What's your favorite Bruce Lee film and why ?



What's your favorite 1 or 2 Bruce Lee films he made and please say why, for any one that's named.
GBaxter said:
What's your favorite 1 or 2 Bruce Lee films he made and please say why, for any one that's named.

I would have to say the chinese connection because it showed the political unrest and negative feelings between japan and china that use to exist (i enjoy history and since it has true historical references i think its cool). I also like game of death because its funny to watch a small bruce lee fight with a huge kareem abdul jabar. The footprint he leaves on bruces chest is huge (and i believe exagerated hehe)
Return of the Dragon would be my favorite. Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris is just awesome.
Enter the Dragon

First film of his I saw when I was a kid on HBO. I loved the fight scenes in the tunnel and the matches.

Fist of Fury (Aka The Big Boss). I love this movie because it was the first martial arts movie I had ever seen. I was in kindergarden at the time having a debate with this other kid on what TV character could beat up who. I said Kane from "kung fu" was the best (forgive me). At the time I thought he was amazing. Keep in mind I was only 5 or 6 yrs old at the time. The other kid said that Kane was nothing and that Bruce Lee could beat him up. I had never heard of Bruce Lee.

As luck would have it, Fist of Fury was playing on channel 32 (I can't believe I still remember that) that same night. They said Bruce Lee was in it so I decided to watch it. To say that I was in awe would be an extreme understatement. It was the most amazing display of fighting that this little boy had seen, and I wanted more of it. After that, I pretty much stopped watching "Kung Fu" on TV. Even at my young age, it seemed a little bboring now. I had eaten an apple from the tree of martial arts movie knowledge and was never the same. After we got a VCR, you can imagine whose movies my mom HAD to rent whenever she went to the video store. Just got a nice DVD set of all of his movies yesterday and will be watching Fist of Fury tonight when I get home. Art work. Absolute art work.

I've heard great things about Game of Death, but since I've yet to see it I won't count it.

Enter the Dragon was the first I've seen of him and after that I was hooked. How cool was it when he knocked that one guy out with a single blow (or at least that's what I remember happening)?

Return of the Dragon was also a favorite of mine. Good guys protecting people from the bad guys is always a plus for me.

On a side note, Game of Death II I have seen and it "featured" Bruce Lee. I know, he passed away during the making of the first. They just did the same movie magic that they did in the first for this one. Very entertaining and exciting fights in there. I say it was a dang good deal at eight dollars.
Sigh, okay I'll bite into this thread.
My first was Chinese Connection and is one of my favorites. The fight scenes were awesome and the over-dubbing just wonderfully awful.
Then Enter the Dragon and that was it... A Lee fan for life (heh pardon the pun). "...the battle with the guards was magnificent" as Han told Lee. Also his one punch knock-downs with Bob Wahl. Still gets me giggling whenever I watch it.
The Big Boss was probably one of his better acting movies as well as fights. The flying German Shepards are still funny though. Poor dogs.. getting tossed into the air like that so Lee could kick them.
Return of the Dragon with Norris is a classic. I still wonder if I'm the only person alive that remembers seeing Norris WIN the fight before the standard Lee victory releases that are out today. My memory of that version (Norris) is vague but I do recall Norris walking away from the fight and the credits rolling.
Hm, the first BL flick I ever saw was Enter the Dragon. Great movie. Then I bought Fists of Fury and Chinese connection some years later... Ick. Chinese Connection has some humor value since ALL the dubs (even the women's parts) are done by a 30 foot tall James Earl Jones clone (bassiest voice I've ever heard) The actual movie though. It just drags on and on. Fists of Fury's funny because of the double decker thug bus, but the plot's absurd, and I coudn't ever care about his family being chopped up in ice cubes because they were so incredibly stupid about the whole thing. "Hey, that guy went to talk the the boss and vanished. I'm going to go tell the boss that I'm going to call the police..."
Enter the Dragon and the Big Boss/Fist of Fury.

EtD - awesome, still probably my favourite MA flick. The demostration of "the art of fighting *without* fighting" and the one-punch display against "O'hara" are high points.

FoF- probably the first MA flick i experienced; certainly the first one i remember.
The ones I like are The Big Boss,and Game of death because to me there was more action and fight scenes then the others
Enter the Dragon. I like the seans with the sticks. He kicked a lot of butt in that one
Chrono said:
I've heard great things about Game of Death, but since I've yet to see it I won't count it.
Game of Death has to be my favorite. I can remember watching it when I was little and being completely freaked out by the mirror scene. I can also remember turning a jumprope into some nunchakus hehehe. Ah yes, the glory of my youth.
Firona said:
Game of Death has to be my favorite. I can remember watching it when I was little and being completely freaked out by the mirror scene. I can also remember turning a jumprope into some nunchakus hehehe. Ah yes, the glory of my youth.
I just bought it yesterday, and plan on watching it later today. I'd have seen it earlier, but I figured that I had to watch Zatoichi first.
Equally Enter the Dragon and The Chinese Connection. Enter The Dragon for the scenes between Bruce and Bolo. Chinese Connection I liked the scenes when we went to the karate school and took on all the students.

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