We've Lost one...

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Originally posted by GouRonin
As I read your post I knew you were. Mostly because we're just not friends.

HAHA talk about a comeback :rofl:
A couple of points I'd like to make...

I owe Robert Rousselot an apology.
Without knowing many details, I gave my word to him that I would handle things a certain way. I was unable to do so, and had to break my word. I take that fact -very- seriously, and am truely sorry for doing so. I'm sorry.

I want to apologize to Matt Stone.
I put up a post of my own, reread his, decided he made better points than me then, in a 'newbie' error, nuked his post, while meaning to do my own. In the future, I'm gonna be damn certain to read before hitting 'ok'. I do truely appreciate his reposting his message. Thank you.

I resent the suggestion that it is SOP here to punish both sides of an argument. We ruled based on the information available to us, then when more information became apparent, we modified our initial conclusion accordingly. Neither side is innocent. There is a reason why 1 got 3 weeks, and the other 2 months.

On the topic of 'Bans'...
It is very hard to truely ban someone. If 2 or more members share an ISP (LIke AOL for example) I risk blocking decent folks due to one jerk. I can block off all the free email services, but how many of our members use Hotmail, Yahoo, etc? Its not easy in the least to be 100% accurate.

On people leaving, etc-
I would hope that they wont. Some will. It happens. We will go on.

We are constantly striving to improve this forum, both in its features, and how we run it. If you have suggestions, or ideas, I encourage you to share them with us. I believe that our staff does one of the best jobs of all the forums out there on maintaining a good place for civil discussion and the free exchange of ideas. Can we do better? Of course. Theres always room for improvement. Running this place is like training in the arts...the longer you do it, the more you learn and grow. We are only a year and a half old...we are still learning. Share your thoughts on how we can meet our mission statement of "Friendly Discussion".

Heavy Weight posters - We have a good dozen. I would love to see a few more dozen arrive or develop. To those members who have shared litteral encyclopeadias of knowledge, thank you.

Thank you.
Here Here Bob.

Thank you for your input. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
A couple of points I'd like to make...

I owe Robert Rousselot an apology.
Without knowing many details, I gave my word to him that I would handle things a certain way. I was unable to do so, and had to break my word. I take that fact -very- seriously, and am truely sorry for doing so. I'm sorry.

I want to apologize to Matt Stone.
I put up a post of my own, reread his, decided he made better points than me then, in a 'newbie' error, nuked his post, while meaning to do my own. In the future, I'm gonna be damn certain to read before hitting 'ok'. I do truely appreciate his reposting his message. Thank you.

Firstly, no big deal on deleting my post. I can't count how many times I have posted what I thought was a Pulitzer or Nobel candidate post only to end up dumping the entire novella with a click of the wrong damn button... No worries. Hope I didn't make anyone think I was ticked by your mistake. :asian:

Secondly, your apology to Robert means more to me than your apology to me. Making a public apology rather than simply resorting to a private email means a lot to me. It tells the world what is going on out in the sun instead of back in the shadows.


As far as the equitability with which the situation was handled... I am waiting to see what happens after 1 May.

Ya I don't like RSK very much and have alot of arguments with him. That being said he is very in the know about what he knows we just agree to disagree, and him and Primo have both been real fired up at each other before so I hope he takes it on the chin and comes back. Some of the joy of martial talk is eing irratated by RSK, and iratating him with my bad spelling.
Originally posted by JDenz
we just agree to disagree,

That sums it up pretty good. But thats what its about, dicussion. To a certain extent, there could be someone that is right or wrong, but it depends on who is doing the reading.
On people leaving, etc-
I would hope that they wont. Some will. It happens. We will go on.

I for one will be staying regardless (unless my employer blocks this site). I think the admins. did the right thing. I've been waiting for one of them to say something to RSK for a while. I do hope he comes back, but with a better attitude.
Originally posted by akja
That sums it up pretty good. But thats what its about, dicussion. To a certain extent, there could be someone that is right or wrong, but it depends on who is doing the reading.

Well, I disagree. That statement is far too abstract. In our touchy-feely, everyone-is-special world, sometimes you are just wrong. Deal with it.

In martial arts, there is right and wrong. Period. It doesn't really depend on who is reading or watching or fighting. If a thing is done incorrectly, the same result will occur. This is proper technique. There cannot be two (or more) "best" ways - it is logically impossible.

Now, the application of "best" technique is something else entirely. That is open to a more abstract definition of "right," but while there are multiple ways in which a "best" technique may be delivered, there are simply some things which are still wrong no matter what your belief or interpretation is...

If people would spend less time defending their bruised egos (often when you are given a correction, myself included, it is hard to get past the bruise to see the lesson being taught) and more time trying to understand what is being offered to them, they would find much more value in what is said.

Just my 2 yen. Spend it how you like.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Well, I disagree. That statement is far too abstract. In our touchy-feely, everyone-is-special world, sometimes you are just wrong. Deal with it.

In martial arts, there is right and wrong. Period. It doesn't really depend on who is reading or watching or fighting. If a thing is done incorrectly, the same result will occur. This is proper technique. There cannot be two (or more) "best" ways - it is logically impossible.

Now, the application of "best" technique is something else entirely. That is open to a more abstract definition of "right," but while there are multiple ways in which a "best" technique may be delivered, there are simply some things which are still wrong no matter what your belief or interpretation is...

If people would spend less time defending their bruised egos (often when you are given a correction, myself included, it is hard to get past the bruise to see the lesson being taught) and more time trying to understand what is being offered to them, they would find much more value in what is said.

Just my 2 yen. Spend it how you like.


And that would be where someone (you) could be right.:D

I think that people see things "differantly" and the way they see things "differantly" better explains my logic. In "our" minds "we" are right.
Originally posted by arnisador
This is not our policy. I didn't like this approach in junior high school and I don't like it now. We simply don't do that. I understand that it may appear that way to you in this instance, but I assure you that this is not what we do.

-MT Admin-

Good. In that case, I would have no problem.

That is the biggest problem I have with moderating. It reflects sheer incompetency.
An example...

I know a lot of MAists that seem to like to bounce up and down when they spar, like imitiating a spastic, meth-junkie rabbit will somehow make them harder to hit.

If you try to strike while in the air, or better yet get hit while in the air (something our school specifically trains for, having had a lot of dealings with some low quality TKD schools once upon a time), you will see immediately that failing to maintain a stable stance/posture is wrong.

If, while blocking, you fail to provide an adequate perimeter of defense between you and the bad guy, and instead direct his/her attack into yourself, then your block was wrong.

How you go about getting into (or out of) these situations is the grey area, but the bottom line is the above mistakes are just that - mistakes. And by definition, they are wrong...

Seems fair to me...

Yes, SM was bating RSK. That is obvious, and he got suspended for it.

RSK got suspended for taking the bait. He could've just let it go.

just my perspective.

Hm. Someone specifically looking to push some else's buttons makes it hard to ignore. It's more like setting up a few claymores than just baiting a trap.

Totally unethical.
Originally posted by Marginal
Hm. Someone specifically looking to push some else's buttons makes it hard to ignore. It's more like setting up a few claymores than just baiting a trap.

Totally unethical.

If you look into the history of these 2 gentlemen's posts you will see it goes both ways.
hmm.. JN I think I mis understod your posts. I thought you were trying to say admin is not important compared to heavy weight posters, I was just trying to show why I think they are equaly important.
I started this thread...
My intent was to point out an apparent injustice (at the time Shurite was still "worming" his way around the threads).

None of us (excluding the mods) have all of the details.

Since my original post, many have expressed concern that we might lose a significant contributor...
Others have posted that it's about time RSK got his (whatever).
...some have taken this opportunity to bash the mods...

Again, I say, none of us have all of the details...

An ex-mod has been kind enough to show his *** with lipstick and everything...thanks Rob...

Kaith has apologized publicly for promising something he simply wasn't able to deliver because of technicalities and the requirement for a group concensus...(have any of you been watching the news? the U.N. is in the same quandry)...

So, I suggest we just let this matter rest and see what happens.
RSK will come back, or he won't...he's an adult; he can choose...
I personally would like to see him return, but, I have no influence on his decision.
The worm will come back...he may even be here among us now under a brand new name...eventually we'll find him and expose him, again...

So, folks...patience....let's get on with the rest of the threads.

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