what styles give you fits?


Senior Master
Jul 7, 2008
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we've all ran into this: the guy in the gym that shouldn't give us any trouble but for whatever reason they are just a bad style match up for us. for me, it's the outside counter-fighter; a guy with long reach who makes me come to him. i'm primarily an in-fighter when striking, & a guy who knows how to keep me in his range while retreating really gives me problems.

my kicks are pretty solid, so if i hang back & chop at their legs i do okay, but i eventually feel the need to do something decisive then get clobbered trying to close. during sparring, i often feel as if i didn't score at least one potentially fight-ending blow i didn't do well. i need to learn to develop the patience to chop at the legs until they come to me.

so what is your bad match-up, & what can you do to improve?

I have a student that is awkward in many of his moves and because of this he is some what unpredictable. What appears to be the beginning of one technique may instead be something else.
I'd have to say that my biggest problem when I use to spar around was the grapplers, I was pretty good at keep them at bay, but as with anything, it always comes down to that one moment when they get inside your defenses and it's over (since my grappling skills were and are still very weak).
I am an outside fighter too. Can't do much on the inside and I don't like to get hit. lol My master always says "make him play your game." That's easier said than done.
The most trouble I ever had in sparring was a Northern Preying mantis stylist, but to this day I don't know whether it was the style or the man!
I hate long reach punch and run guys.
I try to keep myself open to any type of fighting/fighter so the style doesn't really ever bother me too much. One thing that does bother me is mentality. I can't stand those guys who seem to always be on an ego trip. They seem to think that the martial arts are about simply about fighting and that's it. These guys are predictable; make 'em mad and they get frustrated and they make mistakes...
The guy who charges in without a whole lot of care for the fact that you're in the way--in point-sparring, at least. If I'm allowed to hit full-power, then I don't mind keeping them away with my kicks, and if it's judo, they can rush me all they want, since it just helps me throw them.
Very big strong men while much skill and power. They have always given my fits.

Very big strong men while much skill and power. They have always given my fits.


i think that's probably normal :/

once after grappling class i was whining about how much trouble i had with strong wrestlers who had good submission defense. one of my students said, "so if a guy is stronger than you, has better positioning, & can defend submissions you can't beat him? gee, that's too bad." kinda put things in perspective for me.

Actually I remmember fighting a gentelman who kept moving his guards. Left hand up, right hand up, etc. That was driving me nuts, I could not get set on a technique to use against him.
we've all ran into this: the guy in the gym that shouldn't give us any trouble but for whatever reason they are just a bad style match up for us. for me, it's the outside counter-fighter; a guy with long reach who makes me come to him. i'm primarily an in-fighter when striking, & a guy who knows how to keep me in his range while retreating really gives me problems.

Yucks.I hate that.Extremely annoying when they have better reach than you.It is so annoying that it can't be put into words here.

I hate long reach punch and run guys.

Even worse when they don't run but stay there posing like a statue while using a defensive stance just so you can move first and then he sees a weak point.If the instructor allows a No-holds barred Anything goes fight and if your opponent is open mindeed to any sort of tactict ,spitting at them as a feint to make them make the first move(even though it's an evade move by moving thei head aside) usually does the trick.

Otherwise,don't do that.It's not polite :)
i'm all for realistic sparring & real-world self-defense. that said, if somebody spit on me during sparring, i think they would be in a real fight very, very soon.

I think I am pretty well rounded. Still have a little problem handling quick guys with some skill, I guess I can get better at keeping my guard and reading the opponent.
I've never ran into a particular style that gives me fits,but certain people can. Goes to show you.
I've always had a problem with taller people, especially when they can easily kick over my head without much effort. I compensate by moving to their outside, quickly. Definitely a great way to get in shape that way, especially if they can move fast!
I usually try to be the guy that gives the opponent fits. I analyze their fighting style and try to adopt the approach that makes them most uncomfortable.

If they tend to lay back and counter - I will press the attack, get inside and stick to them or create a false perception then attack suddenly and explosively without warning.
If they tend to be agressive and pressing the attack - I will be fluid and use circular techniques.
If they're a grappler - I will control the distance lay back and counter.
If they're a fluid fighter - I will use containment/control techniques and strategies.

It usually works pretty well for me unless they're just better than me.

_Don Flatt

Their balance is unbelieveable. Just try to take them down with a single or double leg. Let alone a throw. And subbing them once they're down is tough too. At least for me....

Their balance is unbelieveable. Just try to take them down with a single or double leg. Let alone a throw. And subbing them once they're down is tough too. At least for me....

a well rounded wrestler is a handful, plain & simple. i couldn't do anything with them until i started training judo & sambo. there are a lot of little sweeps & trips that they often don't expect. sacrifice throws seem to upset their game too, since going to one's own back is alien to them. as for submitting them...well, just hope they don't have much submission training!


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