What lineage are you studying?

For me it has been mainly Jiu Wan but i have had the chance to study others such as Ip Man/Moy Yat.
What about Mainland styles orSouth East Asian like Cho Famly or Vietnamese? Anyone got any opinions or trining?
For me it has been mainly Jiu Wan but i have had the chance to study others such as Ip Man/Moy Yat.
What about Mainland styles orSouth East Asian like Cho Famly or Vietnamese? Anyone got any opinions or trining?

MattB, what Sifu under Jiu Wan lineage? There aren't too many of them that I know of here in the U.S.A.
For me it has been mainly Jiu Wan but i have had the chance to study others such as Ip Man/Moy Yat.
What about Mainland styles orSouth East Asian like Cho Famly or Vietnamese? Anyone got any opinions or trining?

Hey Matt,

I've had some training in systems such as Chi Sim Weng Chun, Hung Fa Yi & touched hands with Pan Nam Wing Chun guys on the side.

I would say the way that Chi Sim approaches training is more based on the "Kiu Sau" methods closer related to "Hung Kuen". They incorporate both Wai/Nei Gong training as well. Its really interesting though. Chi Sim utilizes the Sap Baat Kiu Sau or 18 Kiu Sau's.

Hung Fa Yi utilizes "Kiu Sau", "Chi Kiu", & "Chi Sau" training methods in their syllabus.

And in Pan Nam Wing Chun from what I've seen they utilize Qi Gong practices and the Chi Sau is more fluid and closer to Tui Shou similar to Pao Fa Lien's Wing Chun.

But I've found all these systems incredibly interesting.

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