Warming Up



I just want to know how you guys warm up.

I stretch then run 3/4 miles
I usually stretch for 10 minutes or so before I bike to to TKD (it's only like 3 minutes away though), and then I continue to stretch there. Sometimes I do breathing exercises beforehand, but I usually save those for after class.

How do you guys cool down after training as well?

I usually cool down with stretches and breathing exercises, but sometimes I do some push-ups and sit-ups first.
i cool down by doing 60 kicks (30 each leg), then 50 cruches
I stretch thoroughly, jump rope & hit the bag to get the cardio effect ( I don't run much- in the New England weather it's rarely asthma-friendly climate). Then my workout routine (I show up 1-2 hours early for class) and after class just light stretching & breathing. I drive 1/2 hour home, so I strech again before bed.

Crunches- 100 everytime, I even like them now! I still hate pull-ups.:rolleyes:
i hate pull ups to. damn with adrenaline, i can do 7.:( . i love crunches now too. i love reverse crunches even more
Maybe it's just me, but crunches never feel quite like exercises for some reason. I know they are just as effective as sit-ups, but doing 100 sit-ups or so just gives me a better feeling. Anyone else feel the same way?
I personally think sit ups are harder. Dont get me wrong but i do them right, i use my abs not back. I currently have a 4 pack. Crunches are Soo easy
What kind of warm-up do you mean?

Warm-up before practice?
Or warm-up before a match/competition/whatever?

Practice, it's the basic cardio... Running, jumping rope, etc.
Before a match, it's some very light jogging, some jump roping, and some sprints to get the second-wind going.
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson
I personally think sit ups are harder. Dont get me wrong but i do them right, i use my abs not back. I currently have a 4 pack. Crunches are Soo easy
4 pack? Everyone has a 6 or an 8 pack. You don't develop packs, you have them. The fattest guy in the world has a 6 pack. You just can't see it because it's covered up with so much fat.
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson
I personally think sit ups are harder. Dont get me wrong but i do them right, i use my abs not back. I currently have a 4 pack. Crunches are Soo easy

Well good for you.:rolleyes:
I NEVER stretch until I have done some lite jogging, hindu squats or rope jumping FIRST. The body needs to break a light sweat before real prepping can safely take place. After the lite warmup I stretch for the harder activity to come. I then perform the hard activity. I then do a lite activity to bring down the pulse a bit and to flush lactic acid, etc. I then do a static stretch session as the end of the cool down. The lite cooldown static stretch helps flush/squeeze the spent fuels held in the deeper recesses and properly resets the balance of tension in the muscles surrounding the joints. This is how my students are trained as well. It is not very safe or productive to stretch before increasing ones circulation/perspiration.

white belt
jog bounce and shake out the arms for a match.
for training don't really stretch or warm up lol
Originally posted by Zepp
Maybe it's just me, but crunches never feel quite like exercises for some reason. I know they are just as effective as sit-ups, but doing 100 sit-ups or so just gives me a better feeling. Anyone else feel the same way?

Crunches specifically target the abs. Sit-ups target far more muscle groups. If you want more exercise and can do situps without harming your back, why not? If crunches are not doing it for you, though, I think you need to look for alternative ways of doing them. Sounds like you have the basic crunch down and need some different methods to break the plateau.

I agree with White belt. I get the blood flowing before I stretch. I do jumping jacks, push ups, crunches, ect to warm up. Then I stretch. I stretch again after class.
My warm up is a little more low impact. 30 minutes Xbox/playsation2, 15-20 minutes t.v, bag of cookies or bowl of ice cream followed up by 5 minutes on the can.
I don't warm up. You're not going to have time to 'warm up' if you get jumped on the street so why train that way. It's pretty much a waste of time anyway.

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