video review websites



does anyone know of any good websites that do reviews specifically on martial arts videos? any kind of art would be fine but mostly looking for filipino arts. the only site i know of is united fighting systems ( ). thanks for any help on this.
i like phil elmore's site, he has some really good stuff. there is also but i mainly wanted to know if there are any other sites that have reviewed hundreds of different videos like the one i mentioned above.
Sorry, that's the only one Iknew of.

Try searching on a particular title and finding a review that way.

Best regards,

there is magazine called budo that i read somewhere only sells top notch video's in it. if this is true you may just want topick up a copy and see what they have to offer.
yeah i get that magazine occasionally. the thing is from what i remember is that they only sell videos that they produce. so to me its kind of limited. thanks for the help though, hapki-bujutsu.