Tournament tested what does it really mean


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
In the world of tournaments what does it really mean to be tournament tested, is it worth anything now adays or not.
I don't know, really. I'm not tested at tournies. I don't believe any TKD style people are (rarely if any). But I believe the Judo guys still do that. Bignick may be able to tell ya.
terryl965 said:
In the world of tournaments what does it really mean to be tournament tested, is it worth anything now adays or not.

Worth anything? Most definately. I believe so anyway. All inclusive? No way. I beieve it's an added plus to any practitioner's learning experience. To what degree depends on the practitioner.
I don't require students to compete at tournaments but many do. I think it is important for a student to face their fear of performing in front of a large crowd, spar someone from a different school, and see other people's dedication. I have had a couple of students who really reacted positively after tournaments (unfortunately in both instances, their learning experience was that they were not the best fighter in their respective divisions-both came back to the dojang with a renewed sense of dedication).

Miles did bring up a good topic that I kind of know. For our association (at least in my dojang), we are required to compete, at least, twice before we test for BB. Well, that's what I heard anyways. I always compete, so I wouldn't know if it's true.
In my dojang competiting in a tourney is required to advance to Black, but irrespective of that requirement, I wanted to compete in tournaments since I started my TKD training. I think it's gives one a positive experience and, yes it does let one confront any fears or anxieties one has about going one to one against another practitioner.

Tournaments are usually an all day thing, from the early morning check in, through the poomse competition and finally to the kyorugi scrapping competition that starts in the afternoon and goes to the evening. Just the heavy training and preparation leading to a tourney is hard but it's very rewarding after it's all over. The adrenaline I get from competiting in TKD tournaments is so great. To compete in front of a crowd of strangers, family and friends is a reward in itself. I used to play high school football, and the adrenaline high I used to get then, playing in front of crowds, getting ready to pound and get pounded by opponents hasn't been matched for me until I started competing in tourneys. And I was just a high school athlete. MA tournaments are a cool experience for any martial artist... :asian:
I got into TKD b/c my instructor got a new school and I was one of his first students so I had nothing but private lessons. Now I was never the one for tournaments b/c to me fighting is something that I see as a laaaast resort.
Im not one for tournaments cause I dont feel like I should prove anything. Am I taking the wrong MA in retrospect?
I will be a blue belt this friday after a year of hard work and now....I dont care about belts and I dont care about tournaments. I care about just learning.
Does this mean TKD isnt for me since it is seen as only a sport and nothing more? I do hate the bad rep TKD has and wished it didnt have that. I dont like sparring and I cant at least go for the face, feels so restrictive.