When is it ok to Hit a girl

Ive been in a fight with a guy and his girlfriend at the same time. Both appeared to be in their early to mid 2's0 She started it and stuck first with the guy following. I had to take her out first then him as she moved first. Under those circumstances I'd beat and her and like rented mules again. This isnt the first time this has happen to me once when i was younger. But it does seem to be more common now. BTW they both got arrested for felony assault also.
heres a thought.....

Over the summer I met my future wife and I have told several people this

and maybe all these girls are angry that I am off the market..........or maybe I am just being big headed
They want equality then if they hit you hit them back.
If your in danger with intent to do bodily harm protect yourself.

If the intent is to do you bodily harm and they are capable of doing it, by numbers or body size or weapons: defend yourself, if you can not run away
I don't differentiate sex in the dojang (neither do the girls in my school), and I won't do it on the street either. Should I ever find myself in a situation as described, I will let the cards fall where they may.

No "Lady" would attack me in the first place, thus an attacker is merely that. Someone trying to do me bodily harm, and I will resist with whatever force is necessary.
You do women a dis-service when you choose not to hit them in the Martial arts school. As for real life, you hit them when they have threatened the security of the things(people) you have chosen to fight for. This action should only be taken when you have exhausted all other measures of security.
This is why I practice takedowns, throws and joint locks. In the city I have had to use these on an occasion to pull a female assailant off of a police officer. The guys are gonna get pounded. Chivalry ends with gender for me.
When you are defending yourself.
Your opponents gender is no reason to get hit.
I dont hit ladies and ladies dont try to hit me. I am also a firm believer in equal opportunity and try not to discriminate.

Do not under estimate your opponent based on gender a friend of mine (male about 6'4 230) was a BB in JKD and TKD and we trained with each other often. My girlfriend had been training off and on with me for a couple of months so I asked if he would spar with her. (at my school we do not spar with family or significant others) My friend was very surprised when someone less than half of his wait and female was able to take him down. one of her kicks left a bruise about 8 inches long. I think he may have learned more than she did that day.
when is it ok to hit a girl?
when im tori and she is uke and my girlfriend is my partner!

In all seriousness i would never like to have to hit a woman but if i couldnt escape and thought that either i or someone i cared about was in serious danger i would do what is needed
Don't Chauvinistic lads. Hit a woman as hard as you would hit a man!:cheers:
Maybe some girls need a punch in the mouth from a guy to learn what a fist fight is really about?
Thank to all for your insight...i will be sure to use this knowledge if a situation ever occurs...i will use the same force as I would any man.....thanks :asian:
Sin said:
Thank to all for your insight...i will be sure to use this knowledge if a situation ever occurs...i will use the same force as I would any man.....thanks :asian:
I would recommend a high lelel of judgement as well. Force should not be determined by a Gender but by the reasonable threat presented you in a given situation.

Reading and reacting so that you avoid any force use at all is probably the best decision/tact to take.
*takes a deep breath to begin expounding opinion**blinks* Dangit, it's all been said already! I've had occassion to get into one or two altercations with girls, thankfully they didn't turn into full blown fights (shoulder locks'll do that to ya). One in particular was quite stunned that I didn't suscribe to the "you can't hit girls" line. Which brings me to a question I wanted to ask....If a girl slaps you would you get physical with her?
I boxed a woman in 1971 and she was good! She told me later, that if I had not been such a chauvinist, I could have given her a good thrashing. Lesson learned!:)
loki09789 said:
Did you deserve it?:)
:) If someone slaps you - man or woman - is it worth getting into a fight? Did you say or do something unspeakably rude?

I have never thought I was protected from being hit by men by my gender - in fact, I've dealt with jack***es who like to pick on women because they think they are weaker, and in general do not want to start a full-blown fight. Rather than seeing the chivalrous side, I've seen the chauvanism. It's GREAT (sarcasm inserted here).

Remember that if you do go to hit a woman, especially if she is much smaller than you - her head will snap back harder, your punches and kicks will crunch and bruise more easily, because she simply does not have the mass to absorb the blows.
No one deserves to be hit...that is why we learn to hit back
Feisty, What I was trying to get across, is that a Chauvinist is not a man who mistreats women, but a man who believes that women are not equal. He tends to look down on their capabilities. I was taught that by a woman who gave me some very hard left hooks. Have you seen the shots the guy in the "Jackass Movie" takes from the Japanese woman? It was kind of like that for me!:asian: