UK Warned: CIA Will Access All Government Data

We have a Romanian au pair who trains with us, she says they have always eaten horse and their traffic laws haven't made any difference. Horses are cheap in Romania and not looked after well as they are easy to get hold of. perhaps being dead is better than being so mistreated you would wish you were dead, life shouldn't be at any cost. It's still a very backwards country, they way they treat handicapped and disabled children is very worrying, they have a long way to get to the 21st century.
PETA here is quite low key, it campaigns on things we do actually worry about such as the badger cull here and bear baiting in Turkey, we don't have veggies or vegans rampaging around either, they don't break any laws nor do they have a hand in making any new ones. I'm not sticking up for them but in Europe they are low key and legal, they have a low profile. If they were allied to terrorists or looked to being that way, we would know. In the UK it has 5000 supporters.
I've read some of the pros and against on the internet they are all American and sound, both sides, like the arguments in the gun and abortions issues, strident, hysterical and name calling. makes my head ache!
I'm sure you are right about the American PETA but until they do similiar things here we can't say much against them as there is little to say against them!

They ARE in Europe. they HAVE their hands in the pot.
At least when they throw paint at you you can kick their behind...this way they are sneaky and dangerous, plus they have money.
Yes, the treatment of animals in many parts of the world leaves a lot to be desired. But bans don't help the animals, it leaves them quiet dead.

The problem is not so much that the particular animal is dead. Yes, there are worse things than death.

But it will before long cut into our way of life, how we own our animals.

Much of the same players that weighed in with their expertise have been working for years against the handful of people who run the carriages in NYC.
There are no welfare concerns, just animal rights propaganda and outright lies. The package it the poor kittens and puppies....

They are working tireless on putting innocuous wording into law: a horse must have access to water 24/7....sounds good, until you saddle up and go on a trail are now de facto in violation of the law. Bummer.
Seriously, just because these people do not run about screaming - which seems to be a wonderful diversion for the actual work they do, lobbying - does not mean they are not dangerous.

sorry, Love.

you said apathy was bad...see, I don't have apathy....I am quiet passionate.

sooooo, I am on topic. :D

the CIA has been spying, the others have been spying....some people spy for both sides....some sell their soul for money.

there are some things the public needs to know, but for most parts the public doesn't get it anyhow, and if they don't know what they don't understand, it keeps them from going into panic.
sorry, Love.

you said apathy was bad...see, I don't have apathy....I am quiet passionate.

sooooo, I am on topic. :D

the CIA has been spying, the others have been spying....some people spy for both sides....some sell their soul for money.

there are some things the public needs to know, but for most parts the public doesn't get it anyhow, and if they don't know what they don't understand, it keeps them from going into panic.

That was a long, round-about way of saying "ignorance is bliss." LOL
perhaps PETA however has some things right, things you don't have in America.

I think the CIA will enjoy going through all the minutiae of our governments and the EU governments workings, it might kept them from poking their noses where they aren't wanted.
perhaps PETA however has some things right, things you don't have in America.

I think the CIA will enjoy going through all the minutiae of our governments and the EU governments workings, it might kept them from poking their noses where they aren't wanted.

It will put them to sleep I bet.

gawd, PETA is working overtime...yep, that's the material that's the fertile ground for them to craft their bills on.
Precisely that material.

yeah, we got puppy mills, raisng, or rather churning out digs by the hundreds and thousands....keeping the breed stock in small cages in filth, pulling the pups from their mothers and siblings as young as 5 weeks....

we have dog fighting, horse tripping, the odd pervert who is into bestiality, we have people who just leave the animals to starve or abandon them to fend for themselves.

In geramny there is a law on the book, drafted to outlaw cropping of ears and docking of tails...the way it reads it prohibits the destruction of living tissue...sounds good, right?
but testicles fall under that as if you actually applied the law, you would violate it by gelding your colts, and heaven knows, most colts make better geldings. It also would put branding on the bad side of the law. I am afraid that until smart phones can reliably pick up micro chips, there is no real alternative for a brand yet.

Nobody likes animal abuse.
But you never invite the wolves in to guard the sheep.
You have to do it the hard way. A person, one animal at a time.
Like the Gambia horse and donkey trust. They teach the owners of the animals how to treat the animals, how to give them basis health care.
They also teach the villagers trades that benefit the animals, like the black smiths learn how to make better bits that won't cut the tongues out of the donkey's mouth. It benefits the humans, too. They teach the children that the animal has to be fed before it can work.
but they don't go in, wag their fingers at the people, scald them and take their animals and livelyhoods.

PETA uses the instance you lined (last didn't work btw) to craft bills that mess everybody up.
Like I said. nobody wants the poor donkey kicked around on the market square. but when PETA and their ilk are done with the bill, you can't have a donkey anymore.

10-15 years ago there were people interested in legislating dog breeders. numbers of kennels, size of kennels, number of dogs, etc...fingers pointed at th disgusting puppy mills...
Too bad that most breeders don't even have a single kennel, their dogs live in their homes with them.
They have many dogs because they have multiple generations of their program.....the proposal would have effectively shut them down.
'Dog breeder' has by now become a bad name.
breeder of anything is now a stigma! PETA and HSUS are lobbying for horse breeders to be required to take back any and all they breed....(oh and them getting the 'foal tax' lol...yeah, animal welfare isn't their goal $$$ and lots of it is though) Impractical over the possible lifespan of a horse of 30 years....
As it is, many good breeders are calling it quits, age and economy doing them in. Not many come through the ranks, again, breeder is a bad word...
In a few years, should the economy allow for expensive hobbies again, we will find that there will be a lot less horses to go around, making the hobby prohibitively expensive. But that is just my prognosis. But when a lot less normal people own horses, it will be a lot easier to attack the ones that do have the money, use class envy to further the agenda....

(Am I sounding like billie yet? Seeing a Democrat behind every corner?)
They aren't campaigning here for any of that though, with only 5000 supporters who probably aren't that active they would have trouble doing much harm. Like most things here what CC would call apathy is us doing things the way they should be, without fuss and efficiently. We don't make great fusses about things, we don't like the strident, we quietly go about eliminating things that really annoy us, it's why we've lasted so long and haven't been invaded since 1066! We just wear people down with our politeness, impassiveness and sense of humour lol.
They aren't campaigning here for any of that though, with only 5000 supporters who probably aren't that active they would have trouble doing much harm. Like most things here what CC would call apathy is us doing things the way they should be, without fuss and efficiently. We don't make great fusses about things, we don't like the strident, we quietly go about eliminating things that really annoy us, it's why we've lasted so long and haven't been invaded since 1066! We just wear people down with our politeness, impassiveness and sense of humour lol.

you underestimate their sneakiness.

Fox hunting comes to mind....the fox still dies at the end...they are there, they are active. You better watch them.
you underestimate their sneakiness.

Fox hunting comes to mind....the fox still dies at the end...they are there, they are active. You better watch them.

You haven't met many British farmers and country people lol! they go back generations, generations and generations, they've seen off the Romans, the Vikings, enveloped the Normans, seen off the French, Spanish and Germans, a few animal rights people won't phase them. Nutters only survive in a place that is willing to put up with them.
You haven't met many British farmers and country people lol! they go back generations, generations and generations, they've seen off the Romans, the Vikings, enveloped the Normans, seen off the French, Spanish and Germans, a few animal rights people won't phase them. Nutters only survive in a place that is willing to put up with them.

and they still passed hunting bans...the fox still dies, the hounds become unemployed and unemployable....

But I grant you that, it's city folk passing laws because the country folk can't be left to their own devices...
(oh darn...overlapping people there, too....)

Ok, I am making myself paranoid now. I shall stop reading now.

brb, need to run and get some coconut rum to drown out the little voices.

No, really, sadly, country people have jobs, and things to do, other than to conspire how to rob other people of their right to be with animals....
We are still hunting, the hounds haven't been put down and nor the horses and the foxes eat children's fingers in the cities. (going back to another thread this is on land that once belonged to Richard the Third's maternal grandparents) and a damn good day it is too!

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