Usat in trouble

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2010
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NW Alaska
My opinion is that USAT is not only trying to consolidate its power and control of the NGB but attempting to eliminate anyone who is providing information about violations of corporate by laws and assisting athletes with future legal claims against USAT for cover ups related to abuse of athletes by appointed coaches and other athletes?

I also think the sooner USAT is shut down possibly by bankruptcy due to so many legal claims if possible the sooner TKD can heal and have a new NGB that may be a coalition of several national groups represented on the board dedicated to serve Traditional TKD and the needs of everyone so we can get back to the business of TKD serving individuals, families, instructors, masters, Grand masters, communities, regions, states, and national forums for those few that want international support.

A truly good service NGB that loves all its members and can be trusted and shoes respect for age and experience will not be broke but have plenty of support from its members. There is far more money out there in non profit support than anyone realizes. Look how much money the Chamber of commerce raised to effect political agenda’s? Some of these same methods could be used if we could get our collective act together.

The comments and information below is not provide just to attract confirmation that we know its bad but should provide a boiler plate of how to build or support the new organization when it becomes available.

Also any of you who have been abused or know personally of athletes that have been abused and are afraid to come forward contact me I will refer you to the law firm that is currently representing the athletes with claims filed against the insurance companies and criminal charges to follow.

The USAT/ through USOC/ Askinas is going to do exactly what it wants to whom it wants from here on in.... The day USOC took over I knew it was all about Olympics and not about Taekwondo students and families.... True masters believe in family, family values and building of the family. We practice strengthening the core and discipline to make life for all better while giving no certain person financial advantage. We teach strength and perseverance to make life better for all in the future.....Any one teaching anything else is not a real martial artist, and they have no care or concern for anyone except themselves.
Until all students of Taekwondo in the USA back away from USAT they will not be willing to change....USAT cares not for the general population of Taekwondo in the USA. They want only the elite and the money.
I'm sad to say I'm a life member of USAT, but they would not listen to me either.
Many of us who have been around a long time would have been more than happy to of helped all along, like we used too. However it was all made quite clear that we of the old school were not welcome, even though we were the ones that built up the USATU from the very beginning.
Master Chuck

Master Rhonda
Larry Cain is a member of a dying breed. Master Cain exemplifies
honor, dignity and honesty. At times, his blunt honesty has insulted a
Good number of people in this organization, because of anyone in this
world, Larry tells it like it is. If Larry says he can't or won't tell
something, he won't. He takes his responsibilities more seriously than almost anyone I know.

Until recently Larry was the chair of the Nomination & Governance
Committee. He passed the hat to Bernard Robinson a few weeks ago,
through a legal vote of his committee because Larry's term is up
12/31/10 and he is not running again. He wanted the new chair to have time and experience before the next group is elected.
Larry is the only USAT Committee Chair to read and follow the bylaws
regarding his committee, with policies and procedures posted and
followed. I don't see the Ethics Committee or the AAC or any other
group's policies and procedures posted as required and his have been there for years.

Larry believes in calling a spade a spade and a vindictive so and so a
vindictive so and so. He has no tolerance for hubris and BS.

Yesterday, USAT sunk to a new low. A friend of mine exclaimed that
"this is more like the Nazi party than amateur sports". Yesterday Mr.
Cain received a call from CEO David Askinas, who is only the messenger, asking Mr. Cain to resign or be taken out of his position.
Mr. Cain's crime in the eyes of the CEO and the USAT Board? He
"communicates" with me. He doesn't toss his friends aside. You see a
few weeks ago when the Recommendations on the Membership Task Force
came out, I sent Mr. Cain an email telling him his committee needed to read these recommendations and listen to the BOD phone call, as there as a lot that affected their committee if implemented.
Mr. Cain sent my email, along with his comment that members should
express their opinions to the CEO, the BOD Chair and his committee.
Because he included my email, he copied me. He is that kind of man; he
doesn't forward your emails unless he copies you. He has honor and integrity.

He was offered the opportunity to fore go the embarrassment of being
tossed by resigning because the BOD respects him and his service. If
they respected him and his service they would have come to Mr. Cain
and asked him about what he discusses with me and others - and what he
doesn't. This is the worst kind of chicanery. It is my personal
opinion that this is to get him off the committee before the ballot
selections are made so ensure that the candidates Mr. Askinas and
others attempting to manipulate the election process want on that
ballot. They don't want a man of honor and integrity involved in the
process, so he has to go. Again, if they really valued him and his
service of how many decades to this organization, they would have gone to him and asked him, instead of sending a "messenger" to deliver the boot.

This isn't the first time Mr. Askinas wanted to boot Mr. Cain for Mr.
Cain's choices. In 2007, when the N&G elected Paul Scott to the
Independent position instead of a female friend of Mr. Askinas, David was apoplectic
, APOPLECTIC : of a kind to cause or apparently cause stroke <an apoplectic rage>; also : greatly excited or angered <was apoplectic over the news>. He was talking about getting Larry tossed because Mr. Scott was an acquaintance of Mr. Cain. Here was the CEO pissed off because the 5 members of the N&G elected a TKD guy with a lot of experience with other groups and could have been a great help with background checks and things - but they didn't pick the CEO's choice, a friend of the CEO who was very qualified and knew nothing of TKD.

If the BOD was really concerned about confidential information
leaking, they need to look to COS for the major sources of leakage.
However, they don't want to investigate it either.

Bottom line, Larry Cain can't be bullied or controlled. This is the reason USAT wants Larry Cain gone. The man has 2 months left of his term and they are removing him? You come to your own conclusions.

My understanding is that he has only been informally notified, with
the paperwork to follow. Mr. Cain has requested a formal hearing with the Judicial Committee.
Remember the Judicial Committee? we haven't had one since March 2010.
They didn't even know the term expired until they read it on my page.

I don't expect Larry to take this lying down, he has never been one to
back down from a vindictive bully and I doubt he has changed.

The message here is - who is next? No doubt the list is long.



Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
We have worked up to that conclusion, so even the most uniformed - like me - are not surprised.
And no, I am not a member, just watching the wreck unfold and curious bystander...
Master Dan

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2010
Reaction score
NW Alaska
AAU is the better organization!!!!

I agree , I also like USTC but what will it take to get things moved over to one group that everyone will trust and work with again. Nothing will happen as long as USAT is allowed to get by with what they have done and not shut down cold.

It may be that we will never have one national organization again? Seems like power corupts and absolute power corupts absolutley?

That would be sad but better to have 3-4 groups all doing great things and cooperating with each other for the greater good than what is going on now.

I hate to say but I watched a Korean Master raise $500,000 from non profit gambling in six months for the tkd program to build a dojang and the money was spent on 3 houses in Idaho never paid taxes, the IRS came in the city took back the land and he left town. TKD will never revive again in that community again.

The USA may be 12th in the world in education now but when it comes to MA they are alot smarter than 40 years ago with many options. The rip and run mentality of the early years have come home to roost so to speak.


Blue Belt
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Not sure I want the AAU to be inundated with some of the problems/people that the USAT has! Its actually been fun to go to a National tournament again after years of the USTU/USAT.

I agree , I also like USTC but what will it take to get things moved over to one group that everyone will trust and work with again. Nothing will happen as long as USAT is allowed to get by with what they have done and not shut down cold.

It may be that we will never have one national organization again? Seems like power corupts and absolute power corupts absolutley?

That would be sad but better to have 3-4 groups all doing great things and cooperating with each other for the greater good than what is going on now.

I hate to say but I watched a Korean Master raise $500,000 from non profit gambling in six months for the tkd program to build a dojang and the money was spent on 3 houses in Idaho never paid taxes, the IRS came in the city took back the land and he left town. TKD will never revive again in that community again.

The USA may be 12th in the world in education now but when it comes to MA they are alot smarter than 40 years ago with many options. The rip and run mentality of the early years have come home to roost so to speak.


Green Belt
May 22, 2010
Reaction score
The next competition they hold, I wonder what would happen if NOBODY showed up. Somebody, somewhere, sometime has to start the fire. Start a grass roots mailing campaign or take out an add in TKD times or something similar. Don't you think it's way past time to stand and fight for what you believe is right? I'm only offering an outsiders opinion, but outsiders look at what's being done and it doesn't put TKD in general in a very good light.
Master Dan

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2010
Reaction score
NW Alaska
The next competition they hold, I wonder what would happen if NOBODY showed up. Somebody, somewhere, sometime has to start the fire. Start a grass roots mailing campaign or take out an add in TKD times or something similar. Don't you think it's way past time to stand and fight for what you believe is right? I'm only offering an outsiders opinion, but outsiders look at what's being done and it doesn't put TKD in general in a very good light.

Some people already have and been threatened for it removed from participating and other things. Tommarrow there is going to be a conference call with a top law firm related to going forward on many levels.
I would prefer this to be handled between attornies and insurance companies and not turn into a Jerry Springer show but if it comes down to abused people not having enough money to be properly represented then enough negative press will have to be created to drum that up including a legal fund to support the athletes involved. The fight is not just for past and present abuses but to protect minor athletes and others in the future we have an obligation to do that like it or not.
Master Dan

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2010
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NW Alaska
As far as Tae Kwon Do not being in a very good light it is not just TKD but the Olympics in general. Parents are being forced to make bad judgments pay extortion fees thinking thier kids have a chance when in fact they get physical and mental abuse minor girls being molested and raped by coaches and other athlete and all covered up to protect the Olympic Gold money makers at all costs.

That is the real scandal and other MA wanting to get into the Olympics should learn from this and be warry of the deals and people they have to make to get thier and try to stay on top?

Honestly everbody got sold a real mouth full over the last 30 years we thought anybody would have a chance that hundreds from US would have a shot and it has really come down to just a few and no real press coverage no wonder the fighting got so watterd down it was boring and commentators were embarrasing to listen to trying to make up something with people just bouncing with hands down because all they needed was just one point ahead. there have been improvements in rules and it is my hope that it will get much better and the coverage gets better so you can actually watch all the eliminations on tv even TVO but its not there yet?

There is a lot of hate for TKD in the IOC and they do not like the current leaders or actions being taken it will be interesting to see what happens many people have switched to more cultural tournaments, friendship tournaments and regionals but those have become so numerous that the number of participants have dropped dramatically for some and increased greatly for others. Like supply and demand it will regulate itself in the end.


Purple Belt
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Rockford, IL, USA
What I find interesting is how many people at the top of TKD organisations do not follow the tenets of TKD (Honour, integrity etc...)


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
You know what I find so damm funny, people talk about trouble in the USAT org like this is something new. They have been doing this since day one of starting the new org. USTU was bad USAT is bad and the USOC does not even care. If you do not like them go somewhere else and compete, there are plenty of tournaments out there. I myself am not a member anymore and have not been for sometime now, I have made a choice to support the AAU and what they are doing but to be honest I have a son and a couple of players that do compete in the USAT mainly because they believe they can make the team and have a shot at Olympic glory. My choice to leave was based off of what I know to be facts and what I know will be done to certain outside groups.

I allow my oldest son to make his decission and he is well informed about my views but the only game for him is the route of the USAT so be it, the coaches I have allowed him to be with I have known for many years and they will have his best interest at all times and keep me well informed about what is going on. If you are not trying to make things better withen the org than all that is left is to find another one like some here have done, we need a new NGB and until the USOC believes this we are stuck up the creek without a paddle.
Master Dan

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2010
Reaction score
NW Alaska
What I find interesting is how many people at the top of TKD organisations do not follow the tenets of TKD (Honour, integrity etc...)

What is the top the CEO is not a MA person at all but yes tenants seem to go aside when money and power enter in even those who whine about the old days forget the reason the good old days are gone as they put it is because people in power did not do what they should have and the IRS came in with a $1 million dollar bill and the USTU went bankrupt?


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
What I find interesting is how many people at the top of TKD organisations do not follow the tenets of TKD (Honour, integrity etc...)

oh pft..

It's a strict 'do as I say, not as I do' policy on top, not just in this case...


Green Belt
May 22, 2010
Reaction score
"not turn into a Jerry Springer show"

Well that boat has already sailed. Any and every time anyone posts information pertaining to this subject, they open the door and the stage lights go on. This fiasco, as Terry and yourself have stipulated, has been going on for a very very long time and all folks seem to want to do is whine and fuss and be vocal on web sites. Your preference is to let the lawyers handle things, but we both know that that is a wasted option. Things have a way of being dragged out and legal costs just keep mounting. Only the lawyers win anything. The folks in charge have been making their own rules for so long, there's really no way to legally dispute what they are doing and have done. If this was not the case, then someone had plenty of opportunity to do something, way before this juncture and if in fact anyone tried and they were unsuccessful, then you already have your present response to what could happen in litigation.

The only way to successfully remove (in this case) bad management is to go on strike or just remove yourself from the picture entirely. If they have nothing to manage/control, then they become inert and are removed from any further control. There's nothing left to control and it looks like that's the only real way to handle this situation. But, it's going to take someone with enough courage and fortitude to be the spearhead and show others the way. You seem like a person who could fill those shoes, so now is as good a time as any to start the ball rolling. Good luck and you have our best wishes for a successful venture.
Master Dan

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2010
Reaction score
NW Alaska
"not turn into a Jerry Springer show"

Well that boat has already sailed. Any and every time anyone posts information pertaining to this subject, they open the door and the stage lights go on. This fiasco, as Terry and yourself have stipulated, has been going on for a very very long time and all folks seem to want to do is whine and fuss and be vocal on web sites. Your preference is to let the lawyers handle things, but we both know that that is a wasted option. Things have a way of being dragged out and legal costs just keep mounting. Only the lawyers win anything. The folks in charge have been making their own rules for so long, there's really no way to legally dispute what they are doing and have done. If this was not the case, then someone had plenty of opportunity to do something, way before this juncture and if in fact anyone tried and they were unsuccessful, then you already have your present response to what could happen in litigation.

The only way to successfully remove (in this case) bad management is to go on strike or just remove yourself from the picture entirely. If they have nothing to manage/control, then they become inert and are removed from any further control. There's nothing left to control and it looks like that's the only real way to handle this situation. But, it's going to take someone with enough courage and fortitude to be the spearhead and show others the way. You seem like a person who could fill those shoes, so now is as good a time as any to start the ball rolling. Good luck and you have our best wishes for a successful venture.

All of your points are well taken and for my self I backed out of USTU and USAT long ago mainly because thier focus just did not help poor and abused children so remote that it costs $2,000 or more just to get to a single event. My involvement comes on the backs of people that have been working very hard for the last 8 years and those now that are seeing the light to trying to do the right thing. There are many good and bad reasons why more has not been done or failed many which I cannot divulge. I can tell you that there are many good and substantial cases pending which have financial support in going forward. However there is a new direction which requires a new outside council expert that will require some funds to do some very important non athlete claims issues. I intend to help the group organize funding for that purpose. If this direction is taken it is hoped that many others will come forward with out the future worry of reprisals.

I agree that just walking away would shut them down but Civil Criminal and finacial penalties and full disclosure of all parties involved will help to prevent this to other young Olympic hopeful athletes not just in TKD that have and are being abused as we speak.

My concern for parents and minors is the future?

Untill it is completely shut down this huge carrot is still being waved out there that unfortunately some people feel they have no choice or can't resist the temptation to be involved.

My second concern if for those persons that have recieved so much abuse and damage that they cannot cooperate with council or proceeding and other national firms or famous celebrity attorneys will not touch it untill it becomes a media circus that they smell money and publicity. And for some it may come to that but how much self destrictive behavior or even death will they have to expose themselves to to get that?


Senior Master
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
North Augusta, SC
How about everyone here who is unhappy with the soap opera politics of these associations just drop out of all of them and just go train?
That's just a thought though and no one will do it. Everyone in the country will just sit around and say their tkd assoc is better than the other one and continue to pay several hundred a year so their black belt won't expire.
Ooh, that felt good to write.

Master Dan

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2010
Reaction score
NW Alaska
How about everyone here who is unhappy with the soap opera politics of these associations just drop out of all of them and just go train?
That's just a thought though and no one will do it. Everyone in the country will just sit around and say their tkd assoc is better than the other one and continue to pay several hundred a year so their black belt won't expire.
Ooh, that felt good to write.

its a valid point if it was just that simple and many people have and many people have quit training all together. But I believe the primary meaning of a black belt and master especially is to serve and protect the weak. Some battles have to fought some people have to do it ( Karma) Its for those who have to and need to others need not apply?


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Well one thing I have notice is people not understanding what the USAT is about, that would be the Olympic side to sending the best two female and male athletes we have at that moment. Hince the problem because we do not send the best two of each gender but the two that certain people believe to be the best. A true fight off needs to be done and we need to send the right people not the one the choosen few say are. Me too many hands in the kettle makes for a bad day for all.

So in the end we only need maybe the top six from the specific wieght class and have them do a fight off against each person and make the right decission to who we send not give people a bye and then certain people fight 6 times others only once because they are special. In the nd people need to be educated and make the move to an org that can give them great competition and the USAT will find you if you are that good.

One last thing the USAT is not in trouble because nothing has happen yet, peole are making assumption they are in trouble if this or that comes out but to be honest some things are so old nobody cares anymore, this problem should have been address at the time and not years later. Why can't any of these so called alligation come forwardf and sue the living crap out of them because nobody wants to take that step into the court room and destoy the Olympics all together.

Remember this is so much bigger than you and I and a few stand alone people, until the masses stnad up to be heard nobody will care and until somebody actually stands up in front of GOD and says this did happen it is all heasay.:asian:


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain

TKD being Olympic isn't but a minor blip on the radar. Considering the small team each country can send, add the controversy over the style, plus the fact that it's more of a special interest group, if they dropped it tomorrow from the program, it would not be missed by many. And frankly, even those with Olympic ambitions might not miss out by much, again factoring the small contingent and the favoritism, chances they get a shot are minute.

(disclaimer: I am not a member, not do I have any illusions that I can make it to the Olympics, short of buying a ticket)
Master Dan

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2010
Reaction score
NW Alaska
One last thing the USAT is not in trouble because nothing has happen yet, peole are making assumption they are in trouble if this or that comes out but to be honest some things are so old nobody cares anymore, this problem should have been address at the time and not years later. Why can't any of these so called alligation come forwardf and sue the living crap out of them because nobody wants to take that step into the court room and destoy the Olympics all together.

Your right it has been along time but attorneys are involved now and nobody cares? past and present people who have been abused including parents do care. To say more now is bad planning but see in 90 days. Beyond current cases to be filed best efforts are being made so that others can come forward with out fear of retrobution its not about USAT or the Olympics anymore its about helping the abused have thier day in court so they can go on with thier lives.

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