Why Dos Everyone Mouth Off On Sport Martial Arts

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I have noticed over my Martial art experience that alot of people mouth off at the sport aspect of Martial arts. DID anyone ever think there maybe a reason behind this. Its because the ones with sport are offen the most effective , I mean true there are some rules but all the same you can train for inside and outside the ring. You never see Kung fu guys going at it in compitition because uhh maybe kung fu isnt what it could be? The sport aspect Is a way for people to work on there skill without killing someone. SPORT MARTIAL ARTS IS PROBLE MORE DEADLY IN ALOT OF CASES THEN NON - SPORT MARTIAL ARTS> thats just my 2 cents.
my mistake was not intended to affend anyone just using a example./:D
There are no Kung Fu competitions?

The "sport" aspect of martial arts is looked down on because "sport" generally teaches one habits (such as point fighting) that don't help with actual self-defense.

That said, there are things that sport systems and combat systems can learn from each other. Coach Scott Sonnon spoke on the matter in a videotape I watched not long ago; he pointed out that sport systems offer combat systems trial against an uncooperative partner, which is very important to improving one's efficacy as a fighter.
Originally posted by Judo-kid

Its because the ones with sport are offen the most effective . SPORT MARTIAL ARTS IS PROBLE MORE DEADLY IN ALOT OF CASES THEN NON - SPORT MARTIAL ARTS> thats just my 2 cents.

Because of statements like that.
You never see Kung fu guys going at it in compitition because uhh
maybe kung fu isnt what it could be?

Training for sport is different than training for the street.
The sport aspect Is a way for people to work on there skill without killing someone

Funny i work on my skill daily and never kill anyone. I have no doubt that I can use my basics in the street.
Originally posted by fist of fury
Funny i work on my skill daily and never kill anyone.

There are people I would like to kill on a daily basis but luckily I have a support network of friends, family, and co-workers that stop me.
Oy vey, this old subject again! And this time, posted by our favorite
little boy, Judo Kid. And it's always the same question ...
"hey! Why do you guys not study the stuff I study, when the
stuff you study sucks so bad?":rolleyes: "I mean why aren't
you aware of how awesome I am! VALIDATE ME! VALIDATE
ME! VALIDATE ME!:( " . Basically the formula is: Tell others how
superior your art is or how inferior their art is 2) Give the ever
popular disclaimer "I don't mean to insult/hurt feelings/flame
anyone. When lets be honest ... YES YOU DO. You can't come in
and insult people and then say "not intended to affend anyone ".
Cause that makes you not only rude, it makes you a
liar. But hey, Judo Kid, I don't wanna "affend" you.

Well to answer the question, yet again, no one is "mouthing off"
about sport ma, mma, pankration, ufc fighting, word of the month
for it. You study your art, I study mine. We have our own
reasons for doing so.
Kenpo sux.

AH ha ha ha ha ha!

Just kidding. I don't want to affend you.
Originally posted by Kirk

Oy vey, this old subject again! And this time, posted by our favorite
little boy, Judo Kid. And it's always the same question ...
"hey! Why do you guys not study the stuff I study, when the
stuff you study sucks so bad?":rolleyes: "I mean why aren't
you aware of how awesome I am! VALIDATE ME! VALIDATE
ME! VALIDATE ME!:( " . Basically the formula is: Tell others how
superior your art is or how inferior their art is 2) Give the ever
popular disclaimer "I don't mean to insult/hurt feelings/flame
anyone. When lets be honest ... YES YOU DO. You can't come in
and insult people and then say "not intended to affend anyone ".
Cause that makes you not only rude, it makes you a
liar. But hey, Judo Kid, I don't wanna "affend" you.

Well to answer the question, yet again, no one is "mouthing off"
about sport ma, mma, pankration, ufc fighting, word of the month
for it. You study your art, I study mine. We have our own
reasons for doing so.

I think I actually agree with you here Kirk!! Don't let that go to your head though!!:D

Heh like always. I always seem to piss off people that have narrow views (looks at himself as well) and as always i get some crap. Ok here is the thing i am not stating that any art sucked like i noted i just needed some art to pick on and was just messing around with the kung fu statment. Now when i mean sport i kind of ment like boxing ufc things with full contact. People always say they wont work in fights? why is this because people dont bite the other person. I am sure when it comes down to it people who general fight to take full contact will do better then people who do not. Hey and kirk call me a boy look at a mirrow/ LOL:D
Originally posted by Judo-kid

Heh like always. I always seem to piss off people that have narrow views (looks at himself as well) and as always i get some crap. Ok here is the thing i am not stating that any art sucked like i noted i just needed some art to pick on and was just messing around with the kung fu statment. Now when i mean sport i kind of ment like boxing ufc things with full contact. People always say they wont work in fights? why is this because people dont bite the other person. I am sure when it comes down to it people who general fight to take full contact will do better then people who do not. Hey and kirk call me a boy look at a mirrow/ LOL:D

I could write pages of validating statements on how Kung Fu does train hard, and how this art doesn't suck, and that art is good, but thats not what this is all about is it? I don't think I've actually heard anyone saying UFC sucks or anything close to that. Maybe this should have gone in the MMA section we now have?

Originally posted by Judo-kid


Ever heard of Taekwon do? :rofl:
In the old day's a Martial Artist
could claim ther style to be as deadly
as war it self.

When event's like the UFC came out it
called there bluff.

UFC & other events created a proving ground
for Martial Arts.

As we saw most could not ( stand ) up to the test.

Now all dojo's have rules.
We can't just kick the crap out of our
traing partnes just to make sure our techniques work.

So no matter what style U do there will always be ruels.
In the streets there are no ruels.

While this is a fact.
The Martial Artist who is use to conflict
will be best pre parid.

If u only train with a a person in a set
U will not be prepared for an anorthadox attack.
Originally posted by ace

In the old day's a Martial Artist
could claim ther style to be as deadly
as war it self.

When event's like the UFC came out it
called there bluff.

UFC & other events created a proving ground
for Martial Arts.

As we saw most could not ( stand ) up to the test.

Now all dojo's have rules.
We can't just kick the crap out of our
traing partnes just to make sure our techniques work.

So no matter what style U do there will always be ruels.
In the streets there are no ruels.

While this is a fact.
The Martial Artist who is use to conflict
will be best pre parid.

If u only train with a a person in a set
U will not be prepared for an anorthadox attack.

And UFC has no rules at all right ?
Originally posted by ace

In the old day's a Martial Artist
could claim ther style to be as deadly
as war it self.

When event's like the UFC came out it
called there bluff.

UFC & other events created a proving ground
for Martial Arts.

As we saw most could not ( stand ) up to the test.

Now all dojo's have rules.
We can't just kick the crap out of our
traing partnes just to make sure our techniques work.

So no matter what style U do there will always be ruels.
In the streets there are no ruels.

While this is a fact.
The Martial Artist who is use to conflict
will be best pre parid.

If u only train with a a person in a set
U will not be prepared for an anorthadox attack.

But the Dojo has moer! ( FACT )

Thats true, but you saying with rules you cannot truly learn to fight, but your training miracle that allows you to learn to fight also uses rules.
In my school with my system when we spar, there are actually very few rules, just don't break anything and your pretty good. A friend of mine got kicked in the stomach, resulting in spewing his cookies, then the next match kicked in the "boys" also resulting in said spewing. He was wishing for some rules after that!!

is All events have rules.

If U want to beable to fight
U have to be well rounded ( Fact )

I have done some Stick fighting, Ju Jitsu , Submisson Grappling
Wrestling & MMA.

All are diferent all have rules.
"Ever heard of Taekwon do?"

If one more ignorant Kenpo fool opens his mouth... do you guys sit around and bash other arts all day or do you actually train?! Because every Kenpo student I hear talking says the same lines and I'm thinking that instead of teaching you guys how to fight they just spew forth propaganda to make themselves look/feel better about themselves.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Tae Kwon Do has something of a bad reputation (not just among Kempo practitioners) because there is so much of it. An art that popular is bound to have among its ranks many poor examples -- a number proportionate to the art's representation in society.

I have a coworker who trained for several years in TKD, and I underestimated him as a result. Like any art, it all depends on how good your teacher is. On the few opportunities I've had to spar with my coworker, he's proven himself to be extremely skilled -- and the "brand" of TKD he studied is fairly well-rounded.
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

"Ever heard of Taekwon do?"

If one more ignorant Kenpo fool opens his mouth... do you guys sit around and bash other arts all day or do you actually train?! Because every Kenpo student I hear talking says the same lines and I'm thinking that instead of teaching you guys how to fight they just spew forth propaganda to make themselves look/feel better about themselves.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Take it easy buddy. In my experiences with TKD guys they don't spar correctly (they head hunt instead of attacking the opponents entire body). They are frequently offbalance because of said high kicking. And when you get inside on them they have no abilities with their hands. If this doesn't sound like you then my apologies but from what I have seen that would make you the exception and not the rule.
Originally posted by ace

In the old day's a Martial Artist
could claim ther style to be as deadly
as war it self.

When event's like the UFC came out it
called there bluff. As we saw most could not ( stand ) up to the test.

You're right thier point sparring served no purpose in the ring.
UFC & other events created a proving ground
for Martial Arts.
BUt it still doesn't make mma any better

Now all dojo's have rules.
We can't just kick the crap out of our
traing partnes just to make sure our techniques work.
so does any real M.A school you don't have to go to an mma school for that.
So no matter what style U do there will always be ruels.
In the streets there are no ruels.

While this is a fact.
The Martial Artist who is use to conflict
will be best pre parid.
again this falls back on your instructor and school. People like you give real mma'ers a bad rep.
If u only train with a a person in a set
U will not be prepared for an anorthadox attack.
kind of like bad boxers who use a predictable rythym.
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