Vegas Dojo

The Kai

Master of Arts
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
One of my Ex students (he moves a lot) is looking for a kenpo place in Las Vegas

He has checked out 3

East West Kenpo Karate Studios

Nevada Kenpo Karate Studios

Universal Kempo Karate Schools

I heard about east west how about the other two??

I think that Nevada Kenpo is affiliated with Paul Mills and the AKKI. I'm not 100% sure though.


Clyde can probably tell you a little about east-west :)

I'm slightly partial to Nevada Kenpo, Mr. Herman is with the AKKI and is a top quality instructor.
Although I study EPAK in Los Angeles, I have a very good friend who studies/instructs at the Universal Kempo Karate school. I highly recommend this school (if it is Wayne Lacno's). I have trained there several times and he is a great instructor and the system is very strong/well rounded! If your student is coming from Kajukenbo, it would be an easy transition/if a transition at all!

Can't recommend East West Kenpo! Maybe Clyde could elaborate!

Not real familiar with the AKKI school, but I have also heard good things (great instructor) about John Herman.

Next to LA, I think Vegas has the largest selection of schools to choose from. Your student is in a pretty good situation, any way you look at it!

Hope this helped!
Don't know the others, but you can't miss with John Herman. He is a great instructor with tons of real world experience. Look him up, for sure.
The Kai said:
One of my Ex students (he moves a lot) is looking for a kenpo place in Las Vegas

He has checked out 3

East West Kenpo Karate Studios

Nevada Kenpo Karate Studios

Universal Kempo Karate Schools

I heard about east west how about the other two??


Though in general I don't agree with the AKKI manifesto, John Herman is certainly a good instructor. If it's the UKKS that Jay is talking about with Tallbear, I would definitely recomend it as well.

Don't walk, run from East West, the owner is really off his rocker these days and is losing students regularly with his sheer attitude of omnipotence.

DarK LorD
My Ex student did say east west was big on the "best school/style of everyone" shitck

Thanks for your input