We NEED a new button!!


Senior Master
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
As I reflected on an off-the-cuff tangential post that ended up being fairly long — long enough that I was wondering if it may have been considered "off topic," it occurred to me:

We need a new button.

I think a lot of "off topic posts" are just the result of wanting to respond to something and using the easiest method: the "quote this post/reply" button.

Is there any way we could get a "quote this post in a NEW THREAD" button??

THAT, my friends, could end up being the cure to a lot of off topic posts!!

Whattaya think?
It's a good idea - and there are times it would work great - but I can also see times when it wouldn't, because too many times the thread drifts slowly off, so that each individual post is just a little off the one before, until 5 or 10 or 15 posts down the thread the original topic is lost completely. I don't always notice when I'm off. But I could see it helping in about half the cases.
Haven't seen an addin, but I'll suggest it to the programmers.
I could write it, but I would be worried about it getting overused. Usually a conversation is best kept in a single thread, this could lead to a mess...?
I could write it, but I would be worried about it getting overused. Usually a conversation is best kept in a single thread, this could lead to a mess...?

Yeah I think that we'd end up with too many split threads and topics dying off quickly.
As I reflected on an off-the-cuff tangential post that ended up being fairly long — long enough that I was wondering if it may have been considered "off topic," it occurred to me:

We need a new button.

I think a lot of "off topic posts" are just the result of wanting to respond to something and using the easiest method: the "quote this post/reply" button.

Is there any way we could get a "quote this post in a NEW THREAD" button??

THAT, my friends, could end up being the cure to a lot of off topic posts!!

Whattaya think?


Brilliant idea, zDom---admin, can we please do this??
I've seen this in a lot of other forums and it seems to work great. I'd love to see this feature too.

That may also eliminate the confusion about where topics can go.