What do you know… I am old

I turn 60 this year and my body has been trying to get me to stop exercising for the last 15 years. :)

I have rheumatoid arthritis. I have weight issues. My latest is being diagnosed with hypertension and having to put up with dizzy spells while my meds are adjusted. But I still go and work out. I ***** and complain about it, but I do it because I firmly believe that martial arts is what is keeping me alive. If I retired, I'd be dead within a year.

I see Xue's central point about what limits age may or may not place on what we do. But there are those of us who believe we are still around to do anything because of our MA regimens. I am another one who knows I would have been in the Infernal Regions long ago without MA.

MA so often focuses on potential human attackers that perhaps not enough credit is given for its repelling the Grim Reaper in his other forms - stress, hypertension, depression and more.
I see Xue's central point about what limits age may or may not place on what we do. But there are those of us who believe we are still around to do anything because of our MA regimens. I am another one who knows I would have been in the Infernal Regions long ago without MA.

MA so often focuses on potential human attackers that perhaps not enough credit is given for its repelling the Grim Reaper in his other forms - stress, hypertension, depression and more.

Without MA I am not kidding when I say I would likley be in prison today so for that I am rather happy and it keeps me healthy too so its a two for one deal :)

I have the exact same thing. It usually takes about 2 days to fully recover...I have found that during the past year since beginning MA my recovery time is coming down.

At 50 years old, I don't mind spending the time recovering. And after recovery, I am always ready to get to the next training session.

Good for you! I noticed at 30 that my recovery time was not instantaneous anymore. At 40, I was sore 2 days after training. No change at 45. My wife thinks I have to slow down, but I figure if I slow down, I'll have a harder time getting going. Besides, it is nice to feel a little pain-as long as it is not severe, it reminds you that you are still training hard. Now the important thing is to listen to your body-don't do stupid things. That's the lesson of maturity IMHO.
positive mental attitude,controlling stress,just being downright stubborn.Lately,I thought I was slowing down a bit,so mentally I ramped things up,seems to work,hey your body will tell you when enough is enough,that is why the saying "work smarter not harder" is true,it will find the path of least resistance.....:whip1:
positive mental attitude,controlling stress,just being downright stubborn.Lately,I thought I was slowing down a bit,so mentally I ramped things up,seems to work,hey your body will tell you when enough is enough,that is why the saying "work smarter not harder" is true,it will find the path of least resistance.....:whip1:

Yup, agree, and that is what is going on, but this time... now that I am older... I actually lsiten to wht my body is telling me and not fight it... and surprisingly I am not getting the injuries I use to
Having just turned 40 a couple of weeks ago I sympathize.

Having broken my hip about 13 years ago, I've been having problems doing ANY kind of cardio workout for years. Because of that I learned to train smart early on. After my last surgery a couple of years ago though, I can at least walk(or do kata) in a way that gives me a bit of a cardio workout now. The result is I'm actually in better shape now than I was a decade ago.
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Geting older sucks. I am 43. I rember When I was in my twenties and hearing older folks say, "youth is wasted on the young." I have cervical stenosis and till purchasing my inversion table for my low back, I was less enthusiastic about training. I must admitt last night I FELT FROGGY and did some jump spinning kicks with my students-it was really fun. So what I geuss what i am saying is, on the days you feel good-embrace the moment, and the days you don't, do what you can. This morning I felt energized, and I don't hurt anywhere. I thought to my self this morning, I apperciated being able to still pull off some air time. Youth is wasted on the young. I am glad I discovered that so I can learn to cope with (and appreciate the things I still can do!) changes in my body as I continue the journey that is martial arts. Do what you can while you can!

Something else that keeps me going when I get down about my aches and pains is -there are many people who woke up this morning and couldn't move, like my friend Mark E. who is suffering advanced ALS.
Remembering things like: "I will now render the allegro movement from the Duggi Jig Schreckensnack opera of Gilka Kimmel, an opus Pipitone." kind of date me. :(
Oh,I forgot to add;no one can tell me that outwitting your opponent is not an option....... ever see a Master at work...focus..timing..then wham! Lights out....Mas Oyama was one of those people....I want to be the guy whose head looks like someone dumped snow on it with the topknot the fu-manchu,and the robe,who ends the fight with one punch,ok, maybe two.