upnorthkyosa's reflective training journal



Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-5-2007 - Practice Entry

This morning was cold. Really cold. I woke up and check to see if there was school and I was warming greeted with the fact that it had been cancelled. Sleeping in was nice. When I finally did get up, I felt rested and refreshed and it struck me that I hadn't felt that way for a while. My kids were wonderful this morning. I turned on the space heater in my workout room and started playing with them. Three hours later and after a racous round of roughhousing, I finally did get around to working out.

I worked Martial Arts Workout B this morning. Playing with the kids was a good enough of a workout that I was actually warmed up and ready to go. So I flew through the material and was actually able to add some stuff at the end. I stole some combos from Cro Cop, after watching the UFC the other day, and it was fun to work some of those out. I can't wait to try them out sparring. Did I mention that I am super pumped that he is in the UFC? He's one of my favorite fighters.

Anyway, the workout went smoothly. I found myself working some spin kicks a little more. My spinning hoo was binding on the right and I wasn't getting as tight of a rotation as I would have liked. That took a little time to work out. Also, the beginning of Chil Sung Sa Ro was giving me some problems. I had to think through that a few times before I got the footwork down. I just don't know what happened to that. I had that down to a point where it was instinctual and all it took was for me to mess it up once and that threw everything off. Now I feel like I'm almost starting over and building the body memory all over again.

Oh well, its kind of fun to look at that opening section again. I think there are some interesting moves in there and it is worth going over again.

Here is the form, BTW, if you have no clue what I'm talking about. I have to say again, taping it was awesome. My teacher lives three hours away form me and it would have taken me forever in order to get it back again.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-6-2007 Practice Entry

I did my typical weight lifting routine this morning. Nothing special about it. Still working on those new weights. That is going fine. One thing new that I did start working on again was bunkai for Chinto. I was having a particularly hard time with a move, so I took a break and let it go for a while, just to let it unconciously stew. Now, I think I had a breakthrough...

The move in question was showing something in the clinch and everything that I thought it might be showing was lame. Then I tried a combination push/pull strike to the neck which flowed into a neck crank and that seemed to work. I'll try it out at class next week, during randori, just to test it out.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-6-2007 Teaching Entry

Todays class consisted of performing at martial arts demonstration at a local elementary school. I like to do this with my students because it puts them under stress and tests their mental abilities to perform. The demonstration was part of the local Asian Night celebration that coincides with the Chinese New Year that is coming up. It was a wonderful opportunity for them to learn a little more about the asian culture in more of a hands on way. It's not like our class doesn't have some of that included, its just that this is just another aspect that goes deeper then we get.

I've included a few videos below of our presentation...


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-7-2007 Practice Entry

I worked Martial Arts Workout B today. Everything felt good. Sometimes, I fall so deeply into the zone while doing these workouts that I almost feel like I'm on autopilot. I do forms and I don't even realize that I'm doing them. This happened to me this morning and I took a breath or two to refocus on what I was doing. I'm distrustful of the mindset in which I am totally unaware that I am doing something. I feel like it means that I'm not paying attention. Although, I've heard that this state of conciousness isn't altogether a bad thing. Especially in a real fight. My only problem with it, I guess, is that I can't tell if I'm building skill or not. If I fall too deeply into it, I can't monitor myself. Anyway, balance is good. Some attentive practice and some intuitive practice has to be a good thing.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-7-2007 - Practice Journal

My daughter had swimming lessons tonight and I had some time to work out. A couple of things. My workout tonight consisted of cario. Pure cardio. Many people don't consider this to be a martial arts workout, but I think that it is important. Gassing in the middle of a fight happens. If the thing lasts for more then 30 seconds and you haven't worked on cardio, you're going to pay.

My problem is time. Cardio takes time and with two kids, I have to work hard to have time to work on martial arts. In the summer it's not problem. I load both kids into the jogging stroller and take off for a jog or a run and both kids love it. In the winter, however, it can be a challenge. I hate treadmills with a passion and usually I depend on X-country skiing for my cardio. This year has been a real bummer, however. No snow and cold weather. The worst that winter has to offer. So I finally gave in this evening.

3.5 miles (on the elliptic) and 550 calories later, I'm feeling okay. My cardio level has certainly dropped from where I had it when it got too cold to run. I know I can push myself harder and I wish I had more time to do so. Yet, the ever present struggle with priorities holds the day. I've learned my place over time and I do what I can.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-8-2007 - Practice Entry

Weight lifting this morning. It was a good set. I can't wait until the spring when I can get outside. Right now its -22 below and that is rather unpleasent. I worked some stance work in order to get another set of "legs" in. Right now my set up does not allow me to do squats, so I've replaced that with holding various stances for an amount of time. Then I do lunges in between in order to stretch everything out.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-8-2007 - Teaching Entry

I had an awesome class today. I totally finished the DvD project I've been working on. I started taping for this over a year ago and now I finally have everything that I wanted to tape about our curriculum on tape. Class started with forms and kicking sequences in order to warm up and then we got right down to work.

Alot of the taping we did concerned breaking. I'm not a big fan of breaking, but I think that some of it is important as a confidence booster. In most of the videos, I'm performing most of the techniques. In these, I let my students do the breaking. The reason I did this is two fold...

A. I was low on materials.
B. I thought it would look better to see students who were using proper technique to break stuff in order to show that it could be done.

The end result is that some of the breaks are pretty damn good. Anyway, I'm glad I can put the camera away and get down the business and I want to throw a big "thank you" out to my students for being such good sports about this.

If this turns out well, I may use this project for my final 3rd dan project.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-9-2007 - Practice Entry

I had a very unconventional workout today. I slept in this morning and decided to take my lunch break to break a sweat. At my school, the gym has a weight room attached and we have a couple of old heavy bags that are hanging in them. They are nice bags, very dense and compact. I lifted weights and worked the heavy bag between sets. I was able to put some of the bunkai that I practice against the heavy bag. This gave me a totally different feel for alot of it because it changed the footwork. I can't wait to try some of this stuff sparring!


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-12-2007 - Practice Entry

Getting up this morning was hard. It was a loooooooooooooooooong weekend. My brothers came up and we went fishing and carousing into the wee hours of the morning. Fortunately, I bowed out of that before it got too late. Still, my body can hardly handle what I did do. I think next time I feel the urge, I'll just punch myself in the liver and get on with life...;)

Anyway, I worked Martial Arts Workout A this morning. Things went smoothly.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-13-2007 - Practice Entry

Today, I went through my typical weight lifting routine. There was nothing special about it, other then it seemed to take longer then usual. I was very tired this morning and it took a while for the coffee to kick in. One of the things I like about these workouts is the fact that it gives me time to think about what I want to do in class tonight. One of my senior students isn't going to be there, so that will be a bummer. Still, I think I'll up the intensity tonight. I'd like to cover alot of material and really give people a good workout.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-13-2007 - Teaching Entry

I love to see students take ideas and run with them. I like it especially, when I have a good idea and it really helps a student grow. This reflective journal idea is really starting to take off. Some of my students are starting to reflect more on what they learn in class and its helping them be more focused on what they have to do in order to get better. This is always a good thing.

As far as class goes, they were interesting, as always...

My first class only had two people in it. Lori and Kaia are a fun pair. Mother and daughter are really enjoying spending the time together and I think the practice of this art gives them something special to do together. I feel honored that I can do this for them. Anyway, we worked through a whole bunch of stuff, and to my surprise, they had practiced a whole bunch and had remembered mostly everything that we had gone over. Next week, I'll teach them the 1st kicking sequence and they'll eat that up.

My second class ended up being the same as the first. There was a misunderstanding regarding the class times and two of my beginning students showed up along side my more advanced students. I used this opportunity to really show my advanced students how to teach some of the basic material. One issue that sprung up is that one of the male beginners has shown a tendancy to kick things up a notch before he's ready. I'm going to have to take a little more time in the future to make sure he really focuses on the technique he's supposed to be performing and less on any competitive aspects.

The third class was great. I had my two green belts that are getting ready for red belt and we ended up running through a bunch of stuff...forms, kicking sequences, kicking combos, and spin kicks. Another thing we ran through was some culture and terminology. One of the things on their list was the cycle of creation and destruction and I always have some trepidation when covering this with students. There are so many charismatic charlatans that have part of this narrative and they use their people skills to make up the rest and sell it. The end result is ********...and alot of it. And it's so easy to get caught up in it, especially if you don't know enough to dissemble it. My advice to my students was to be skeptical of pretty much every claim regarding this stuff.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-14-2007 - Practice Entry

This morning was a total wash. My wife took a day off to go to a concert and was gone. And my kids really missed her. It was totall H-E double hockey sticks to get them to go to bed and my son kept waking up and asking for his mommy...until 11 pm. Consequently, getting up at 4:30 am was out of the question.

I did get a chance to work out, however. When I got home form work, my wife was home and she took the oldest to swimming lessons. My son, because of his night time actions promptly fell asleep. I took the little nap as a cue to lift some weight and run through some forms. It was pretty uneventful other then the events that led up to it.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-15-2007 - Practice Entry

I woke up around 4:10 this morning and just laid in bed until the alarm went off. I took the time to go through some breathing and stretching exercises that really perked me up by the time that 4:30 rolled around. Thus, practice this morning was enjoyable and everything seemed to roll out just fine.

I'm really thinking that I need to make a heavy bag stand. I really like the impact training and I think that doing a little more of this would greatly benefit my striking. My only question is how to do it? I may be able to buy one, but I'm wary of that. I can imagine myself wearing out a stand pretty damn quick and I don't want to waste my money. I also don't want to waste my money on making something that is going to fall apart.

Hmmm, this sounds like the makings of a new thread...


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-15-2007 - Teaching Entry

Again, class was pleasent. I feel proud of my students and today, it seemed like I really saw a lot of growth. Things are being taken to heart and I feel like people are working on the little tasks I give them that will improve their art. The content of the classes tonight was fun. The first class, I taught one of my red belt students Naihanchi and he pretty much ate this for up. I think this is right up his alley, as he really likes to bash and *** kick. Our second class consisted of alot of forms and kicking sequence followed by bunkai. Everything seemed to drill well and smoothly. Now, I hope that people take home what worked on and at least approach it once before the next class...


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-17-2007 - Practice Entry

I worked Martial Arts Workout A this morning. In particular, I focused on slowing thing down and really working some of the stances until my legs started burning. One of the things that I find when I do this is that my speed is often covering up alot of technical errors. Thus, it is nice to take that step back and find the places where I may have developed problems. In my next workout, I'm going to attempt to work off of this base and build from there.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-19-2007 - Practice Entry

I worked Martial Arts Workout A this morning. Things were flowing fine and it seemed productive. I wish I could say more, but I'm embarressed to say that I've fallen a little behind on my journal. Memo to me...don't procrastinate.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-20-2007 - Practice Entry

I worked my normal weight lifting routine this morning and it was fine and I also worked with one of my students to create a workout routine for him. Here is what we made together...

Bench Press
Leg Extension
Arm Curls
Leg Curls
Lateral Pull Downs / Rowing
95 lbs x 5
90 lbs x 10
70 lbs x 5
70 lbs x 5
140 lbs x 10
135 lbs x 5
115 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 5
80 lbs x 5
160 lbs x 10
145 lbs x 5
140 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 5
90 lbs x 5
190 lbs x 10
155 lbs x 5
150 lbs x 10
100 lbs x 5
100 lbs x 5
200 lbs x 10
145 lbs x 5
140 lbs 10
90 lbs x 5
90 lbs x 5
190 lbs x 10
  • Practice all your forms.
  • 100 crunches
  • Practice all your kicking sequences
  • 100 crunches
  • Pick five kicks and do five on each leg. Repeat with hand techniques
  • 100 crunches
  • Construct five fighting combos and practice them shadow boxing 5 times on each side.
  • 100 crunches
  • Practice all your Ill Soo Shik.
  • 100 crunches


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-20-2007 - Teaching Entry

Great class today. Everyone was pumped up and ready to go and it was fun to really sweat it out. Anyway, one of the highlights was my experiment with using some of my senior ranked students to help me go over some material. In other dojangs that I've trained, I've had to do this, but usually, my classes are small enough that I can handle everything. My beginner class, however, has alot of people in it and now they are definitely at different levels, thus it really helps to split them up every once and a while.

It turned out fine and I think it was a good learning experience for my student.


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-22-2007 - Teaching Entry

I got back late from ice fishing today and I had to shave an hour off the total time I teach tonight. Attendence was pretty low, so it didn't impact people all that much. Other then that, class was okay. We worked forms, kicking sequences, Ill Soo Shik, and Ho Sin Shul - which are all tied back to the forms.

With that being said, I really feel the need to air out a few things. One of my students is a tad frustrated with me. He's been with me since the very beginning so he has seen all of the changes that have taken place as I've taught. Some things that he learned way back when are no longer applicable and now there are new things that I think are better. The problem is coming because I'm not sure how to acknowledge the fact that he did learn a lot that has been changed or put to the curb without holding him to a different standard then the one that I have worked so hard to create. I wish that I could get across the fact that I really think that what he is learning now is FAR better then what we were doing and that I was NOT teaching him as best as I could years ago.

All of this is leading to some tension...

On top of this, I'm also struggling with this same student's...and I'm not sure how I can even define this, but this may be close...will. He has taken to heart the fact that I want all of my students to take this art and shape it to fit their own needs. I just want him to be a little more cautious about it. It's so easy to get fixated on something that feels good and totally miss something that could be really important even though its a little awkward at first. You need to have the patience and humility to listen and try things and the wisdom to withhold judgement in order to be really good at Tangsoodo.

I'm not sure how to do this without throwing a wet blanket over his enthusiasm.

Red belts = summer and fire and this one is living up to it!


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
2-23-2007 - Practice Entry

Today, I worked out for a longer period of time and combined Martial Arts Workout B with my normal weight lifting routine. I did this in order to catch up from the workouts that I missed while I went ice fishing. The good news is that we are getting some snow this weekend. Hopefully, I'll be able to break out my cc skis and hit the trails for some cardio. I'm also pumped to give biathalon a try. I'm going to contact the club over in Superior.

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