webcams and kenpo

Would you join a webcam chat on kenpo?

  • Yes sounds like a good chance to get some info?

  • No

  • Maybe depends on whos there?!?!?

  • Im a hermit and Ill stay in my kenpo hidey hole

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Me and Jeff have been using Yahoo messenger and the webcam format on it is a ton easier then Netmeeting.......How many of you guys out there are using yahoo (or can use yahoo) and have webcams??

The good thing is you can create a room everybody can talk at once and everybody can view everybodys webcams if they want....

What about maybe setting up a chat once a week or so for all the martial talkers or kenpoist and maybe trade some ideas or concepts on webcam?? Would be kind cool to have a real time chat with all of us sometime.

Whatcha think???

My yahoo ID is bambamhunter feel free to add me
Tunetigress and myself have chatted via webcam on yahoo.

I've also used the webcam on netmeeting, to chat with other people, not sure which one I prefer.

Netmeeting has that neet "whiteboard" option where you can play tic tac toe with the person you are chatting with. ;)

Originally posted by KenpoGirl

Tunetigress and myself have chatted via webcam on yahoo.

I've also used the webcam on netmeeting, to chat with other people, not sure which one I prefer.

Netmeeting has that neet "whiteboard" option where you can play tic tac toe with the person you are chatting with. ;)


Yahoo has a neat little Karate game that you play with rock, paper, scissors. It is cool.
Originally posted by jeffkyle

Yahoo has a neat little Karate game that you play with rock, paper, scissors. It is cool.

And whos the reigning champ! CHUMP! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Originally posted by brianhunter

And whos the reigning champ! CHUMP! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Only because you can hit a girl! Over and over!
Originally posted by brianhunter

Me and Jeff have been using Yahoo messenger and the webcam format on it is a ton easier then Netmeeting.......How many of you guys out there are using yahoo (or can use yahoo) and have webcams??

The good thing is you can create a room everybody can talk at once and everybody can view everybodys webcams if they want....

What about maybe setting up a chat once a week or so for all the martial talkers or kenpoist and maybe trade some ideas or concepts on webcam?? Would be kind cool to have a real time chat with all of us sometime.

Whatcha think???

My yahoo ID is bambamhunter feel free to add me

I have wanted to experiment with this for some time, but I don't have a webcam. I'll see if I can get one out of my next Legal Plan Commission... hint, hint. Man I thought I would have had more response from here, but you never know.

Are these nicknames you guys are using from Yahoo Messenger and/or Netmeeting? I guess I may also need an account and maybe even someone to show me how this works...

You can demonstrate techniques this way right? Can you see what the other person is doing or is it primarily for "talking heads" like on The Jetsons?
Originally posted by cdhall

I have wanted to experiment with this for some time, but I don't have a webcam. I'll see if I can get one out of my next Legal Plan Commission... hint, hint. Man I thought I would have had more response from here, but you never know.

Are these nicknames you guys are using from Yahoo Messenger and/or Netmeeting? I guess I may also need an account and maybe even someone to show me how this works...

You can demonstrate techniques this way right? Can you see what the other person is doing or is it primarily for "talking heads" like on The Jetsons?

Sometimes you get lag and that can get very annoying!! But depending on how you set up your camera you can catch full body movement.
Recommended reading: Walter Benjamin, "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction."
Originally posted by brianhunter

Me and Jeff have been using Yahoo messenger and the webcam format on it is a ton easier then Netmeeting.......How many of you guys out there are using yahoo (or can use yahoo) and have webcams??

The good thing is you can create a room everybody can talk at once and everybody can view everybodys webcams if they want....

What about maybe setting up a chat once a week or so for all the martial talkers or kenpoist and maybe trade some ideas or concepts on webcam?? Would be kind cool to have a real time chat with all of us sometime.

Whatcha think???

My yahoo ID is bambamhunter feel free to add me
I have yahoo + webcam. my id is BengChuan1. feel free to add me too
Hi Folks!
In response to the thread I too use a webcam and Yahoo messager and netmeeting as well to chat and to even teach long distance!!
I've got student in Iowa,canada and other locations who benefit from webcan chat and instruction!
BTW, my SN on Yahoo is KENPOJOE1 [check my profile on yahoo and on aol as well] does anyone use AIM here too?
getting off my soapbox now!:soapbox:
So we just need to set up some kind of schedule.
Originally posted by Kirk

So we just need to set up some kind of schedule.

Kirk...I still dont have your yahoo ID............

Ive had a few people add me I guess now picking a night would be good........What are thursdays like for everyone??? Im even willing to give up my wrestling night LOL
Okay......Im gonna set up a chat room on thurs at 800 Central time on can view webcams chat whatever from there just message me or Ill invite you if I see you online and you have my buddy list.
I have no webcam at present. Can I watch or something? Will this be on a Website somewhere that I can see it?
Basically here is how a room would work..........

Someone creates a yahoo chatroom

calls it "kenpo meeting"

invites whoever wants to participate

people can talk hands free on mic in the room

people can turn on their webcams and decide who can and cant see

but the cool thing is that everyone can talk in the room on mic....

you can view whoevers webcams you need to (i.e. whos demonstrating)

no mic? no cam? no prob you can still type in the room real time

and its in real time

This sounds like a real good way to communicate. My question is if your doing this in central time will it still be 9 my time. I didn't know if this was a part of the country that still did the time change thing :mad: .