Master Black Belt
My wife and I used to give to a bunch of charities, but decided to just give all of our charitable donations to a single charity a few years ago, instead of giving out smaller amounts all over the place. So, we chose the Autism Society and now give them a chunk of our yearly tax return. They get more from us than they did previously, and others get little or nothing compared to what they used to get (sometimes you need to just give for 'out of the blue stuff' like hurricanes and tsunamis and such, no fighting that). We thought about it for a while before we had out little 'consolidation', as I suppose it really depends on how you view charity if we made a wise decision or not. However, it has at least made the unsolicited phone calls by charities much easier to take. The guilt is totally gone from telling those callers 'sorry' now, as we have what we feel is a good honest excuse. The only ones who ever complain or try to argue with us when we tell them, "sorry, but all of our charitable giving goes to the Autism Society" are those vaguely named police charities. To be honest I'm not sure I trust all the charities that call you unsolicited, but the police ones always sound the most dubious over the phone. They come off like gangsters asking for protection money on some occasions, honestly. And I'd bet a bunch of you know exactly what I'm talking about, too.