uh.. Hello everyone.


White Belt
Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
I'm Yun, from Korea. Became 19 in this coming octover.
Korean, but not really KMA practitioner.

I was been in Michigan for 10 months, and guess what.
The guy who took me as a host family was a martial artist!
(Guro Buzz, in Kuntaw, you can find him here on MT)
There I learned various FMAs and became one of the greatest fans.
I don't mind about any opinions you can ever imagine, so feel free to ask.

Well, since I'm Korean, I can help anyone who wonders about Korea,
Korean thing, and I'm more than welcome to help you out if you are in Korea already.

thanks and later
Welcome to Martial Talk! :)

Greetings and Welcome to MT...
I'm Yun, from Korea
Well, since I'm Korean, I can help anyone who wonders about Korea,
Korean thing, and I'm more than welcome to help you out if you are in Korea already.

thanks and later

Hey there welcome aboard to MartialTalk. So, since you're native Korean I have to ask the obvious question, in addition to FMAs have you ever practiced the Korean arts, say Tang Soo Do or my favorite, Taekwondo? I think I know the answer.

Anyway, happy posting... :asian:
Welcome Yun, I remember you well from the seminar in Alma!
First off, Welcome to MT! Secondly, welcome to America. I hope that you enjoy your time both in the country and on MT.
Hey there welcome aboard to MartialTalk. So, since you're native Korean I have to ask the obvious question, in addition to FMAs have you ever practiced the Korean arts, say Tang Soo Do or my favorite, Taekwondo? I think I know the answer.

Anyway, happy posting... :asian:

well actually Hapkido it is. I was first degree black belt in HKD.