What is your motivation for training in MA?


2nd Black Belt
Dec 8, 2008
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Are you training in the martial arts for sports competition, physical fitness, self confidence, discipline? Are you training to learn self defense? Are you training for a spiritual quest, perhaps to utilize "Ki" or "Chi" and the like or peace of mind? My purpose has always been self defense, plus I enjoy it. All motivations are equally valid in my opinion unless you are training for a reason that is out and out illegal or immoral like learning how to mug people, I'm just curious as to the motivation people in this forum have for training in the martial arts.
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I am doing it for physical fitness and I guess a spiritual connection to the art that I have loved since I started it. Self defence is on the Agenda as well, since I would love to learn the ROKs application of TKD, but it isn't as important, since I was an Army Ranger and should know how to defend myself in a scary situation.
This is going to sound a little new age-y, but I started training because the martial arts called me. I guess you can say "personal development." Fitness and self defense are good side effects, too.

Now I train because it's what I do.
To be perfect and that is why I train, so I will train till the day I die, because I am never perfect.
I got into Martial arts for spiritual growth.

I want to learn how not to fight and I contemplate how to achieve this.

Everything is interrelated so by products will be produced no matter what the goal is it depends if these seeds are watered or left to wither.
I started so I could have a pass to the on campus gym. Then I thought it would be good to learn self-defense. I like being able to stay fit without effort (forcing myself to workout). And most of all, because it's FUN. Plus I like the people I meet.
I train because of the fitness aspect. I want to be in good health. What I like about martial arts is the discipline and self-defense. Also, martial arts is a lifestyle, not a phase like many workouts or diets. You must make goals to move to your next level in order to succeed. It all works in balance.
So, when I get to be in my 70's, 80's, or 90's, I can still get around. To not be frail. I see to many people that don't do the work when they are young and keep it going.

I look forward to being like O-sensei Chitose or Hee Il Cho, going strong into my later years.
To crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of the women. :D

Actually I train because I like it.
Oh, you totally stole my thunder! I thought the exact same thing! Classic quote. :)
cuz i was a little guy with a big mouth, thats why i got into it, why am i still in it?

cuz I am only a natural at 2 things and karate is the only one I can do fully dressed..........
as much as i love the character development, philosophy, teaching, & competition opportunities involved in martial arts, i probably still train because i got picked on a lot as a kid.

just being honest.

Because at this point in my life I don't what else I'd do with my evenings?

Seriously, I enjoy it and I like it as a form of physical fitness. I also have a lot of friends in the arts now whom i'd miss if I weren't training.

I dont know that I ever had a certain goal in mind, all I know is I just love to train. All the other things I gain from training are just perks.

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