Wow... I mean... OWWW.


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
Reaction score

Saw these for sale on Dick Severence's website, for 2 bucks.

I imagine that raking my face, and All I can say is OWWW.
YOu can get those ninja claws, though hurt aswell, i woudl be worried of pinching my finger in those if i hits omething
unterlich: "great shuko there"

Those types of claws are different than shuko - more concealable, more for self-defense than for climbing - though I'd rather be wearing shuko if I was going to try any sword-catching stuff.

AaronLucia: "The scary thing is i get to train with Dick.."

Yea, and you know how he loves to be well-armed. I've never seen him at training with less than five weapons on his person at all times.

One time training with him, he demonstrated some technique on me, and as I was rebounding from my ukemi, I saw one of his boot knives near my face. Thinking I was going to be slick and counter attack with it - but as soon as I had pulled it, he had one of his other knives out already and across my neck.

Technopunk: "I imagine that raking my face, and All I can say is OWWW."

Well since you like to imagine horrible things being done to you, imagine this, someone wearing those spiked rings (on both hands of course) while putting a wrist lock on you. Think: augmented hon gyaku. If that doesn't make you scream like a little girl then . . .

. . . I know a couple hundred other ways to make you scream like a little girl. :D
shizen shigoku, welcome to martial talk. hope you enjoy the loads of info that is on this forum. to save some time... use the search button to catch up on whats been going on. happy posting.
Thank you very much Enson for the welcoming words. I've been a long-time lurker, now a first time poster to Martial Talk. I've done plenty of searching and have found several discussions to contribute to.
Shizen Shigoku said:
unterlich: someone wearing those spiked rings (on both hands of course) while putting a wrist lock on you. Think: augmented hon gyaku. If that doesn't make you scream like a little girl then . . .
Yeah... no doubt.
Sarah: "You wouldn’t want to forget you have it on and scratch your butt!!"

Depends on how bad the itch is!! :eek:
i wonder to do the hiji gyaky dori with that spike thinks
the spikes are great to shake hand with my boss errrrr, I hope he like my give :))
Sarah said:
You wouldn’t want to forget you have it on and scratch your butt!!

Reminds me of a pirate joke:
Two pirates meet up at a tavern, and they're exchanging war stories since the last time they saw one another. One pirate asks the other about his peg leg. His friend replies, "Arrrrrrrrr, I was thrown overboard one day, and before I could climb back onboard me ship, a shark swam up and bit me leg clean off."
His friend then asks him about the hook where his left hand should be. "Boarded by a pack of reavers we were. I was fighting them off on the foredeck, when one scurvy dog hacked me hand off at the wrist."
Next, his friend asks him about the patch over his left eye.
"Arrrrrr, I was out on deck one day, and this damned seagull pooped in me eye."
"Blimey, you lost your eye from that?"
"No, was the first day with me new hook."
