you lost, move on.
PUHHHHHHHLEEEEEZE, don't do the usual round of accusing the other side of voting irregularities, that is so old. you lost, move on.

Many people don't really understand how voting really works in their state - some states will allow you to register to vote and then vote on the spot on election day ... but don't tell you that paper ballots are only counted in the case of a tie.

Some people don't understand how easily some votes are manipulated or that if they turn in an incomplete ballot (vote for president and that's all or don't fill in a vote for even one item on their ballot) the ballot is thrown out.

Just remember. Nov 4th is for Obama voters, Nov 5th is for McCain voters, and if you were voting 3rd party, you need to have cast your vote on Sept 10th.
Just remember. Nov 4th is for Obama voters, Nov 5th is for McCain voters, and if you were voting 3rd party, you need to have cast your vote on Sept 10th.

Interestingly, Nader's name was mispelled on Clark County ballots. Makes me wonder if votes for him in Clark County will be voted?
I'm officially announcing my candidacy for President of the United States of America for the 2012 Presidential Election.

Contributions can be made on my Myspace page. However, my entire campaign will be run out of my office, on Youtube, Myspace, and Facebook. I hope to gain the support of the youth crowd by pandering to their tastes through witty, marginally insightful videos on American culture, have both hip hop and rock musicians push my vague, but awesome-sounding issues, and break dance on-camera.

I'll also campaign as a character on World of Warcraft, with both Horde and Alliance toons, and create my model "Utopia" on Spore and put all of that on Youtube.

Vote NOLERAMA in 2012!
Many people don't really understand how voting really works in their state - some states will allow you to register to vote and then vote on the spot on election day ... but don't tell you that paper ballots are only counted in the case of a tie.

Some people don't understand how easily some votes are manipulated or that if they turn in an incomplete ballot (vote for president and that's all or don't fill in a vote for even one item on their ballot) the ballot is thrown out.


Understand that "vote irregularities" are serious. The voting process can be compromised based on the rules. It will be if people are vigilant. This is not a partisan issue.
You win by trying.
You lose by not bothering.

Someone named Lyttle got 67 votes for president this year. I never heard of em, but kudos for trying.