Training With Balloons


Black Belt
Jan 11, 2005
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I'm sure I'm not the first person to discover this, but thought I'd share my experience all the same.

We went to a birthday party the other day, and my 2 year old son was infatuated with the helium balloons that were there. So much so that we ended up taking one home with us (with permission of course!). After a day of being played with, it started to lose most of its buoyancy and was kind of floating at about hip level. Without even thinking, I launched a spinning side kick into the balloon. Despite my awesome power, it only moved about 3 feet before it started to "hover" again. So, seeing my enemy was still standing, I threw a nice roundhouse kick at it and followed that up with a reverse ridgehand. Pretty soon, I was winded after moving around my living room sparring with a half deflated helium balloon.

If you havnen't yet discovered this treat, I fully recommend it. The balloon moves around enough that you have to move with it, and you can get a good sense of timing and distance while getting in some good practice. Not quite the same as a real person hitting you back, but it beats shadow boxing any day of the week.
Good idea, Yeti! I've done this myself many times and have found it to incorporate a lot of concepts.

I am always trying to find, and utilize, as many different (and useful) training techniques as possible. I had posted a few ideas a ways back but had forgotten I ever did this.

My twins' birthday is this Thursday. *Steals baby's balloon and makes him cry.* Thanks for the reminder.
It is alot of fun :) We've used bubbles blown by fans, kicking and a bit of falling practice as the floor gets slippery ;)

We've hung tennis balls from the ceiling on fishing line at various heights, students of all levels enjoy kicking them. Plus it's great to see their faces when they attain the highest strung ball with their kick :)

Thats a great way to improve your kicking. A moveing target is always fun to play with.

Bubbles I hadn't realy thought of that I think I'll have to try that also
We've done that at my house, but I found it's much easier for geezers like me to wait until all the helium's out and they're bouncing on the floor. :lol2:
If you get the ballons with the little weights attached to the end they make great punching and kicking targets. They are great for Kid's parties at the dojang.

As part of accurracy training we would use practice golf balls (wiffle type) at different levels for all our kicks and punches.
It is a lot of fun to kick and punch at balloons/wiffle balls, suspended paper.

But, don't you feel kind of strange when all you can think about at a little kids' party is kicking the balloons? I know I do....eventually. :)

Oh my god I have not done this in almost two year, got to do it after thanksgiving. Thanks for the reminder
I've done that and found, to my great surprise, that it was HARD to hit a small (as opposed to a heavy bag) moving target. LOL.
Miles said:
But, don't you feel kind of strange when all you can think about at a little kids' party is kicking the balloons? I know I do....eventually. :)
With (5) five kids involved in taekwondo at different levels, ages and abilities I don't find to many thimngs strange anymore. :)
Miles said:
But, don't you feel kind of strange when all you can think about at a little kids' party is kicking the balloons? I know I do....eventually. :)
With (5) five kids involved in taekwondo at different levels, ages and abilities I don't find to many things strange anymore. :)
TX_BB said:
With (5) five kids involved in taekwondo at different levels, ages and abilities I don't find to many things strange anymore. :)

TX BB, between you and Terry, you have an entire team! Good job keeping everyone involved! Do they all like kicking balloons?

Miles said:
TX BB, between you and Terry, you have an entire team! Good job keeping everyone involved! Do they all like kicking balloons?
I'll tell you after my daughters Birthday Party since they will all be there.
Miles said:
TX BB, between you and Terry, you have an entire team! Good job keeping everyone involved! Do they all like kicking balloons?

Hey we do not have an entire team just two/thirds.:rolleyes:
PS thanks miles me and TXBB are good friends and our familys,although seperate are just like family. It is always good to have a team ready with a blink of an eye.

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