What 2 Do After you Quit your Art


Master Black Belt
Jan 29, 2006
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Why did u quit a art and how long was you doing it before u quit?

What did u do afterwards?
I just quit TKD and now im trying to figure out what to do to fill that free space in my schedule.
I've had to set aside training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for a time because of other commitments on my time, lack of transportation, and lack of local training partners.

I had been training for 1 year, and I do hope to pick it up again in the future.

I'm currently filling my time with fitness conditioning using the RMAX philosophy (CST).

Good luck, AceHBK. I really, really miss mat time.
AceHBK said:
Why did u quit a art and how long was you doing it before u quit?

What did u do afterwards?
I just quit TKD and now im trying to figure out what to do to fill that free space in my schedule.

What happened? That is a shock and I suppose it is to you. It was to me when I quit. Did you burn bridges? I didn't, employment taught that to me, so that later it was possible to reconsider and go back. TW
Ace please explain in more detail what happened since I know you and your instructor if you care to pm me that is fine. I'm so sorry to hear wgat happened you seemed so dedicated to your BB. My condulinses (misspeled)
AceHBK said:
Why did u quit a art and how long was you doing it before u quit?

What did u do afterwards?
I just quit TKD and now im trying to figure out what to do to fill that free space in my schedule.

Use that free time to practice what you have learned. Don't throw it away, unless you have truly lost interest.

Meantime, find another school, if you still maintain the interest in the arts.
I quit TSD (not by choice). I moved. But I'm still able to go back when I visit family in NJ and train (for free). I did TSD for a year and three months before I moved.

I have been in TKD for almost 5 years now, and I have decided to switch schools. Same system, different school. My good friend teaches in a near by school, much cheaper, and she is hard core (technique-wise). Plus her hubby teaches me jujitsu, so it's a win win situation.

Just because they are friends doesn't mean they can't be hard core on me. I like that ;)
I went on to college, but when I returned home, all the good schools had closed. So I moved on to a different city, with no luck, and I joined a gym, and that is where I am at right now.
AceHBK said:
Why did u quit a art and how long was you doing it before u quit?

What did u do afterwards?
I just quit TKD and now im trying to figure out what to do to fill that free space in my schedule.
i have quit my art to study
but as soon as i got my BS i got back to martial arts (altho different art)

take a couple of months off, then come back to another art. just make sure you dont lose endurance/flexibility
AceHBK said:
Why did u quit a art and how long was you doing it before u quit?

What did u do afterwards?
I just quit TKD and now im trying to figure out what to do to fill that free space in my schedule.

Try another art to train in.
Hello, Many of us have quit at one time or another, some for reasons of jobs,families,moved, and so on...

What is important, is that we have restarted again. Hopefully for a life time of training.

It is so easy to quit...anyone can give-up....many do....with regrets, later in life, when looking back.

Successfull people never quits or give-up..they may stop for awhile....but always come back...sometimes in something new and different too.

I did quit several times in the last 30 plus years,many reasons...but always came back...so far it has been 13 years straight and going strong. ......Aloha
I've quit 2 arts in my time. usually I put aside at least 30min a week to practise in a spare room, and in 4 months or so I'm back at it with another art. usually it's the clubs that make me quite never the training or the art.

The best thing you can do is write down all the moves you can remember, blocks, kicks, takedowns so that you don't forget them if you don't do anything for several months.
AceHBK said:
Why did u quit a art and how long was you doing it before u quit?

What did u do afterwards?
I just quit TKD and now im trying to figure out what to do to fill that free space in my schedule.
Train in another style. I try to bounce around to learn everything I can. Then one day I met a kung fu instructor that makes sure the rabbit hole is always going deeper.
I like the answers already. Most have a good, philosophical approach - kudos to you all.

Yeah, I've had to leave two previously - one at blue and one at brown. I find life has a serious knack for getting in the way of plans. But hey! We're martial artists, what are we if not adaptable little sorts, right? What was that movie line "Darwin, **** happens, I Ching, whatever, man, we gotta roll with it" ?

Once life let me back in, I found I wasn't even close to returning as the prodigal son (daughter :)) but hey, I found something better. Maybe that's just luck. Or maybe destiny.

When we come to a bridge, we can cross it, burn it behind us or stand on the near bank admiring the water. But whatever you decide, just know you can handle it and you will.

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
AceHBK said:
Why did u quit a art and how long was you doing it before u quit?

I haven't quit anything and I certainly don't see that happening anytime soon. While I may have changed training locations, training is something that I enjoy very much. I plan on continuing on the journey as long as I possibly can.:)

What did u do afterwards?
I just quit TKD and now im trying to figure out what to do to fill that free space in my schedule.

What caused you to quit? As for what to do now...if you enjoy training, why not look for a new school or art to train in? I'm sure you can find something out there.:ultracool

Differences with my instrutor that I didnt like when it came to some new business decisions but more of some major contradiction's on his part. Also being chewed out in a email didnt fly over well with me. Somethings are just not right and I see it and things just went south.

It is ashame that I am a brown belt and would have received my red belt the end of this month or beginning of next. Oh well.

I cross train in Kung Fu and that will not stop but I need to find something to take up the time block that TKD had. I may not go to another TKD school..not sure yet. may do a whole new art.
AceHBK said:
Differences with my instrutor that I didnt like when it came to some new business decisions but more of some major contradiction's on his part. Also being chewed out in a email didnt fly over well with me. Somethings are just not right and I see it and things just went south.

It is ashame that I am a brown belt and would have received my red belt the end of this month or beginning of next. Oh well.

I cross train in Kung Fu and that will not stop but I need to find something to take up the time block that TKD had. I may not go to another TKD school..not sure yet. may do a whole new art.

AceHBK come over I'll get you to you BB and then go your marry way. I tought it was because of his business decission. Damm I'm good.
I would never give up my training because of the instructor or the school... I would take a break for a couple of months, chill out and find another instructor that had the same values and "it" factor that I want in a school.

If I were injured to badly to return I'd try to find another style that I could train in that wouldn't aggreviate my injury.

If I lost interest I'd take a 2,3 or 4 month sabbatical then come back with a vengance.

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