What do you know… I am old

I have bad knees to the tune of a couple of knee operation, its really impacted my kicking ability. My right knee is the worst and oddly it has made my left foot kicks weak due to it not functioning well as a support.

As far as the age thing in general goes I didn't realize that I was old until I had the following exchange with one of my soldiers.

"Hey, Sergeant, when did you graduate high school?"

I replied, "1992".

"Wow, really? I was two"

Very painfull.


P.S. It hurt a lot worse when I realized that he had been born in 1990. That was the year I made Shodan.

My step daughter has a routine similar to that..I will tell a story from the years I traveled and she will ask " What year was that again?" I will tell her and her response is " I wasn't even born yet"...
Have you ever heard of "the tin man syndrome". :angel:

....even an oil can cannot help at times.......
Well I am 33 and do knwo for a fact that my recovery time is longer than when I was 23. I do take a multivitamin and if I do a lot of muscle work , then I take a Whey Protein to help with recovery. There are also supplements that will help speed up recovery as well. I am nto saying rely on those all the time. Sometimes it is better to take the 2 days of rest. Just make them somewhat productive. If your other 5 days are physical training. Use your days off for mental training. I.E. meditation etc......
Well I am 33 and do knwo for a fact that my recovery time is longer than when I was 23. I do take a multivitamin and if I do a lot of muscle work , then I take a Whey Protein to help with recovery. There are also supplements that will help speed up recovery as well. I am nto saying rely on those all the time. Sometimes it is better to take the 2 days of rest. Just make them somewhat productive. If your other 5 days are physical training. Use your days off for mental training. I.E. meditation etc......

33 huh :cool: you know you are getting close to the age on my leather jacket :D

Just kidding :)

To be honest back when I was 33 I had one hell of a workout schedule but all I had was time then and it was more intense than my early to mid 20s but then in my early to mid 20s I was suffering form a back injury.

I do imagine though if I had been able to continue working out from my 20s to my 30s I would have seen a difference in recovery time.
Well now I get to see exactly how old I am.

I added Tony Horton's Power 90 (the original not P90X) back into my training (along with my CMA stuff) and this is a 6 day workout and I am going to give it a try at 6 days and see if I can keep the schedule. If not I will cut to 5 again, I am old after all and it is working out to be a great excuse :D.

I have not done this routine in years and I did the first one last night and other than the fact I over estimated how much weight I can use and still keep up, I did ok. And today I am a bit stiff but not as bad as I expected

Of course that whole over estimation of weight thing and keeping up just goes to prove my original point.... I am old :D

But after tonight’s section of Power90.... I may be extremely old tomorrow. A lot of Power Yoga, Cardio and Abs work tonight.
No, Xue, you are a mere sprite.... by contrast, everything in life conspires to constantly remind me of my advanced age. Consider only a few:

A) I trained a new person years ago at our office. HE just retired.

B) All the 11 - 14 year old boys in my daughters' karate classes bombard me with questions about the military. I have become the Resident Old Geezer Who Was in The Army.

C) I overheard a 19 year old girl talking about me to her friend.... how great, how cool, etc...."Do you know what the absolute BEST would be", she asked..... to go out with that guy..... as your DAD!

D) I noted your internal debate about which art you will focus on. I no longer move faster than Tai Chi speed. At all. Anywhere.

See, it's always worse somewheres. I shall now return to the Jurassic.
No, Xue, you are a mere sprite.... by contrast, everything in life conspires to constantly remind me of my advanced age. Consider only a few:

A) I trained a new person years ago at our office. HE just retired.

B) All the 11 - 14 year old boys in my daughters' karate classes bombard me with questions about the military. I have become the Resident Old Geezer Who Was in The Army.

C) I overheard a 19 year old girl talking about me to her friend.... how great, how cool, etc...."Do you know what the absolute BEST would be", she asked..... to go out with that guy..... as your DAD!

D) I noted your internal debate about which art you will focus on. I no longer move faster than Tai Chi speed. At all. Anywhere.

See, it's always worse somewheres. I shall now return to the Jurassic.

ahh that explains it, I'm from the Triassic, I guess I'm not so old after all :D


And to some extent I know the feeling.

And at the moment, after the workout I just did, I too and moving and taiji speed and I am hoping tomorrow... that I am simply able to move :D.
I am much better looking than your leather Jacket Xue HAHA. Thanks ya ol windbag :p HAHA

P.S. Just save me a seat at the home in Florida. Preferably in the shade :p
I am much better looking than your leather Jacket Xue HAHA. Thanks ya ol windbag :p HAHA

You know It is a pretty beat up old Walter Dyer and after having this leather jacket for real close to 30 years...that ain't saying much. :D

P.S. Just save me a seat at the home in Florida. Preferably in the shade :p

I was thinking of retiring to China, will that do?
Careful, China can be quite rough.
Did the 2nd part of Power 90 last night with the Abs work and although I feel a little stiff I am not doing all that bad.

I may be old but I am still moving so I guess that is not all that bad.
Xue, I may be a little late in contributing to this post but can relate quite well to the topic. I just turned 52 and have had to scale back somewhat on my training schedule, due partly to the demands of work and partly to the fact that I don't recover like I did 20 years ago. I had to give up running a few years ago but still walk, do some step aerobic work, and some Nordic Track for cardio...nothing particularly intense, just moderate level for 30 -45 minutes or so. I still practice T'ai Chi and qigong most days of the week and teach a weekly class at the local university. The best thing I did for myself was to take up yoga a year ago and stay with a regular practice four days a week. I was shamed into it when I picked up a copy of "Real Men Do Yoga" and was unable to do most of the things in the book. As an old 10K runner who barely stretched after runs and races, I was pretty tight. And thanks in part to your helpful reply to my question about Hsing-I training, I'll be incorporating some of that into my schedule.

I recently read Andrew Weil's Healthy Aging, and in the chapter on physical activity, he remarks on the number of vibrantly healthy centenarians in Okinawa. He states that their longevity is due in part to active lifestyles that incorporate a wide range of physical activities. This in contrast to the all too prevalent approach here of selecting a couple of exercise activities that often result in overuse injuries. So I'm trying to mix things up and I can honestly say that I feel better than I have in a few years. It keeps me fresh and enthusuastic.
Xue, I may be a little late in contributing to this post but can relate quite well to the topic. I just turned 52 and have had to scale back somewhat on my training schedule, due partly to the demands of work and partly to the fact that I don't recover like I did 20 years ago. I had to give up running a few years ago but still walk, do some step aerobic work, and some Nordic Track for cardio...nothing particularly intense, just moderate level for 30 -45 minutes or so. I still practice T'ai Chi and qigong most days of the week and teach a weekly class at the local university. The best thing I did for myself was to take up yoga a year ago and stay with a regular practice four days a week. I was shamed into it when I picked up a copy of "Real Men Do Yoga" and was unable to do most of the things in the book. As an old 10K runner who barely stretched after runs and races, I was pretty tight. And thanks in part to your helpful reply to my question about Hsing-I training, I'll be incorporating some of that into my schedule.

I recently read Andrew Weil's Healthy Aging, and in the chapter on physical activity, he remarks on the number of vibrantly healthy centenarians in Okinawa. He states that their longevity is due in part to active lifestyles that incorporate a wide range of physical activities. This in contrast to the all too prevalent approach here of selecting a couple of exercise activities that often result in overuse injuries. So I'm trying to mix things up and I can honestly say that I feel better than I have in a few years. It keeps me fresh and enthusuastic.


I did yoga (kripalu) years ago but stopped and I more recently was doing Power Yoga but I stopped again. however I am seriously contemplating putting it back into the workout again starting next week.

What I am doing now is Zhan Zhaung training, Chan Si Jin, the Chen 18 form and Santi shi training as far as things related to CMA. However I have decided to take sections of 10 minute trainer and combine it with other cardio training and see how that works. Things appear to be naturally moving in that direction. I am just see how things evolve

I was surprised to find myself back at Chen style again, but it seemed to occur naturally once I removed the Yang style training
I turn 60 this year and my body has been trying to get me to stop exercising for the last 15 years. :)

I have rheumatoid arthritis. I have weight issues. My latest is being diagnosed with hypertension and having to put up with dizzy spells while my meds are adjusted. But I still go and work out. I ***** and complain about it, but I do it because I firmly believe that martial arts is what is keeping me alive. If I retired, I'd be dead within a year.
Bah, age is nothing. My old man is 70 and still has a six pack and works his *** off each day. He'd easily kick my ***. Age is a number and nothing more.
Slight re-direct back to the point

I am not complaining or moaning about being old I am not in the least bothered by it actually I am just recognizing I cannot do the same workout that I did 15 years ago. and I have had to change it and it seems to be working just fine. :asian:
More detailed redirect of what the heck I am saying here.

15 years ago the workout was rather long and it included Weight lifting, body weight training, cardio, heavy bag training, and forms, a whole lot of forms, Bagua (2 forms), Taiji (Yang and Chen), Xingyi (Hebei), Changquan and I am sure I'm forgetting some (HEY I'm old I'm allowed to forget :D). Minimum time was 1.5 hours and it sometimes went to 3 hours. But I was 15 years younger, single, had a job that was 15 minutes form my home, working 2nd and 3rd shift and had no children.

Today I am older; married have kids and a fulltime day job that is an hour from my home. Oh and I have a home, meaning a house to take care of as well that I was not at all concerned about 15 years ago (mow laws, fix problems, etc.) And believe me I am not complaining I am rather happy about this... ok I was not happy my basement flooded and I have to get the foundation fixed, but I am happy about the rest of it :D

Between then and now I got so incredibly into traditional Yang that it stopped everything else that was not associated with traditional Yang style taijiquan and I decided I needed to stop Yang style for a bit, or possibly forever depending on what happens, to see what comes out of this and at this point what follows is what has evolved

The workout now is Zhan Zhuang, Chen style (18 form and Chan Si Jin) Power Yoga, cardio, a couple of things from Systema that I like and until I cut down my favorite tree a couple of weeks ago :disgust: (it was dead), strike training (Sanda). I am working at building something to put in my house to continue this and so far my idea appears painful enough to qualify as Sanda training :EG:

I could not keep the schedule I had 15 years ago based on time constraints alone but even without those I discovered with the workout I started and talked about earlier in this thread that I need more recovery time and I am fine with that. And if I decide to ignore what my body is trying to tell me (like I use to when I was younger - which ALWAYS lead to an injury) it shuts me down… I get so damn tired I can barely move…. So I just take 2 days off a week instead of 1 or none like I use to.

I may be old but I’m not dead and I do not think the fact that I cannot maintain the same schedule as I did way back when is any big deal at all. Actually now that I have slowed down ;) I have actually discovered an awful lot about the internal side of things through Zhan Zhuang and Chan Si Jin.

And things are still evolving but I'm ok with this :)